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Belarus: We'll hold the peace talks between Ukraine & Russia (Belarus - Russian allies).

Ukraine: Aye OK, see you there...

Belarus: Brill, we'll make sure everything is grounded and you're all safe

Ukraine: Cool, see you there or be square...

Belarus: Back at ya...

Ukraine: Not sure about this but you never know!

Belarus: Fire the missiles...


You can't make this shit up!
Really? Even if we could match aggression with aggression, how would an escalation of aggression equate to peace? Given that we can’t match Russian aggression, then peace will only come from capitulation, which if that is the case, best to capitulate sooner rather than later so as so save more lives.

PS What is UE?

European Union acronym in my native lingo (sorry for that)
You British never knew what it is about.
Cold War Steve

Hopefully our's are all stocked up, out at sea and safe. They seem to have been parked up a lot lately as if you need four to guarantee one being functional.

Yes, I hope so. We need far greater investment in defence (the do gooders can sod off I’m afraid). How are we going to react to Russian subs etc off Scotland? As an aside (and off topic), I’m thinking these developments firmly put the nail in the coffin of Scottish independence.
Corbyn may have been a bit of a prat, but he was no crook, so we’d almost certainly be in a better place than we are led by this criminal entity.

I think that is pissing in the wind. For me Boris Johnson was the cause of Brexit which for me was always to be a mistake and he may have a predilection to try to get away with things like expenses, party attendance, favouring finance to health in regard to cloud of Covid and protecting the highly probable guilty like Dominic Cummings adventures to the Castle in the North but he still made some other decisions which were not too disastrous. Corbyn for me was a different animal, I certainly would not trust him to look after my house and pets while I was away on holiday and he caused so much grief in the Labour Party. Also his attraction to terrorist factions rings alarm bells for most people at least in UK. He may had a certain support in the Labour Party but unfortunately menace also followed him. He had rad ical socialist ideas for UK which were wonderful if you are in opposition role (no responsibilities) but maybe not so wonderful if put in practice. I would imagine the Tory party would love him still to be leader of the Labour Party because he was so un electable prospect unlike Keir Starmer who looks far more like a serious politician with less threatening socialist propositions, a more user friendly prospect if the Tories totally %uck up....!
Yes, I hope so. We need far greater investment in defence (the do gooders can sod off I’m afraid). How are we going to react to Russian subs etc off Scotland? As an aside (and off topic), I’m thinking these developments firmly put the nail in the coffin of Scottish independence.

I would suggest investment in economic and political integration rather than doubling down on the war thing.
Hopefully our leader, who has his finger on our nuclear codes, is going to use this to restore his reputation. His luck has held, this is just the escape route he needs from party gate. As a pragmatist in times like the last few days I prefer the devious bastard to the righteous Jeremy. Plenty of time to get on our high horses again….
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