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A re-armed Germany and a collapse of his oil and gas export markets would seem the biggest changes.

Specifically, perhaps yes. If we put the possibility of Armageddon aside, I think the biggest overall change will be Europe reverting to Cold War status (after the invasion and the toppling of the Ukrainian government is complete). At age 65, I now doubt that I will see real peace in the region in my lifetime.
And what would be the consequences of such action?

Peace ;]

UE will finance and send military offensive equipment to Ukraine, for the first time ever!
No russian plane can fly in UE airspace.
And RTv and Sputnik are now banned in UE.

Finally, Old Europe is starting to restore backbone. Great move, whole Europe is in danger, time to act. I can see Ukraine in UE in the future :)
Let’s see your party hand back the money they received from Putin’s bagmen- even as a gesture. Let’s see your party finally remove stolen Russian money from British safe havens.

The only argument I have with that is the allegation that it's 'my party'. It isn't, and never has been. I'm not a party girl.

Still no criticism of Merkel. You weren't able to take that time out. Is she still a great stateswoman in your eyes?

I guess you can take comfort in the fact that you're clearly not alone. Of three replies to my post, two referred it straight back to Johnson. Only PsB had something interesting to say.

Like all politicians that hold office that long, Merkel has had her share of howlers. The decision to pull the plug on nuclear in an emotional response to Fukushima and to curry favour with the green component of German public opinion was a corker, and ISTR many people here said so at the time (incl. one poster in Japan). OTOH she hasn't joined the Gazprom board yet, contrary to some of her predecessors; most people supported her decision on refugees (maybe something we disagree on?), and the course of events have proved her right on that one.

Speaking of bad energy decisions, the Tories deciding to entrust the construction of Britain's future nuclear power stations to the private sector is not looking so brilliant these days, either. It doesn't even meet the minimal threshold of "mercantile self interest". I mean, some of these things are going to end up owned by a nationalized French company collecting preferential electricity prices... and how do you feel about Cameron's decision to respectfully ask the Chinese to build Bradwell B?

I agree with most of that, except on the bit that we probably disagree on - the decision to allow the refugees in was informed by political and national self interest as much as Fukushima and sucking up to Putin, and was quickly put into reverse gear when public sentiment turned against it. No politician ever kept her ear as close to the opinion polls as Merkel. In some respects she might be considered the original 'populist'.

The tories record on allowing foreign - and sometimes hostile foreign - interests into essential infrastructure is appalling and shameful. They were warned, but didn't want to listen, undoubtedly for the usual reasons. If they're lucky, they'll have plenty of time to rue those decisions.

The same goes for the shameful running down of our armed forces under successive tory governments, and the shocking waste of resources on uncontrolled budgets and cancelled projects.
Peace ;]

UE will finance and send military offensive equipment to Ukraine, for the first time ever!
No russian plane can fly in UE airspace.
And RTv and Sputnik are now banned in UE.

Finally, Old Europe is starting to restore backbone. Great move, whole Europe is in danger, time to act. I can see Ukraine in UE in the future :)
Really? Even if we could match aggression with aggression, how would an escalation of aggression equate to peace? Given that we can’t match Russian aggression, then peace will only come from capitulation, which if that is the case, best to capitulate sooner rather than later so as so save more lives.

PS What is UE?
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