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Putin always seems to be at least one step ahead in everything he's ever done... it's as if he's a PM that isn't thick and has very clever advisers etc. This is of course an alien concept to UK politics!

Time will tell how this plays out in the near future, but... is Ukraine not a large country with a pretty powerful army etc? Russia is a superpower and obvs can defeat Ukraine.. but I would expect that if Ukraine forces have the stomach for a fight they could inflict very serious casualties on the invaders... Will Putin risk this?
Putin always seems to be at least one step ahead in everything he's ever done... it's as if he's a PM that isn't thick and has very clever advisers etc. This is of course an alien concept to UK politics!

Time will tell how this plays out in the near future, but... is Ukraine not a large country with a pretty powerful army etc? Russia is a superpower and obvs can defeat Ukraine.. but I would expect that if Ukraine forces have the stomach for a fight they could inflict very serious casualties on the invaders... Will Putin risk this?

US vs. Vietnam, USSR vs. Afghanistan, a smaller nation isn't always a sitting duck for a "superpower".
US vs. Vietnam, USSR vs. Afghanistan, a smaller nation isn't always a sitting duck for a "superpower".

If only the Toon Army modelled themselves on the Afghans! Never beaten at home!

That may (or may not!) test your Anglophilistic propensities Yank!:)
Unfortunately, even to a layman..that text is so full of holes, you could drive a bus through it without touching the sides.

But that said, where does Ukraine joining Nato mean Ukraine having Nato Military Hardware stationed withn its borders?
NATO rules don't allow nations with unresolved territorial disputes to join.

Presence of foreign military assets on your soil is always an individual nation's choice - NATO members or not.
Putin always seems to be at least one step ahead in everything he's ever done... it's as if he's a PM that isn't thick and has very clever advisers etc. This is of course an alien concept to UK politics!

Time will tell how this plays out in the near future, but... is Ukraine not a large country with a pretty powerful army etc? Russia is a superpower and obvs can defeat Ukraine.. but I would expect that if Ukraine forces have the stomach for a fight they could inflict very serious casualties on the invaders... Will Putin risk this?
That's the big question.

So far, Putin has always fought wars he couldn't loose. This one would be the first one he could.
Putin always seems to be at least one step ahead in everything he's ever done... it's as if he's a PM that isn't thick and has very clever advisers etc. This is of course an alien concept to UK politics!

Time will tell how this plays out in the near future, but... is Ukraine not a large country with a pretty powerful army etc? Russia is a superpower and obvs can defeat Ukraine.. but I would expect that if Ukraine forces have the stomach for a fight they could inflict very serious casualties on the invaders... Will Putin risk this?
The last point is a good one in that a swift Russian victory is the necessary outcome for Putin - anything else has the potential to undermine his authority and popularity at home.
His demand is to partition Europe into influence blocks, with Russia being given control over former Warsaw Pact nations.

It's really a very small ask.
Look at what happened to most left wing governments in Central and South America and the brinkmanship of the Cuban missile crisis
Half the planet outside the super powers do NOT get the option to choose their friends
In other news: Russian teenagers get 5 year jail term for blowing up a bank in Minecraft (The Register). Not an authoritarian state at all, obvs.

PS I bet Patel will be looking on with much interest…
Look at what happened to most left wing governments in Central and South America and the brinkmanship of the Cuban missile crisis
Half the planet outside the super powers do NOT get the option to choose their friends
So you agree that Putin has the "natural right" to control countries around Russia and take pieces of them as he has already done to Georgia and Ukraine.
I’ve just had an image pop into my mind of a Vulcan en route to Moscow with Tony Lockhart straddling a large item from Aldermaston above the bomb bay doors while hitting the door hydraulics with a hammer

'Shoot, you could have a pretty good weekend in Lowestoft with all of that...'
I suppose they could start confiscating all the unoccupied luxury apartments in London owned by Russian oligarchs, but that might risk a collapse of the London real estate bubble.
The Tory Party have already been doing a sterling job taking as much Russian money as possible
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