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Putin orders Russian nuclear forces to be put on alert (BBC news). This can’t carry on, somebody take him out FFS.

It's unthinkable if one nuclear bomb goes off in Europe. Putin has lost his mind his generals on the BBC video clip looked very nervous one was taking very deep breaths. Not sure how this will pan out hopefully one of his generals taps him on the shoulder and takes him away.
Zelensky is too shrewd to swallow the bait.

Still, I wonder what the reactions would be if Zelensky was killed while negotiating peace with Russia. How would the people in Russians react? How would the USA, the EU, and Britain react?
Sadly she’s not a patch on the original.

Such a pity Maggie spaffed North Sea oil away in record time and destroyed our coal industry just out of spite. Those assets might've been useful to hang on to.

Except the issue with the report is not the redactions but rather scope. It literally didn't look at Russian influence in UK politics.

Most if not all such reports have ridiculous terms of reference, nearly always a whitewash.
Putin orders Russian nuclear forces to be put on alert (BBC news). This can’t carry on, somebody take him out FFS.
While not in total disagreement with the moral principle for ‘taking out’ leader’s of countries with a nuclear deterrent on alert, wouldn’t there be quite a global death count by now if we did?
If "Dead Hand" and Putin's special briefcase are what is claimed any strike will result in total destruction. Hopefully the Russian generals can smell the covfefe and Putin suddenly developes a severe case of Covid, has to go to hospital and is next seen receiving a state funeral. As the "robber barons" are really in charge the only other hope is special forces/CIA etc hit a few oligarchs, pour encourager les autres.
Governments around the world have spent the last forty years making asset seizure, or even value impairment, effectively impossible through combinations of domestic law, international treaty and ISDR mechanisms

I think it’s more that 40 years. We have a long history of creating mechanisms to make the value of such things as gilts, treasuries and bonds, inviolable. Their inviolability is their value. If such things were made violable for small things like wars, their value would’ve been decimated many years ago. Lives are cheaper than destabilising a gentleman’s agreement

Let’s not forget that the Bank of England was formed to fund war.
If "Dead Hand" and Putin's special briefcase are what is claimed any strike will result in total destruction. Hopefully the Russian generals can smell the covfefe and Putin suddenly developes a severe case of Covid, has to go to hospital and is next seen receiving a state funeral. As the "robber barons" are really in charge the only other hope is special forces/CIA etc hit a few oligarchs, pour encourager les autres.
I would like to think that there won't be a need to take out the oligarchs, simply stopping them from spending their time in London, St Tropez and Val d'Isere ought to work. Throw the kids out of the expensive schools, make them totally isolated. Then Putin will be invited to go into the drawing room with a stiff drink and do the decent thing.
Timely new vid from Bald, for those not familiar with him he spends most of his time travelling around Russia and former Soviet states.

There was much gnashing of teeth and wailing on this forum a few weeks ago at the end of the Merkel era. No politician is as culpable for the appeasement of Putin to her own political and her country's mercantile self-interest as she is. The has abased and disgraced both Germany and Europe, and I would go so far as to say has betrayed Ukraine by her permissiveness to Putin.

I do hope that those who held her in such high regard here give themselves time for reflection, if they can take pause from Russian cash and the tories for long enough.
Like all politicians that hold office that long, Merkel has had her share of howlers. The decision to pull the plug on nuclear in an emotional response to Fukushima and to curry favour with the green component of German public opinion was a corker, and ISTR many people here said so at the time (incl. one poster in Japan). OTOH she hasn't joined the Gazprom board yet, contrary to some of her predecessors; most people supported her decision on refugees (maybe something we disagree on?), and the course of events have proved her right on that one.

Speaking of bad energy decisions, the Tories deciding to entrust the construction of Britain's future nuclear power stations to the private sector is not looking so brilliant these days, either. It doesn't even meet the minimal threshold of "mercantile self interest". I mean, some of these things are going to end up owned by a nationalized French company collecting preferential electricity prices... and how do you feel about Cameron's decision to respectfully ask the Chinese to build Bradwell B?
The primary objective must be to take out Putin now. Will his regime have any appetite to continue post his elimination?
What is the evidence that taking out Putin would see a regime change for the better as far as the West is concerned? If there is any it needs to be compared with the evidence that any regime change will likely be even more reactionary and even more justified in pointing to western aggression to justify extreme nationalism to promote jingoistic paranoia and make another Ukraine a matter of time
The primary objective must be to take out Putin now. Will his regime have any appetite to continue post his elimination?
Quite apart from the philosophical debate about the morality of eliminating foreign leaders we happen to disagree with, don't you think that's a tad risky considering said leader controls the second largest nuclear arsenal? What happens, for instance, if you end up nuking one of his body doubles instead, and the real Vlad gets really mad at yer?

There must be safer ways of helping the Ukrainians.
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