
Ukraine V

At least one other person in the “alt-right racist idiot group” needs to go down as well, if the reporting holds up that it was one of them who put the stuff totally out in public.

Agreed. It will be interesting to see how that person is charged and what, if any, defense he mounts.
The main issue here isn't that some purportedly racist war gaming 21 year old oink posted the material, it's that top secret documents are even visible to anyone at his rank/position. I know that in the civilian world any thing at even a classified level has to be very carefully compartmentalized with very restricted access to those on a 'need to know' basis, seems like the military don't impose such restrictions even on top secret documents. How these would even be available to an Air Nation Guard low level employee boggles the mind. I see heads rolling for this and not Mr Teixeira's.
The main issue here isn't that some purportedly racist war gaming 21 year old oink posted the material, it's that top secret documents are even visible to anyone at his rank/position. I know that in the civilian world any thing at even a classified level has to be very carefully compartmentalized with very restricted access to those on a 'need to know' basis, seems like the military don't impose such restrictions even on top secret documents. How these would even be available to an Air Nation Guard low level employee boggles the mind. I see heads rolling for this and not Mr Teixeira's.

Agreed. I’m sure this will be the main focus of both the DoD and Justice Department’s investigations.
The main issue here isn't that some purportedly racist war gaming 21 year old oink posted the material, it's that top secret documents are even visible to anyone at his rank/position. I know that in the civilian world any thing at even a classified level has to be very carefully compartmentalized with very restricted access to those on a 'need to know' basis, seems like the military don't impose such restrictions even on top secret documents. How these would even be available to an Air Nation Guard low level employee boggles the mind. I see heads rolling for this and not Mr Teixeira's.
He was an IT tech in the classified facility. Like Snowden.
So it took less than a week to indict and arrest the leaker. On the onther hand, the former guy, who did the same thing is still walking around free with no indictment in sight. So much for ‘justice being applied, without fear or favour’.

It stinks, quite frankly.

perhaps the leaker saw there were no consequences for the former guy and figured it would be ok for him to do the same thing as he wouldn’t get punished?
It looks like Yankees are playing a game. This could have happened to Russians but not to Americans.

What and why, we shall see soon.
It looks like Yankees are playing a game. This could have happened to Russians but not to Americans.

What and why, we shall see soon.
Another Russophile I know online shares this conviction. You are inventing a fantasy that supports your delusions. Outside of really bad movies, no intelligence service would play a game that involves releasing a massively harmful view of what we know and what we think about it.
He was an IT tech in the classified facility. Like Snowden.

That's true, but from what I read the documents were hard copies that he was afraid to copy so he photographed them. Even if you have access electronically to restricted files printing them leaves a trail, assuming that the DOD has restricted access and logging of printers, hence it would seem that his original source were hard copies, perhaps from briefings that were not properly destroyed? Total supposition here of course.
That's true, but from what I read the documents were hard copies that he was afraid to copy so he photographed them. Even if you have access electronically to restricted files printing them leaves a trail, assuming that the DOD has restricted access and logging of printers, hence it would seem that his original source were hard copies, perhaps from briefings that were not properly destroyed? Total supposition here of course.
Classified computer room often doubles as classified document storage, so as a person with access he probably had the lock combinations. Easy enough to take out some stuff and take pictures. I don't think there are surveillance cameras in those rooms.

Thanks to this dufus, we will have to take extra security training!
The main issue here isn't that some purportedly racist war gaming 21 year old oink posted the material, it's that top secret documents are even visible to anyone at his rank/position. I know that in the civilian world any thing at even a classified level has to be very carefully compartmentalized with very restricted access to those on a 'need to know' basis, seems like the military don't impose such restrictions even on top secret documents. How these would even be available to an Air Nation Guard low level employee boggles the mind. I see heads rolling for this and not Mr Teixeira's.

That's much what I'm thinking. Predictably, because they prefer the human angle, the media are chasing the wrong story in going after the who instead of the how.
MTG is a Homeland Security Member too.

She criticizes Dems for "identity politics", then says the Biden admin is targeting him only because he is white, Christian and "anti-war". She is wrong, and an obvious hypocrite on multiple levels. Her anti-war spin is also ridiculous.

She simply believes that it is wrong for the US to oppose Russia because they are white and Christian. She also believes, like Putin, that Ukraine was created out of the sky in 2014 by Obama. Lastly, she is fully in the Bannon camp: we need Russia for the future holy war against the "real enemies", China and global Islam. Her and Carlson's latest spin on the leak is not only crazy stupid, it is dangerous. They are helping to radicalize copycats, and I will be surprised if any Republicans come to their senses over the next few days to criticize them.
and should be executed

No, obviously. Treason is a very specific charge leveled only in times of declared war, and the first amendment allows for politicians and opinion broadcasters to say wildly stupid things without fear of prosecution. But there are limits, and Greene has walked up to line of inciting violence many times.

I do have honest questions, and I would sincerely appreciate your thoughtful answers: do you think the so-called "horseshoe theory" has any merit, and that people like Greene and Carson are finding support for their views with the far left? If yes, is it anything more than just a temporary "strange times make strange bedfellows"?

My biggest geopolitical fear is not of a GOP isolationist government. It is lull the comes after, followed by the end of US democracy and the realization of Bannon's nightmarish dream.
i am tired of reading your lame sarcastic posts. You haven’t come up with anything constructive on pfm for a very long time now. Shame cos i used to like some of your posts. Ignore list.

To be fair to Droodzilla, he really only posts in this manner on the Ukraine thread. I suspect he abhors war, might even be a pacifist and hates the US, so when faced with a situation where they are obviously on the right side in a conflict he can’t think of anything sufficiently incisive to criticise them with and so resorts to sarcasm.

Listening to Willie Nelson at the moment and this track came on - seems apt:

The sun goes down and leaves me sad and blue
The iron curtain falls on this cold war with you
Though you won't speak and I won't speak that's true
Two stubborn people with a cold war to go through
Oh why, oh, why should love ever come
To couples, like you and me
Whose cold, cold wars are never done
And whose hearts just can't be free
Oh let's do right or let's just say we're through
I just can't stand another cold, cold war with you
Oh why, oh, why should love ever come
To couples, like you and me
Whose cold, cold wars are never done
And whose hearts just can't be free
Now let's do right, or let's just say we're through
I just can't stand another cold, cold war with you

