
Voter suppression: UK Voter ID

Two elections here; waste of time Town Council (they do nothing, have no impact and have an budget too small to fill a single pothole), and the Borough Council.

Letter from labour, and a leaflet from Tories and nothing from LibDems or the Greens.

Only canvassing so far from Labour.

Our postal votes are in the post
Hope Not Hate are suggesting 23.8% of people don’t know about the new Tory-mandated ID cards (HopeNotHate). The site can pull up poll data by postcode. It is 19% here and a lot will not have, or at this stage even be able to get any of the Tory-approved ID.

Gerrymandering is remarkably effective. The Tories are in such a mess even their biased FPTP rigging will fail them so, as ever, they play dirty.
Possibly mentioned already, but worth mentioning again, you can use out of date photo id’s:

No doubt mentioned long ago, but NOT requiring ID to vote is an anomaly amongst western democracies.

NI has required it for a very long time.

More PFM political waffle and hullabaloo over less than nothing.
No doubt mentioned long ago, but NOT requiring ID to vote is an anomaly amongst western democracies.

NI has required it for a very long time.

More PFM political waffle and hullabaloo over less than nothing.
Context is important: quite apart from the larger political picture, including other electoral reforms, and the laughably inconsistent implementation, the UK is anomalous in not having any kind of national ID card scheme.

Implementation in NI apparently had a significant impact on voter turnout.

The effect will probably be marginal but in a political context where two barely distinguishable parties compete for a deliberately demotivated and under-informed electorate, marginal differences can determine electoral outcomes.

At the same time it's not exactly the main issue here.
I've just voted. I took the voter ID issued by the council, but out of cussedness, I thought I'd try my German driving licence issued in 1981. It was fine, even though 42 years have elapsed, and I don't much look like me ! That's rural Herefordshire for you.
I've just voted. I took the voter ID issued by the council, but out of cussedness, I thought I'd try my German driving licence issued in 1981. It was fine, even though 42 years have elapsed, and I don't much look like me ! That's rural Herefordshire for you.
The id check was very casual for me too. No matching of my details to any other data. Just a quick look at my bus pass. Simple to fake.
I see we have huge issues with polling station fraud..


A total of 13 cases of alleged personation fraud were recorded by police forces in 2022.

The offence of personation involves someone pretending to be someone else so they can use that person’s vote. This can happen at a polling station, with a postal vote, or a proxy vote (where a voter has appointed someone else to cast their vote for them).

Just over half of those cases (7) involved allegations of personation in polling stations. All those cases resulted in the police taking no further action because there was no evidence or insufficient evidence.

This table shows the number of personation allegations and their outcomes.

Personation type Number of allegations Outcome type and number
Polling station 7 No further action: 7
Postal 3
No further action: 2

Under investigation: 1

Proxy 3
No further action: 2

Locally resolved: 1"

Data taken from the ~electoral Commission website.
Decided to vote in the end, ID thoroughly checked. Even did the look up, down and up again at the driving license! Wasn’t even a labour candidate standing.
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No doubt mentioned long ago, but NOT requiring ID to vote is an anomaly amongst western democracies.
Most countries have a national ID card, which is issued to ALL adults, so no gerrymandering from that. Playing games with voters addresses and assigning them to absurd polling stations - yes, that happens

