
Vast Brexit thread merge part IV

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^Actually it's the Labour right that wants to stall an election for a referrendum - a Corbyn Government over their dead bodies...
That can possibly be explained if you say that 60% of the residents of Blyth can’t even spell it.
They may have more chemists shops per head of population but they did turn out to vote for Brexit, and it is good to see democracy in action not just promises.
Interesting perspective from The Atlantic:

I confess to quite liking the idea of a uniting of the Celtic Fringe of the British Isles - unlikely, I know, but dreams are free, so it might as well be a big one.
So many transparent lies told in public by the Tory Parliamentary Party about “our previous Union” while the polling data showed party members would vote to dump every part of the UK outside England to getbrexitdun.
Wearing down Brexit with a glimmers of false hope. The EU MEPs on Sky today were still talking about extra extensions and UK referendums.
I don't see how this will not stop it in its tracks. It is very unambiguously worded. Intriguing, it's the most concrete and clear thing I have seen.
If they don’t threaten loss of whip they’ve f___ed it.

It’s the same old same old. With an election in the offing Labour don’t want to lose their Johnson supporting MPs.

To be honest if Johnson gets the bill through parliament on Saturday (and I hope he doesn’t) I’d expect him to win the snap election, even if not with an overall majority.
John Bercow: 'the courts should not make any order that would prohibit a matter from being brought before parliament.'

Hmmm...well we can't really trust those in Parliament to do anything other than for their party or career, so I don't see why not.
John Bercow: 'the courts should not make any order that would prohibit a matter from being brought before parliament.'

Hmmm...well we can't really trust those in Parliament to do anything other than for their party or career, so I don't see why not.

The counter to that argument is that the original legislation would need to be repealed either before or together with what is being laid before Parliament. I still think Maugham's clutching at straws though...
Not even mildly amusing - in keeping with 99% of the stuff I’ve read posted by you. You didn’t explain what’s wrong with describing a Jewish person as a Jew. Presumably that’s because there is nothing wrong with it.
Thanks for taking such an avid interest in my posts. 1% funny too, happy with that.

You can rest assured that I will not reciprocate. There’s always room on here for another Remainer for me to ridicule when Corbyn and Swindon are sacked in the not too distant future.

Rosanne not barred
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