
Vast Brexit thread merge part IV

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God knows. He appalling. I once had the misfortune of trying to do an interview with him. Thickest politician I’ve ever met.

He didn't come across very well at all on Newsnight. The thrust of his argument seemed to be that we'd been waiting too long, and we should agree to any deal brokered by the Tories, regardless of its impact.

Dec, I’m keeping my straw hat on even though it’s pissing down outside. I’m hoping my optimism isn’t misplaced.

I can’t see Johnson winning this but it’s going to be closer than it should be thanks to the Labour shits and the hypocrites in the ERG.

Labour need to fight fire with fire, if the Benn act is a surrender this deal is a worker and consumer betrayal on a massive scale and a bonus for Johnson's backers, speculators and non-Dom media owners. This needs to be rammed home to 'rebels'.
Raab this morning on R4,

“And, overall, what Northern Ireland businesses get is remaining part of the UK customs territory, no infrastructure at the border with the Republic and frictionless access to the single market. It is a cracking deal for Northern Ireland businesses”.

So it would seem frictionless access to the single market is great for business? WTF!
Let's hope so Harry. Good to see you back btw.

Thank you. Sincerely.

I have thought for many years that Britain is on a knife edge. The solution to most of our problems is a proper socialist Labour government. It’s our only chance.

If we get Brexit and (God forbid) a Johnson hard right Tory government, the future for my kids and grandkids is truly grim and I’ll be urging them to head abroad.

Looking on the bright side, I’m hoping that it pans out like this

1. Boris loses the vote on his crap deal.
2. The LibDems ditch their vile historical support of the Tories and accept that Corbyn as an interim PM is the ONLY way there is any chance of achieving their avowed aim of stopping Brexit.
3. Nigel Farage’s narcissism gets a turbo boost and he puts Brexit Ltd candidates up for election and takes dozens of seats off the Tories.
4. Labour forms next Govt and negotiates a new deal and offers that deal v remain.
5. Britain votes remain and Labour move on to set country on the right course.
6. Tory Party destroyed.

I’m praying it happens.
He didn't come across very well at all on Newsnight. The thrust of his argument seemed to be that we'd been waiting too long, and we should agree to any deal brokered by the Tories, regardless of its impact.


It sounded more like "I'm retiring soon and I don't want abuse on my doorstep".
Raab this morning on R4,

“And, overall, what Northern Ireland businesses get is remaining part of the UK customs territory, no infrastructure at the border with the Republic and frictionless access to the single market. It is a cracking deal for Northern Ireland businesses”.

So it would seem frictionless access to the single market is great for business? WTF!

Haha. I picked up on that one as well. Basically he said “The whole of Ireland have got a great deal but it’s shit for the rest of you”.

Now, if a bright bloke like you and a borderline numpty like me spotted that, how come the useless BBC ‘journalist’ didn’t seize on it?

The BBC are responsible for much of what’s happened during the whole Brexit farce. First they almost single handedly created UKIP by making Farage and Co the BBC house band and both before since the referendum they have repeatedly failed to challenge the lies and bullshit pumped out by the Brexiters. A perfect example of that is short arse Brigden. I’ve seen him interviewed on the BBC three times since yesterday. Not once has he been pinned down on his glaring hypocrisy.
Actually, Corbyn CAN get a better deal, one described by Michel Barnier as 'more ambitious.'

His deal has virtually been pre-agreed in parallel negotiations between Barnier and Kier Starmer.

It involves much closer regulatory alignment than Johnson's deal, and a customs union.

The only area to be negotiated is whether/to what degree the UK would have any representation in the EU's trade policy with third countries but this would be part of the post-Brexit trade agreement. Everything in Labour's proposals meets the EU requirements for the Withdrawal Agreement.

Moreover, Johnson's plans for deregulation/divergence could well result in no deal at the end of 2020 or a year or two beyond if there is an extension to the proposed transition.

