
Voter suppression: UK Voter ID

The Greens have taken Arundel in West Sussex. You could not imagine a more traditionally true blue town. The Tories will not be sleeping well tonight.
Well, TBF, some forum contributors did say they would vote Green instead of Tory this time and it looks like some Tories have actually followed through if you’ll pardon the expression.
-1054. 4 councils to go.

Well, TBF, some forum contributors did say they would vote Green instead of Tory this time and it looks like some Tories have actually followed through if you’ll pardon the expression.
Thank you for conjuring up that image. Now it will be me not sleeping well tonight.
The Greens have taken Arundel in West Sussex. You could not imagine a more traditionally true blue town. The Tories will not be sleeping well tonight.
Been decimated in Brighton tho,’ with both the leader and deputy leader losing their seats.
I don't know what they're doing... almost all the results have been declared and their figures are completely different to the BBC and the Indie. They're claiming Labour have gained 617 seats, BBC says 527!
This puzzled me last year. The explanation is that The Guardian uses a different reference point to the BBC.

One uses the numbers immediately after the last local council elections.

The other uses current numbers, which reflect defections, by-elections, etc. since the last local council elections.

Can't remember which way round it is though.

Personally, I think using the previous set of results as the benchmark is clearer and more logical.
Excellent news re UKIP - no councillors left at all. Reform appear to have taken over the mantle by winning 6 seats of their own, but in terms of the number of seats contested it is far less than the kippers managed.

The grauniad is reporting 960 tory seats lost, whereas the BBC says 1061, so I'm cheering on auntie in this matter.

Unfortunately my council in Braintree has stayed stubbornly blue, but then again overall education levels here are very low.
The Greens have made huge gains. They’ve taken Lewes council in East Sussex where the Tories have been totally wiped out, losing every seat. But it’s sobering to consider that the only place they’ve ever been the biggest party- Brighton- they have been routed.
The Greens have made huge gains. They’ve taken Lewes council in East Sussex where the Tories have been totally wiped out, losing every seat. But it’s sobering to consider that the only place they’ve ever been the biggest party- Brighton- they have been routed.

It shows that they're having to implement Tory cuts too. Voting Green (like voting Labour) won't achieve anything at all unless it's backed up with action. It's not how good the people are or their good intentions but the limitation of our 'democracy.' Protest and action would put great strain on the middle class Greens, as it does Labour, for the same reasons.
The press all over labour gains. I've worked under Labour governments, and to suggest they are without fault is naïve... all IMHO of course. I do agree with @gavreid (for once) - actions speak louder than words or posturing.
It show that they're having to implement Tory cuts too. Voting Green (like voting Labour) won't achieve anything at all unless it's backed up with action. It's not how good the people are or their good intentions but the limitation of our 'democracy.' Protest and action would put great strain on the middle class Greens, as it does Labour, for the same reasons.
They’re similar to the SNP in that they accommodate a wide spectrum of political orientation. Their rhetoric is often radical but their core is small, alternative business people who profess what is essentially ‘ethical capitalism.’

At their height, they had 22 councillors on Brighton & Hove council. Many had the right instincts but the wrong politics. It did make a tangible difference in some ways (as did having Caroline Lucas as the MP). But they were completely split down the middle in terms of a radical and a Blairite wing, and in their support for the refuse workers during their dispute with B&H council. Caroline Lucas was the only MP I saw on the picket lines, Labour were nowhere to be found.

