
Ukraine V

Despite we disagree on many things regarding the war, I still find you an intelligent person but this answer is bellow your standards. I am sure you understand whom this is directed at. Your country did an unbelievable menace in many African and Middle East countries where people flee from trying to reach the shores of the UK. Still your country didn't show any remorse towards true victims, refusing to offer them a safe passage, asylum and integration options. You are deporting people back to the countries by no means safe. Your friendliness towards Ukrainians is not entirely humanitarian.

You won’t find many people on here disagreeing with you that the current UK government has an abhorrent refugee/asylum policy Gordan, It’s an utter disgrace, driven by the Conservative government scraping the bottom of the barrel to try and bolster their support.

I’m still not sure what your position is on the invasion of Ukraine. I think, from what I have read that’s you tend to blame NATO for provoking Russia by accepting membership of former Eastern Bloc countries. If I have misunderstood that, I apologise.

I also understand your antipathy towards the UN/NATO because of some of their abysmal decisions during your civil war, I was employed by the UK Ministry of Defence (at a very junior level) at the time, and I remember the frustration voiced, quite loudly, by some very senior commanders about what they were not allowed to do, and what they were being told to do.

I also remember from your historical posts on other forums that you are a genuinely good person and I can’t believe that you actually think Putin is even remotely in the right with his invasion.
Germany is really an amazing country. They have taken in nearly a million Syrians (thanks to Assad and Putin) and now over a million Ukrainians (thanks to Putin). I didn’t read the AI report. Wonder if AI praised this country in “the west” for their willingness to clean up others’ messes.
Germany is really an amazing country. They have taken in nearly a million Syrians (thanks to Assad and Putin) and now over a million Ukrainians (thanks to Putin). I didn’t read the AI report. Wonder if AI praised this country in “the west” for their willingness to clean up others’ messes.
And 18 Leopard 2 tanks from Germany are in Ukraine! Thank you, Germany - it took a while, but you made the right decision. Ignore @anubisgrau 's growls of disapproval!

Putin may finally succeed in making Germans mad - a very bad idea for him.

He really put Xi in an extra bad spot, too - 2 days after signing an official statement with him that included very strong language about not stationing nuclear weapons in other countries - Putin announced he will station tactical nukes in Belorus.

China's big play to the West was their controlling Putin's nuclear bluff to stay that way. So China's reaction was very frosty - this makes Xi look far less than the Emperor he sees himself as. His *admittedly neat* idea of creating another China-dependent nuclear dictatorship to threaten the West with may be very short-lived.
In a thread about the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, where said invasion causes Russia to come up with all sorts of new HR abuses, erm... nope. Not whataboutery. Try again.
My use of the term ‘whataboutery’ was very tongue-in-cheek. It is not a term I favour when used seriously because it is often used to defend double standards.

Amnesty International is a widely respected organisation that is within its rights to condemn double standards wherever they exist

That is not to say that the West’s robust response to Ukraine is being questioned, it is not, it is just that states ‘should not pick and choose which violations to care about and which to ignore depending on whether their interests are at stakes at risk. Double standard undermine the entire fabric of universal human rights.’

We are right to condemn Russia’s human rights violations, and much else, but you to view them in isolation is double standards.
We are right to condemn Russia’s human rights violations, and much else, but you to view them in isolation is double standards.

No, to praise similar violations would be a double standard. To wish not to have to suffer the tedium of repeating to each other every other country's laundry list of past violations every time we wish to comment on a present violation by a different country is a simple matter of convenience and expediency in the course of normal adult conversation.
No, to praise similar violations would be a double standard. To wish not to have to suffer the tedium of repeating to each other every other country's laundry list of past violations every time we wish to comment on a present violation by a different country is a simple matter of convenience and expediency in the course of normal adult conversation.
That is not what is going on here though. No one is praising other double standards and no one is saying that condemnation of Russia has to be accompanied by other condemnations. This is about criticising the Amnesty International clip for talking about double standards, this is about trying to constrain ‘what this thread is about’. If double standards apply, they should not be ignored.
And 18 Leopard 2 tanks from Germany are in Ukraine! Thank you, Germany - it took a while, but you made the right decision. Ignore @anubisgrau 's growls of disapproval!

Putin may finally succeed in making Germans mad - a very bad idea for him.

He really put Xi in an extra bad spot, too - 2 days after signing an official statement with him that included very strong language about not stationing nuclear weapons in other countries - Putin announced he will station tactical nukes in Belorus.

China's big play to the West was their controlling Putin's nuclear bluff to stay that way. So China's reaction was very frosty - this makes Xi look far less than the Emperor he sees himself as. His *admittedly neat* idea of creating another China-dependent nuclear dictatorship to threaten the West with may be very short-lived.
I’d love to be a fly on the wall at a meeting between Xi and the director of China’s Department’s of European-Central Asian Affairs to hear what their long term strategy toward Russia actually is.

More bad news for Russia’s bid to drive NATO from Europe and good news for the people of Finland.