His proposed future relationship plans are still riddled with 'cakeism' and his version of Brexit on 31/10/19 will by no means bring closure to this sorry saga. Brexit will suck the life out of the legislative process and Parliament for years to come.

The far-right of the Tory Party want UK citizens to pay the price in terms of consumer, worker and environmental protections in order that the ultra-rich derive all.the benefits from the UK being more 'competitive.'

The EU has made it clear that the UK will not be permitted to undercut them by lowering the above standards. A Canada-type deal is simply not on the table due to our close proximity to their internal market.

Professor Patrick Minford, the go-to economic guru of the ERG, is seemingly oblivious to the proximity factor in global trade flows. It is a factor supported by data when his model is purely theoretical.

The intended landing point for the Tory Party is unilateral free trade with the whole world on WTO terms, whether this occurs abruptly in 14 days or in a year or two. They take the view that why make things in the UK when you can import them more cheaply from somewhere else tariff-free and not subject to the EU's WTO tariff schedules?

In order to make the very rich even richer our primary and secondary industries are to be virtually wiped out. The only countries/places in the world with a similar trade policy are Macau, Hong Kong and Singapore - all city states. London may do ok out of this but the rest of the country will rot.

The only question remaining is why did a large majority of working class people vote for this?

Xenophobia aside, they voted not to bring back manufacturing industry to places where it had gone (at the behest of the same Patrick Minford advising Thatcher) but because it had gone in the first place.

Brexit for the JAMs (Just About Managing) was not about improving their lot for they have long given up on that. It was, for them, the electoral equivalent of keying your neighbour's shiny new car because you could not afford to buy one yourself.

Labour's Brexit softens the blow. It 'respects' the referendum result in letter if not in spirit. It at least brings notional change that much of its traditional voter base might just accept.

I still say that we need a second referendum and campaign to remain but coupled with promises to invest heavily in (transport) infrastructure, green industries and public services in order that the lot of those struggling will actually improve. We need to restore their hope.

I do believe that what Labour propose is better than what Johnson is offering. If Brexit is too happen, I would want a Brexit that means we have close regulatory and economic alignment that protects workers rights and environmental protections and things such as that. A soft Brexit would have been a fairer portrayal of what was a close referendum result.

Maybe Corbyn and Starmer (who I think is an excellent politician) could deliver this. That would be the better of two evils. I say that as no Brexit is good for this country in my mind. There is no such thing as the 'jobs first' Brexit Corbyn has talked about in the past. Any Brexit will damage this country and we absolutely should have a second referendum to confirm whether people still want this, now they know a lot more than in 2016.
Must be (EDM = Early Day Motion). Don't you just hate anti-semites who spend years covering their tracks by fighting anti-semitism. He's a cunning b*stard, is Corbyn.

