
US bombs Syria

I noted. Were you acting on an agenda to nip any approval of Hezbollah in the bud?


I have said it was commendable. I have also noted it isn't perhaps the progress a couple have said who also now agree it isn't. I have also said to make the progress with the jews gays and atheists will be hard. Are you OK with ALL of these attitudes? I am one poster, there are plenty here free to raise the profile of anything Hezbollah do. Also how many organisations of this type go against the teaching of the Quran?

Have you already applied for Sean Spicer's job ?


Is he famous for his questions on 1940s terror organisations?

Did any Zionist terrorist organisations in the 1940s proclaim that Muslim, Christian or Atheist Arabs must not be harmed ?

As we had elsewhere, own the comment please. I will ask again, please name the organisations and then show us what they said. Finally put that into the prism of the world at war and it being 75 odd years ago. Dont forget why you were asking the question, it might have been more to prove a point about Hezbollah than strictly educational- but you can clear that up if you want.

I know it is a effort but if we all muck in. Here is one organisation I found by one google.

Not much from my initial look about Christians or Muslims as it was initially the Palestinians they were fighting. Towards the end of the Wikki page it talks about their ties with the Muslim Bedouins. So, unpleasant as they probably (probably because I don't know enough about them after one google) were, they focussed on a country rather than a religion. Of course this was a divide on religion and they were almost certainly anti Islam and arab. There are other organisations that follow on from here but this isn't my job, I am just being helpful.

As an aside, if my question was answered earlier there wouldn't have been a need for me to post this. I am sure some will see this as an agenda against positive comments on Hezbollah, there is no agenda and the answer is within your own hands...........
As rebel soldiers guarding the buses were also killed ISIS are the likely culprits
Nope. I am assured they were heavily armed Hillary Clinton supporters. See

It is a tragedy that requires serious investigation, not internet speculation, and the perpetrators should be brought to justice. These people, those behind them and those selling them arms, should be shown for what they really are.
Maybe. Maybe not. Most of the so-called 'rebels' are Salafists who do not value human life, including that of their own people.
You would probably call me a Salafist, which just is another word for mainstream Sunnis. Bombing children in a convoy is absolutely forbidden, but you just pump out Assad propaganda
Maybe. Maybe not. Most of the so-called 'rebels' are Salafists who do not value human life, including that of their own people.

Are you ok Max?
You appear to have become even more bonkers since your return to PFM.
Have you been radicalised by your local Islamic group or are you just spending more time on conspiracy anti-West websites and cutting & pasting with more vigour?

Ahh yes the admiration from afar, that does not contribute a damn to the cause you admire and yet you enjoy the benefits of what the western "backers" enjoy. You feel the feels from your safe European home, post a few YouTube conspiracy theory videos -- but do **** all...

I dont post conspiracy theory videos. You must have me confused with somebody else luv..
You would probably call me a Salafist, which just is another word for mainstream Sunnis. Bombing children in a convoy is absolutely forbidden, but you just pump out Assad propaganda
OK so what term would you use to describe members of Wahhabist terrorist groups like Al Nusra?
Freedom fighters fighting the tyrranical and genocidal Assad regime.
Freedom fighters?

How does their vision of Syria being a Saudi-style Islamofascist state where Christians can't celebrate Xmas, or even for that matter have Christian places of worship, equate to freedom?
Are you ok Max?
You appear to have become even more bonkers since your return to PFM.
Have you been radicalised by your local Islamic group or are you just spending more time on conspiracy anti-West websites and cutting & pasting with more vigour?


This one is happy to take Euro from flogging Apple products. Nothing controversial with Apple in Ireland. Nothing controversial about Apple and how they source their products. So the new one can take this dollar with a clear conscience..........I wonder if the old one would have approved?

Edit. Nowt wrong with working and necessity is the mother of etc. The solution tickled me. The situation doesn't. I want the best for all here.
Are you ok Max?
You appear to have become even more bonkers since your return to PFM.
Have you been radicalised by your local Islamic group or are you just spending more time on conspiracy anti-West websites and cutting & pasting with more vigour?

Hello Doc. For your information I don't peruse conspiracy theory websites, well, apart from when I look in on the likes of CNN and the BBC etc...

And as for being anti-West, well on the contrary. I'm pro-West. A proud Irishman and proud European, however I'm very concerned with the way the West is going, especially the US, UK, France and Germany, the latter three being bitch states of the US, which itself is run by a bunch of warmongering elitists whose every move is designed to further enrich their ilk at the expense of the masses, and whose warmongering and austerity combined is now beginning to destroy the fabric of European society, leading as it has to the rise of the far-right and a rise in racial/ethnic tension.

I want to see money totally removed from politics so that our respective Western governments might finally act in the best interest of our countries and people, and not just follow the elitist agenda in the US.

These are my own thoughts and feelings. I don't require some kind of internet guru to tell me what to think.
and your own home country, Ireland? You left it off the list, a bitch state of Europe, the UK and the west to boot..
and your own home country, Ireland? You left it off the list, a bitch state of Europe, the UK and the west to boot..
Of course, Ireland is indeed another bitch state of the US. I didn't mention Ireland because it's inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. The UK, France and Germany are the powerhouses of Europe.
Of course, Ireland is indeed another bitch state of the US. I didn't mention Ireland because it's inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. The UK, France and Germany are the powerhouses of Europe.

Are you protesting or involved in politics to try to make the change?

Back up a couple of posts, when haven't the "elites" been in charge for long? Are they the same elites or do they evolve, as in Kings and Queens to your usual run of "they"s?
and, of course, you live there. Easy to criticise others, but not home. Shallow, man :)