Turkey’s Parliament is expected to ratify Finland’s bid to join NATO on Thursday, clearing the final obstacle for the Nordic nation on Russia’s border to join the Western military alliance, the Turkish state-run news agency Anadolu reported on Wednesday.
Some news from Serbia:

"The Serbian government, with the support of the EU, sent four trucks with electrical equipment to Ukraine to support the energy sector in Ukraine, the EU delegation to Serbia reported." (Twitter).
Oh why am I not surprised:

WARSAW, March 29 (Reuters) - Poland wants the European Union to use all tools at its disposal to limit the amount of Ukrainian grain entering the EU market, the prime minister said on Wednesday, amid fury among farmers because imports have depressed Polish grain prices.

The displeasure of farmers poses a major headache for the ruling nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party in an election year as its conservative voter base mainly lives in rural areas and small towns.

“We demand the use of all regulatory instruments - quotas, tariffs, which will limit or block the import of Ukrainian grain into Poland,” Mateusz Morawiecki told a news conference.

Morawiecki said he had agreed with the leaders of several countries bordering Ukraine to write to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to demand action.
You are not in any position to render judgement as to what I was or wasn't as a 13 year old in 1977. Nor, actually, do you have any right to.

However, I was a stateless refugee by the account of the Carter administration. And Ukranians are war refugees in the judgement of the Biden administration. That's how politics work.

It seems to really upset you that we escaped the Russian World. If it was up to you we all would be imprisoned there forever, with RW warlord, Putin in charge of our lives.

Like I said, I am glad your emigration/refugee professional career is/was in Europe...

Refugee dodging is undermining position of real refugees. There are other words to describe who you were.

Unless you don't know the meaning of "statelessness" - you couldn't be a stateless whatever as a citizen of USSR.
You won’t find many people on here disagreeing with you that the current UK government has an abhorrent refugee/asylum policy Gordan, It’s an utter disgrace, driven by the Conservative government scraping the bottom of the barrel to try and bolster their support.

I’m still not sure what your position is on the invasion of Ukraine. I think, from what I have read that’s you tend to blame NATO for provoking Russia by accepting membership of former Eastern Bloc countries. If I have misunderstood that, I apologise.

I also understand your antipathy towards the UN/NATO because of some of their abysmal decisions during your civil war, I was employed by the UK Ministry of Defence (at a very junior level) at the time, and I remember the frustration voiced, quite loudly, by some very senior commanders about what they were not allowed to do, and what they were being told to do.

I also remember from your historical posts on other forums that you are a genuinely good person and I can’t believe that you actually think Putin is even remotely in the right with his invasion.

Thank you for an overall positive note of your post, I had enough of hostility here just because of my (apparent) ethnicity.

My opinion of Russian invasion and Putin regime doesn't differ from the unison voice of PFM. The major point of difference is behavior of UK/US in it. From very early days of the war I wrote here that this war will not be over without a direct conflict with Russia. Maybe I'm wrong but I have a feeling that Ukraine resistance is used to deplete Russia from any future importance and that it makes a major drive in support to them.

I still can't get why NATO intervened in Yugoslavia on behalf of Kosovo Albanians in a minor conflict (compared to what's going on now) and didn't intervene in Ukraine (Ukraine, not Russia) in something that is incomparably bigger and more disastrous war.

This tragedy would have been over long time ago, many lives saved and moral reputation of Western military alliances reinforced after disasters in last 30+ years.
Refugee dodging is undermining position of real refugees. There are other words to describe who you were.

Unless you don't know the meaning of "statelessness" - you couldn't be a stateless whatever as a citizen of USSR.
You are ignorant of my situation, but insist on passing judgement in a disgusting personal attack on my history. And not just my family's history - the history of many hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jews who escaped USSR in the 1970s and 1980s.

We had to renounce our Soviet citizenship prior to leaving USSR. And the government charged us 600 rubbles a person for the privilege, which was a ton of money in 1976 Soviet Union. That's why my US naturalization paper says "stateless."

I can only imagine how "fairly" you treated those escaping RW in your own work.

And after a year of giving you the long benefit of doubt, off to the ignore list you go, never to be seen or heard from again.
Thank you for an overall positive note of your post, I had enough of hostility here just because of my (apparent) ethnicity.

My opinion of Russian invasion and Putin regime doesn't differ from the unison voice of PFM. The major point of difference is behavior of UK/US in it. From very early days of the war I wrote here that this war will not be over without a direct conflict with Russia. Maybe I'm wrong but I have a feeling that Ukraine resistance is used to deplete Russia from any future importance and that it makes a major drive in support to them.

I still can't get why NATO intervened in Yugoslavia on behalf of Kosovo Albanians in a minor conflict (compared to what's going on now) and didn't intervene in Ukraine (Ukraine, not Russia) in something that is incomparably bigger and more disastrous war.

This tragedy would have been over long time ago, many lives saved and moral reputation of Western military alliances reinforced after disasters in last 30+ years.
Serbia doesn't have nukes.
‘Russians are being killed’ because they’re crawling all over Ukraine, destroying its cities and murdering its citizens in what was meant to be a one week special military operation to kill or transport members of the government of Ukraine and seize power. It seems Russia (for now) is comfortable with a very large butcher’s bill. It would also appear its greatest commodity is its people.
I heard a bit different on radio about Ukraine grain from Poland minister. He said they have nothing against transit of grain, transit was purpose why alternative routes was created. They (Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria) do not like that those grain stay in local market. What was not said and I do not understand, why those grain not moving forward. Africa does not need them anymore? Who was buyer of grain when it entered Poland? Who is selling it in Poland, who is owner of grain? Ukraine? Buyer?