Corbyn organised the Apr. 1977 defence of Jewish populated Wood Green from a Neo-Nazi march
EDM3933 7 Nov. 1990: Corbyn signs motion condemning the rise of antisemitism
EDM634, 11 Apr. 2000: Jeremy Corbyn signs motion condemning Datuvid Irving for being a Holocaust Denier
EDM1124, 6 Nov. 2000: Jeremy Corbyn praised the ‘British Schindler’, Bill Barazetti, for his WW2 kindertransport
EDM742, 28 Jan. 2002: Jeremy Corbyn signs motion praising football clubs for commemorating Holocaust Day
EDM1233 30 Apr. 2002: Corbyn was a primary sponsor on a motion condemning antisemitism
11 May 2002: Jeremy led a clean up of Finsbury Park Synagogue after an anti-Semitic attack
EDM1691, 23 July 2002: Corbyn condemned attacks on a synagogue in Swansea
EDM123 26 Nov. 2003: Corbyn officially condemns attacks on 2 Istanbul synagogues
EDM298, 16 Dec. 2003: Jeremy Corbyn signs motion commemorating International Holocaust Day
2004: Jeremy condemned news that anti-Semitic hate crimes had risen for yet another year
EDM461, 21 Jan. 2004: Jeremy Corbyn condemned the French government’s moves to ban the Jewish Kippa in French Schools
EDM717, 26 Feb. 2004: Jeremy signed a motion praising Simon Wiesenthal for bringing Nazi perpetrators of the Holocaust to justice
EDM1613, 8 Sept. 2004: Corbyn co-sponsored a bill expressing fears for the future of the United Synagogue Pension Scheme
EDM1699, 11 Oct. 2004: Jeremy Corbyn condemned arbitrary attacks on civilians in Israel and Palestine
EDM482, 12 Jan. 2005: Jeremy Corbyn signs a motion commemorating International Holocaust Day
EDM343, 16 June 2005: Jeremy condemned the desecration of a Jewish cemetery in east London
EDM1343, 11 Jan. 2006: Jeremy Corbyn signs a motion commemorating International Holocaust Day
EDM1774, 8 Mar. 2006: Jeremy Corbyn led condemnations of an Iranian Magazine soliciting cartoons about the Holocaust
EDM1267, 16 Apr. 2006: Jeremy Corbyn condemned Bryan Ferry for anti-Semitic remarks
EDM2414, 26 June 2006: Jeremy Corbyn praised British war veterans for their efforts to combat the Holocaust
EDM2705, 10 Oct. 2006: Jeremy signed a motion marking the 70th anniversary of Cable Street
EDM271, 14 Nov. 2007: Jeremy co-sponsored a motion lamenting the poverty and social exclusion East London Jews suffered
EDM153, 12 May 2008: Corbyn praised the efforts of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto during the uprising of 1944
EDM2350, 27 Oct 2008: Jeremy Corbyn signs a motion marking the 70th anniversary of the horrors of the holocaust
EDM173, 8 Dec. 2008: Jeremy condemned the Press Complaints Commission for refusing to sanction The Times for antisemitism
EDM461, 14 Jan. 2009: Jeremy Corbyn condemned a wave of recent anti-Semitic incidents targeted
EDM605, 27 Jan. 2009: Corbyn signed John Mann’s motion condemning antisemitism on university campuses
EDM917 26 Feb. 2009: Jeremy signs a motion condemning antisemitism on the internet
EDM1175 24 Mar. 2009: Corbyn signs a motion praising the heroism of British Jews during Holocaust
EDM337, 2 Dec. 2009: Jeremy Condemned Iran’s treatment of Jewish minorities in Iran
EDM850 9 Feb. 2010: Jeremy joins in calls for Facebook to do more to fight antisemitism
EDM891: 22 Feb 2010: Corbyn co-sponsors a motion calling for Yemen’s Jews to be given refugee status to the UK
EDM908 27 Oct. 2010: Corbyn praises work of late Israeli PM in his pursuit of a 2 state solution
EDM1360, 27 Jan. 2011: Corbyn co-sponsored a motion praising the ‘never again for anyone initiative’
EDM1527, 3 Mar. 2011: Corbyn backed Ian Paisley's motion condemning the anti-Semitic remarks of Dior's lead fashion designer
EDM2870, 14 Mar. 2012: Jeremy Corbyn condemned the sale of Nazi memorabilia at an auction in Bristol
EDM2866, 14 Mar 2012: Jeremy Corbyn co-sponsored a bill condemning the rise of antisemitism in Lithuania
EDM2899, 20 Mar. 2012, Jeremy Corbyn condemned a terrorist attack on a Jewish school in Toulouse
EDM168, 12 June 2012, Jeremy co-sponsored a motion condemning anti-Semitic attacks during EURO 2012 in Poland
EDM 195 13 June 2012: Jeremy attacks BBC for cutting Jewish programmes from Its schedule
EDM 1133 1 Mar 2013: Corbyn joins a chorus of calls condemning antisemitism In sport
1 Oct. 2013: Corbyn was one of the few MPs who defended Ralph Miliband from Daily Mail antisemitism
EDM 932 9 Jan 2014: Jeremy praises Holocaust Memorial's work on antisemitism education
EDM 165 22 June 2015: Jeremy condemns a Neo-Nazi rally planned for a Jewish area of London
Sat 4 July 2015: Jeremy co-planned a counter-fascist demo in defence of Jewish residents at Golders Green. The march was re-routed
18 Nov. 2015, Corbyn used one of his first PMQs to challenge Cameron to do more on antisemitism
9 Oct 2016: Corbyn, close to tears, leads commemoration of the Battle of Cable Street
3 Dec. 2016: Corbyn visits Terezin Concentration Camp to commemorate Holocaust victims
In 2017-19 Jeremy introduced 20 new measures to combat antisemitism in the Labour Party
Hats off to you there drood.
Thank you. Sincerely.

