
Vast Brexit thread merge part IV

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Aha. Your luck is in then. I’m just back from the three month ban you imposed on me. You know how useless I am with political bets so here’s your chance to win yourself a few quid. I say fewer than six Labour MP’s will defy the whip though I’m fairly hopeful it won’t even be that many.
No need to welcome me back ;-)
Haha! Welcome back, HarryB.
You know how useless I am with political bets so here’s your chance to win yourself a few quid. I say fewer than six Labour MP’s will defy the whip though I’m fairly hopeful it won’t even be that many.

You're on. I'll donate £50 to a charity of my choice if fewer than 6 Labour MPs vote for Johnson's deal provided you'll do the same if it's 6 or more.
Aha. Your luck is in then. I’m just back from the three month ban you imposed on me. You know how useless I am with political bets so here’s your chance to win yourself a few quid. I say fewer than six Labour MP’s will defy the whip though I’m fairly hopeful it won’t even be that many.
No need to welcome me back ;-)

You'd be on safer ground with a dozen Harry. There are a few not standing next time, they are being intimidated and probably don't want to spend their retirement looking over their shoulders on their own patch.
You'd be on safer ground with a dozen Harry. There are a few not standing next time, they are being intimidated and probably don't want to spend their retirement looking over their shoulders on their own patch.

I’m ever the optimist Steve. I’m expecting a few abstentions.
What breach were you guilty of?

Pretty much everything apparently. The official line was . . .
“You have been banned for the following reason: The usual negativity, trolling, arrogance, rudeness etc. Why bother when it only ever leads to a ban? Your ban will be lifted on Oct 17, 2019.”

Obviously, I have my own thoughts but I’m sure that if I made them public I’d get another ban.

I’m sure you could score pretty highly on the “trolling, arrogance and rudeness” charts :) But I usually like your contributions :)
Pretty much everything apparently. The official line was . . .
“You have been banned for the following reason: The usual negativity, trolling, arrogance, rudeness etc. Why bother when it only ever leads to a ban? Your ban will be lifted on Oct 17, 2019.”

Obviously, I have my own thoughts but I’m sure that if I made them public I’d get another ban.

I’m sure you could score pretty highly on the “trolling, arrogance and rudeness” charts :) But I usually like your contributions :)
I am sure Tony's finger has hovered on the ban button for me. But I think my main offence is swearing. I've tried to tone that bastard trait down a bit, though.
BBC doing its usual job of supporting the Tories. They are assuming that every Conservative will vote for the deal. Previous evidence totally destroys that assumption. They are also making the ridiculous assumption that all the Tories who had the whip removed will also vote for the deal.
But at least they’re giving arch hypocrite short arse Bridgen an easy ride ;-)
Fair enough Harry. If Tony's reading this, and want's to take you up on your offer, I'm prepared to 'sponsor' him for the same bet.

No problem. I think you can rest assured that the forum owner hangs on my every word ;-)

I have absolutely no idea why you feel the need to sponsor him though. Seems a bit juvenile to me but you may have sensible reasons.
BBC doing its usual job of supporting the Tories. They are assuming that every Conservative will vote for the deal. Previous evidence totally destroys that assumption. They are also making the ridiculous assumption that all the Tories who had the whip removed will also vote for the deal.
But at least they’re giving arch hypocrite short arse Bridgen an easy ride ;-)

Brexit Broadcasting Corporation in full swing, along with some vox pops from a Leave area for a change. I'm surprised they don't just read out the Mail and Express and save some licence money.
Brexit Broadcasting Corporation in full swing, along with some vox pops from a Leave area for a change. I'm surprised they don't just read out the Mail and Express and save some licence money.

I had the misfortune of stumbling upon some moronic garbage by the name of 'Brexitcast' last night, and thought I had somehow started receiving a live feed from the Tory press office. :eek: :rolleyes:
I'm not a fan of Swinson. But the bare facts are that the Lib Dems, SNP and Greens are on the right side of this vote and won't be bounced into accepting Johnson's deal, which is most definately a worse deal than May's. This "get it done" attitude from Ronnie Campbell and some others is alarming in as much as you hope their advice to someone standing on a ledge wouldn't be the same. Some things are worth spending time on.

Labour MP's calculations should be fairly straight forward. This is much worse than deals they have already opposed and a mile away from the protections they stipulated and tried to negotiate with May at the end of her run. There is also the question that voters in their areas may have voted Leave, but they sure as Hell didn't vote to support Johnson and a harder right wing cabal than was in place in 2016.

If there are more than a dozen Labour MP's voting with Johnson, I shall be amazed.
It’s breathtaking that a Labour MP could vote for this.
Aha. Your luck is in then. I’m just back from the three month ban you imposed on me. You know how useless I am with political bets so here’s your chance to win yourself a few quid. I say fewer than six Labour MP’s will defy the whip though I’m fairly hopeful it won’t even be that many.
No need to welcome me back ;-)
I sincerely hope youre right. Exposing their constituents to the Tories’ Britannia Unchained working rights bonfire is going to be very painful for them. It’s bad enough with ZH and other abuses already.
Dec, I’m keeping my straw hat on even though it’s pissing down outside. I’m hoping my optimism isn’t misplaced.

I can’t see Johnson winning this but it’s going to be closer than it should be thanks to the Labour shits and the hypocrites in the ERG.
Dec, I’m keeping my straw hat on even though it’s pissing down outside. I’m hoping my optimism isn’t misplaced.

I can’t see Johnson winning this but it’s going to be closer than it should be thanks to the Labour shits and the hypocrites in the ERG.
Let's hope so Harry. Good to see you back btw.
Dec, I’m keeping my straw hat on even though it’s pissing down outside. I’m hoping my optimism isn’t misplaced.

I can’t see Johnson winning this but it’s going to be closer than it should be thanks to the Labour shits and the hypocrites in the ERG.
Not forgetting the Tory rebels who are potentially likely to come back in to the fold since this is a deal. The DUPS will possibly abstain reducing the magic number required. If he gets it through it will mean years and years of protracted negotiations hopefully.

If it gets through does it mean the UK will be caught by the money laundering/tax evasion regs during the transition phase? I doubt it but that would be a huge bonus.
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