
US bombs Syria

Why do people like you regurgitate the regime change media's lies? Why do you blame the victim? Why do you side with the prosecutors of this vile regime change war designed to cripple another of Israel's perceived enemies?

I wish I knew!

Perhaps because it's your goodself that has swallowed a load of unexpurgated hogwash and wild conspiracies (here you are not alone) that fits in with what you want to think and believe? Believe me, I respect your right to think and say whatever you want, but methinks you doth protest too much
Perhaps because it's your goodself that has swallowed a load of unexpurgated hogwash and wild conspiracies (here you are not alone) that fits in with what you want to think and believe? Believe me, I respect your right to think and say whatever you want, but methinks you doth protest too much
The truth is that what's happening in Syria is yet another deranged Western-led regime change war, tones.

The conspiracy theory is that it isn't.
The truth is that what's happening in Syria is yet another deranged Western-led regime change war, tones.

The conspiracy theory is that it isn't.

You are saying the conspiracists are all wrong, not for the first time then :)
She is an attractive, well-spoken lady.

Her country is under siege from terrorists acting as proxies for the US, UK, France, Israel and other terror-states including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

This regime change war was being planned in the UK as far back as 2009 as you will find out if you watch this short video. In it the former French Foreign Minister explains that this regime change war was primarily planned at the behest of Israel, just like the Iraq war was.


Spot on! All of these regime change wars in the ME have been at the behest of extreme Zionists/Necons who have long held specific plans for the ME region. See The Greater Israel Project/The Yinon plan:

The two horizontal blue stripes on the Israeli flag represent the River Nile and the River Euphrates. They delineate the land the most extreme of the Zionists lay claim to.

According to a great many who do not buy the 'official' narrative pushed by the MSM, ISIS are a covertly funded proxy there to help achieve this aim. They have massacred Christians, Muslims, Arabs, Kurds and created total chaos in the region. However, they have not once attacked Israel in any way shape or form. Back in 2014, both Russian intelligence and the Iranian government presented evidence that showed Israel were behind the training of ISIS soldiers and allied rebels operating in Syria and Iraq. There was no mention of this in the 'controlled' MSM. These are the facts of the matter and should not be ignored or passed off as far fetched conspiracy theory.
The two horizontal blue stripes on the Israeli flag represent the River Nile and the River Euphrates. They delineate the land the most extreme of the Zionists lay claim to.

You've got that wrong, I'm afraid. It's actually worse than that. Far, far worse: they symbolize oceans. Some extremists think the Pacific is the top stripe and the Atlantic the bottom stripe, others think the top stripe is the Arctic Ocean and the bottom stripe the ocean that runs around the Antarctic. Regardless, the flag clearly symbolizes world domination. Be plenty afraid.

Awake, sheeple!

(A quick Google brings up "The blue stripes are intended to symbolize the stripes on a tallit, the traditional Jewish prayer shawl." It is clear that Google and Wikipedia have fallen under the boot of Zionist capitalists.)
According to a great many who do not buy the 'official' narrative pushed by the MSM, ISIS are a covertly funded proxy there to help achieve this aim. They have massacred Christians, Muslims, Arabs, Kurds and created total chaos in the region. However, they have not once attacked Israel in any way shape or form. Back in 2014, both Russian intelligence and the Iranian government presented evidence that showed Israel were behind the training of ISIS soldiers and allied rebels operating in Syria and Iraq. There was no mention of this in the 'controlled' MSM. These are the facts of the matter and should not be ignored or passed off as far fetched conspiracy theory.

So we should believe Russian intelligence now? Like when they spread the rumor that American intelligence had “created” the aids virus, at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Of course we should believe every word they mutter.
You've got that wrong, I'm afraid. It's actually worse than that. Far, far worse: they symbolize oceans. Some extremists think the Pacific is the top stripe and the Atlantic the bottom stripe, others think the top stripe is the Arctic Ocean and the bottom stripe the ocean that runs around the Antarctic. Regardless, the flag clearly symbolizes world domination. Be plenty afraid.

Awake, sheeple!

(A quick Google brings up "The blue stripes are intended to symbolize the stripes on a tallit, the traditional Jewish prayer shawl." It is clear that Google and Wikipedia have fallen under the boot of Zionist capitalists.)

LOL! You will be telling us next that the Oded Yinon Plan does not really exist and is just a figment of imagination.
So we should believe Russian intelligence now? Like when they spread the rumor that American intelligence had “created” the aids virus, at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Of course we should believe every word they mutter.

Not necessarily. I would not compare the Soviet intelligence service of the 1980's cold war period with the modern day Russian intelligence service and I would no less believe Russian intelligence than I would the CIA or the Mossad.
No, I'm not talking about Yinon's article. Just calling BS on your flag story. Are your other points as well considered as that one?
No, I'm not talking about Yinon's article. Just calling BS on your flag story. Are your other points as well considered as that one?

That may be the official/politically correct interpretation of the flag. However, I have heard it said by quite a few informed commentators that the blue horizontal lines do represent the rivers of the region and this would tie in with the aims of the Yinon/Greater Israel Plan.
Ah yes, informed commentators. Any links to those informed commentators, so we can judge how informed they are?
By the way, why stop at the Euphrates? Think big!
At a minimum, go for the Tigris. That way you can include the whole of Mesopotamia in your nefarious plans. But I still prefer my ocean interpretation. Way more scope for world domination, and equally valid.
Admittedly, the commentators I am citing are anti-Zionist. One that springs to mind is George Galloway. I know that he is not everyone's cup of tea but most would agree he is knowledgeable and informed on ME issues. I have heard him discuss the meaning of the flag in these terms on a number of occasions. I fully accept interpretation of the flag is open to debate. I would rather not get bogged down in this. Instead consider the Yinon plan and how this has been played out, particularly since 9/11.
George Galloway. OK...

My (small) problem with your post is you stated this "interpretation" of his as if it was a well established fact. It makes me highly sceptical of anything else you write on this subject.
Not necessarily. I would not compare the Soviet intelligence service of the 1980's cold war period with the modern day Russian intelligence service and I would no less believe Russian intelligence than I would the CIA or the Mossad.

Anyone who believes they can trust the intelligence service of any country and re-iterate what they say as gospel is susceptible to being mislead.
Personally, I don't think the Yinon plan is in action. I just see no way that, bar maybe the odd little chunk of land here and there, Israel can get away with expanding right across the region.

What most definitely is in action though is a plan to destroy any potential threats to US/Israeli hegemony in the region, potentially including the Balkanisation of some countries, like Syria, if they can get away with it.

As the nutcase Neocon supreme: Bill Kristol, said the other day: Iran is the prize.

Let us hope these crazy Zionist bastards are stopped before they can get that far, because Iran is no Iraq. It can fight back, and it is quite pally with Russia. A war with Iran could end up being the start of WW3.

