
Vast Brexit thread merge part IV

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Raab this morning on R4,

“And, overall, what Northern Ireland businesses get is remaining part of the UK customs territory, no infrastructure at the border with the Republic and frictionless access to the single market. It is a cracking deal for Northern Ireland businesses”.

So it would seem frictionless access to the single market is great for business? WTF!
Yes I heard that too, it's a quite stunning thing for him to say. Does he not realise what that means. What a Berk.
My guesstimate is an extension followed by a GE in November, and a probable landslide for BJ, followed by up yours delors. I strongly suspect that's the plan, anyway.

I don't know how Johnson will sell the broken 'dead in a ditch' promise, or buy off Farage, but I don't doubt that's all somewhere in the masterplan.

You still think there’s a plan!

Yes, agree - very good post - but if his record has been beyond reproach, why does the issue keep coming back to haunt Labour time and time again?
Because it's an orchestrated smear campaign. It won't go away until the people orchestrating it stop.

Corbyn - the target - can't make it stop.
Because it's an orchestrated smear campaign. It won't go away until the people orchestrating it stop.

Corbyn - the target - can't make it stop.
Who is orchestrating it, and if it's not from within the party then why are Jewish Labour members of some repute decrying his lack of action?

Has this been confirmed?
Who is orchestrating it, and if it's not from within the party then why are Jewish Labour members of some repute decrying his lack of action?
The Israel lobby, the BBC, most mainstream newspapers including the Guardian, the right-wing Blairites within the Labour Party and the British security establishment, plus of course the Tories and other political opponents who regurgitate it all.

This is because Corbyn is against the regime change wars that have been waged since the turn of the century, seeks to cease arms sales to the tyrants in Saudi Arabia and supports the oppressed Palestinian people.

Lousie Ellman is (or I guess was) chairperson of Labour Friends of Israel. This group shills for the state of Israel, pretending it supports a two-state solution that everybody knows is a) geographically impossible due to illegal settlement building and b) not possible anyway because the Israelis are 100% against it.

It's role, like the role of the Israel lobby in the US, France and anywhere else it is is to provide diplomatic cover for the illegal occupation and colonisation of the land designated for a Palestinian state.

As such, given Corbyn is totally opposed to these crimes, it is the Israel lobby's absolute top priority to stop him becoming PM.

Is this not obvious?
I have a good mate who is a Labour MP. He tells me the whips are not wasting too much of their time on a handful of lost causes but they’re being ‘advised’ that an abstention is the only choice for them if they want a future in the Labour Party. And even that might not suffice. His words not mine.

He also tells me he knows of four Tories who will definitely vote against the deal.
The Israel lobby, the BBC, most mainstream newspapers including the Guardian, the right-wing Blairites within the Labour Party and the British security establishment, plus of course the Tories and other political opponents who regurgitate it all.

This is because Corbyn is against the regime change wars that have been waged since the turn of the century, seeks to cease arms sales to the tyrants in Saudi Arabia and supports the oppressed Palestinian people.

Lousie Ellman is (or I guess was) chairperson of Labour Friends of Israel. This group shills for the state of Israel, pretending it supports a two-state solution that everybody knows is a) geographically impossible due to illegal settlement building and b) not possible anyway because the Israelis are 100% against it.

It's role, like the role of the Israel lobby in the US, France and anywhere else it is is to provide diplomatic cover for the illegal occupation and colonisation of the land designated for a Palestinian state.

As such, given Corbyn is totally opposed to these crimes, it is the Israel lobby's absolute top priority to stop him becoming PM.

Is this not obvious?

There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.

Regarding Ellman (who you mentioned the other day) it’s interesting that the BBC and others have been shy in mentioning she was going to be deselected anyway.

Just to make it clear, she was going to be deselected for being absolutely useless. Nothing to do with being a woman or a Jew.
My guesstimate is an extension followed by a GE in November, and a probable landslide for BJ, followed by up yours delors. I strongly suspect that's the plan, anyway.

I don't know how Johnson will sell the broken 'dead in a ditch' promise, or buy off Farage, but I don't doubt that's all somewhere in the masterplan.

GE wouldn't solve the problem and the opposition would be stupid to give him one before his folly starts to bite.
The Israel lobby, the BBC, most mainstream newspapers including the Guardian, the right-wing Blairites within the Labour Party and the British security establishment, plus of course the Tories and other political opponents who regurgitate it all.

This is because Corbyn is against the regime change wars that have been waged since the turn of the century, seeks to cease arms sales to the tyrants in Saudi Arabia and supports the oppressed Palestinian people.

Lousie Ellman is (or I guess was) chairperson of Labour Friends of Israel. This group shills for the state of Israel, pretending it supports a two-state solution that everybody knows is a) geographically impossible due to illegal settlement building and b) not possible anyway because the Israelis are 100% against it.

It's role, like the role of the Israel lobby in the US, France and anywhere else it is is to provide diplomatic cover for the illegal occupation and colonisation of the land designated for a Palestinian state.

As such, given Corbyn is totally opposed to these crimes, it is the Israel lobby's absolute top priority to stop him becoming PM.

Is this not obvious?
Is this not obvious? No it ****ing isn't, hence why I asked.
There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.

Regarding Ellman (who you mentioned the other day) it’s interesting that the BBC and others have been shy in mentioning she was going to be deselected anyway.

Just to make it clear, she was going to be deselected for being absolutely useless. Nothing to do with being a woman or a Jew.

Use of the term Jewish would sound nicer in this context.
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