
Ukraine V

Or just not post, which my most normal option when I doubt the value of what I might have written. Sometimes silence is golden, especially if all you have to offer is sarcasm, which is the lowest form of wit. I am not calling for self-censorship, but rather for some contributors to consider whether what they compose might be better considered and then not posted rather than confirming their exasperation, naïveté, or simple foolishness. We are all us capable of all three failings, and I do not write "Drood" off for his trite replies in this thread, but hope that perhaps he might consider the damage he does to his own reputation as such.

Best wishes to all from George
Another Putin apologist (from the BBC):

The Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has said the US should stop “encouraging war” in Ukraine “and start talking about peace”. In that way, the international community would be able to “convince” the Russian and Ukrainian presidents that “peace is in the interest of the whole world”, Lula told reporters in Beijing at the end of a visit where he met president Xi Jinping
Another Putin apologist (from the BBC):

The Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has said the US should stop “encouraging war” in Ukraine “and start talking about peace”. In that way, the international community would be able to “convince” the Russian and Ukrainian presidents that “peace is in the interest of the whole world”, Lula told reporters in Beijing at the end of a visit where he met president Xi Jinping

another ‘peace’ lover who is quite ok for an invaded nation to have to give up significant chunks of its territory through no fault of their own. would he be ok to give up 20% of Brazilian territory if Argentina decided to take a chunk out of Brazil? I think not. So much hypocrisy.

As I have said before here, in my view there is no realistic possibility of peace until both sides have exhausted themselves. Russia is pretty much exhausted (Prigozhin is now calling for an end to the war) but Ukraine is a long way from exhausted. The Ukrainian spring offensive needs to play out first to see how much land they can recapture. Once that has played out and ukraine has nothing left to give, the two sides might be able to start talking.
another ‘peace’ lover who is quite ok for an invaded nation to have to give up significant chunks of its territory through no fault of their own. would he be ok to give up 20% of Brazilian territory if Argentina decided to take a chunk out of Brazil? I think not. So much hypocrisy.

But this is comparing the situation in Crimea to a different situation that ignores the history and demographics of Crimea.

You don't have to read the paywalled article as the title and strapline is enough And that is from Foreign Affairs, the very voice of the American establishment. Or Forbes

So this is a more complex situation than Argentina taking a chunk of Brazilian territory. Perhaps something like Northern Ireland is a better analogy.
Great piece from the left on how the left is mostly failing Ukraine:

Good article. the last paragraph sums it up well for me

In the case of Ukraine, this would mean hearing the message that is coming loud and clear from the Ukrainian government and people, that they need military as well as humanitarian support to continue their resistance and liberate their country from a fascist occupation — not patronised and starved into surrender by an international community that much of the left would like to see trade their lives to appease Russian imperialism.

edit: there are plenty on the right who think the same way of course.
Argentina should recapture its own islands first - and they have a full right to do so in order to remove one of the last strongholds of imperialism.
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Jake Broe, who was an Air Force officer, explains why it's easy for someone straight out of high school to get Top Secret clearance and why the command at Otis Air Force base should be... replaced.

That part is upfront, if you don't want to watch the whole video.

The last quarter is interesting - it starts with the new electronic mobilization system just announced in Russia, which is treated in the Russophone world as a big deal. You are mobilized with an email and severe civil and economic rights restrictions occur if you don't show up.

Jake Broe, who was an Air Force officer, explains why it's easy for someone straight out of high school to get Top Secret clearance and why the command at Otis Air Force base should be... replaced.

That part is upfront, if you don't want to watch the whole video.

The last quarter is interesting - it starts with the new electronic mobilization system just announced in Russia, which is treated in the Russophone world as a big deal. You are mobilized with an email and severe civil and economic rights restrictions occur if you don't show up.

Jake’s coverage has been excellent throughout the war. Another very good channel is Ukraine matters, check him out if tou get some time.
I have no doubts for you to hang to the last strings of your imperial glory!

Strangely enough, I have always been for handing back the Falklands until recently when I put more thought into it. I now think that the whole American continent was pretty much stolen by quite a few different countries and the Malvinas are totally insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
You are the one who is supporting imperialism, not me.
Argentina should recapture its own islands first - and they have a full right to do so in order to remove one of the last strongholds of imperialism.

Most of the Argentinians i've spoken to couldn't care less about the Falklands; it just a political button to press.

The bulk of the population have better things to worry about.

There are vast numbers of Welsh and Scottish Argentinians, look at the wine, polo pony and beef trades. Outnumber Spaniards in some areas.
Most of the Argentinians i've spoken to couldn't care less about the Falklands; it just a political button to press.

The bulk of the population have better things to worry about.

There are vast numbers of Welsh and Scottish Argentinians, look at the wine, polo pony and beef trades. Outnumber Spaniards in some areas.

Having lived there, I concur - of very little interest. It's of more interest to foreigners (particularly Jeremy Clarkson).