I have thought for many years that Britain is on a knife edge. The solution to most of our problems is a proper socialist Labour government. It’s our only chance.

If we get Brexit and (God forbid) a Johnson hard right Tory government, the future for my kids and grandkids is truly grim and I’ll be urging them to head abroad.

Looking on the bright side, I’m hoping that it pans out like this

1. Boris loses the vote on his crap deal.
2. The LibDems ditch their vile historical support of the Tories and accept that Corbyn as an interim PM is the ONLY way there is any chance of achieving their avowed aim of stopping Brexit.
3. Nigel Farage’s narcissism gets a turbo boost and he puts Brexit Ltd candidates up for election and takes dozens of seats off the Tories.
4. Labour forms next Govt and negotiates a new deal and offers that deal v remain.
5. Britain votes remain and Labour move on to set country on the right course.
6. Tory Party destroyed.

I’m praying it happens.

My guesstimate is an extension followed by a GE in November, and a probable landslide for BJ, followed by up yours delors. I strongly suspect that's the plan, anyway.

I don't know how Johnson will sell the broken 'dead in a ditch' promise, or buy off Farage, but I don't doubt that's all somewhere in the masterplan.
Hats off to you there drood.

Yes, agree - very good post - but if his record has been beyond reproach, why does the issue keep coming back to haunt Labour time and time again? Stella Creasy on Newsnight earlier in the week said this was a huge issue, embarrassing for Labour and there was much to do.
Another thing on Corbyn's EU view. I think he is of the firm opinion that being in the EU stops him from delivering his vision of turning Britain into some form of socialist state.

It doesn't and we will only be exposed further to the free market outside the EU.

That's why I don't understand the Lexiters who read the Morning Star. Corbyn is very much of that ilk.
Sickening that ReesMoog compared the deal to a ‘culinary delight’, ‘a tournedos Rossini’.
90% ofthe population wouldn’t know what he was on about let alone experience it.
Once in a generation was how it was touted not the best of two or last one wins.
Although, If the result had been 52/48 to Remain I have no doubt that Farage and UKIP would have carried on bleating too.

Sickening that ReesMoog compared the deal to a ‘culinary delight’, ‘a tournedos Rossini’.
90% ofthe population wouldn’t know what he was on about let alone experience it.

Maybe it was a coded message to those who know what he means.
My guesstimate is an extension followed by a GE in November, and a probable landslide for BJ, followed by up yours delors. I strongly suspect that's the plan, anyway.

I’m suspecting the same timeline, but I certainly see no landslide for Johnson. He’ll likely be the largest party though. The odds would change if he does a formal deal/merger with Farage, but as it stands a GE will return a hung parliament. There is just no evidence to suggest anything else.

Remember a heck of a lot of Tory voters were ‘remain’ and utterly detest the dumbed-down far-right Trumpian popularism of Johnson. All the people who were at the Dominic Grieve, Heidi Allen, Sara Woolaston, Anna Soubry, Rory Stewart etc etc end of the party are now gone to the Lib Dems or not voting at all. Every single Tory I know, which admittedly is not many, is in this subset.
Sickening that ReesMoog compared the deal to a ‘culinary delight’, ‘a tournedos Rossini’.
90% ofthe population wouldn’t know what he was on about let alone experience it.

Perhaps “Big Mac with extra fries” would have been more appropriate.
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