
US bombs Syria

Speaking of people believing what they want to believe, Chris Hedges doubtless believes he can have a show on RT without being a tool of the authoritarian Russian regime.
Christians do openly celebrate Christmas in many Islamic states, no problem. They are more likely to face problems in places like Pakistan, which is full of tribal culture and about the opposite of Saudi inspired
The savages you call 'freedom fighters' do not allow those of other faiths to practice them. They are extremists who tell non-Sunni Muslims to either convert, or fu** off somewhere else. In some cases they just kill these 'infidels'.

I don't know about anyone else but I don't want to see these bastards ruling Syria, a country which before the war had 2.3 million Christians, and millions of non-Sunni Muslims too.

Assad, brutal dictator though he is, is the only person that can maintain Syria's secular constitution, but of course for the brainwashed fishies sitting in their plush armchairs, the Wahhabist animals will do just fine for the people of Syria, cos that Assad is a butcher, innit :rolleyes:
Speaking of people believing what they want to believe

Yeah, like you.

Chris Hedges doubtless believes he can have a show on RT without being a tool of the authoritarian Russian regime.

Chris Hedges is a brilliant man with more integrity than most journalists. He left the New York Times because he said he wasn't able to write the truth.

Why don't you watch some of his RT shows. You might actually learn something and begin to replace all that US propaganda spinning around in your skull.
Christians do openly celebrate Christmas in many Islamic states, no problem. They are more likely to face problems in places like Pakistan, which is full of tribal culture and about the opposite of Saudi inspired

Several people have now pointed this out now. It's not a hugely controversial point. Our informed observer hasn't acknowledged this. Imagine how the flow of this could improve by these small acknowledgements!
Yeah, like you.

Chris Hedges is a brilliant man with more integrity than most journalists. He left the New York Times because he said he wasn't able to write the truth.

Why don't you watch some of his RT shows. You might actually learn something and begin to replace all that US propaganda spinning around in your skull.

Name one bit of 'all that US propaganda spinning around in my skull.'
Speaking of people believing what they want to believe, Chris Hedges doubtless believes he can have a show on RT without being a tool of the authoritarian Russian regime.

Max doubtless believes his unique brand of Putin-centric relativism and now forgotten Trump-shilling does not equate to the same.
She is an attractive, well-spoken lady.

Her country is under siege from terrorists acting as proxies for the US, UK, France, Israel and other terror-states including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

This regime change war was being planned in the UK as far back as 2009 as you will find out if you watch this short video. In it the former French Foreign Minister explains that this regime change war was primarily planned at the behest of Israel, just like the Iraq war was.

You're putting words into my mouth.

Read my post.

I'm on the bus home looking at new posts. I remembered this video and the discussion around it.

Don't forget you've replied quickly, that's ok with me as it's what happens sometimes.
She is an attractive, well-spoken lady.

Her country is under siege from terrorists acting as proxies for the US, UK, France, Israel and other terror-states including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

This regime change war was being planned in the UK as far back as 2009 as you will find out if you watch this short video. In it the former French Foreign Minister explains that this regime change war was primarily planned at the behest of Israel, just like the Iraq war was.

Perhaps, but married to a nasty thug, who is determined to hold on to power by whatever means necessary, including butchering large numbers of his own people. Remember that it all started with peaceful protests for change as part of the "Arab Spring", which protests were met with extreme violence. This is of course largely tribal - the Assads are Alawites, a minority community in Syria, but determined to hang on to power in the face of the numerically larger Sunnis. It echoes Saddam, a Sunni in a majority Shia country, equally determined to hang on to power by whatever means necessary.
You have posted this video before. There was some interesting debate about his career. Do you remember that?

Its highly plausible though, remember Tony's Blair's:

"As I recall that discussion, it was less to do with specifics about what we were going to do on Iraq or, indeed, the Middle East, because the Israel issue was a big, big issue at the time. I think, in fact, I remember, actually, there may have been conversations that we had even with Israelis, the two of us, whilst we were there. So that was a major part of all this."

Israel is highly unlikely to have been sitting on the sidelines.
Perhaps, but married to a nasty thug, who is determined to hold on to power by whatever means necessary, including butchering large numbers of his own people. Remember that it all started with peaceful protests for change as part of the "Arab Spring", which protests were met with extreme violence. This is of course largely tribal - the Assads are Alawites, a minority community in Syria, but determined to hang on to power in the face of the numerically larger Sunnis. It echoes Saddam, a Sunni in a majority Shia country, equally determined to hang on to power by whatever means necessary.

But it didn't all start with peaceful protests, tones. It is a regime change war that was planned beforehand. Jihadists were primed, armed and in position, and when the uprising started they moved, hijacking the various protests, shooting dead several of Assad's police. This does not mean that Assad isn't a brutal bastard, he is, and so are his police, who did kill protestors, but the whole thing became a brutal war that has cost the lives of so many because the countries I named above armed and trained Wahhabist Jihadists, and facilitated the import into Syria of tens of thousands of them, armed to the teeth, and they continue to do so.

It was meant to be over fast, like it went in Libya, but Assad has the support of the majority of his people, and his 70% Sunni army. He called for help and it came. First Iraqi Shias, then the Iranians, then Hezbollah and then Russia.

I have explained this many times on here, that this is what happened, a planned regime change war, yet you and many like you choose to ignore this. Rather you and others constantly post links to disingenuous regime change propaganda media outlets like the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, the Guardian etc, as Rupert Murdoch, Lord Jacob Rothschild, ex CIA director James Woolesy and Dick Cheney's company: Genie Energy illegally plunders all of the Syrian oil in the Golan Heights.

Do you think Assad should step aside and let the secular country of Syria become another Islamofascist hellhole just because the human filth that planned this war want him to? What will happen to Syria's 2.3 million Christians? What of all the other non-Sunni Muslim people, should they be left to fend for themselves against ISIS and Al Nusra?

Why do people like you regurgitate the regime change media's lies? Why do you blame the victim? Why do you side with the prosecutors of this vile regime change war designed to cripple another of Israel's perceived enemies?

I wish I knew!

