
Ukraine II

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“So”, we have Nazis, neo-Nazis and Putin accusing Ukraine of being Nazi which makes Putin a Nazi, or a neo Nazi, and there are no Nazis in Ukraine apart from the Nazis that are there but are fighting against Putin who is a Nazi so those Nazis are good Nazis.

What is a Nazi again?
These days, I would not trust The Guardian as far as I could throw it. It has not been the same since GCHQ forced its staff to destroy hard drives and memory cards containing the encrypted data leaked by Edward Snowden:

Bizarre footage. I had no idea it existed.

Things are far worse now with exceptionally wealthy private individuals, oligarchs etc directly suing investigative journalists (i.e. not their better funded employers). Armies of fancy lawyers and punitive damages, the aim purely being to silence them, e.g. the ongoing Arron Banks vs. Carole Cadwalladr case (folk should consider donating to her crowdfunder). This is just one who was fearless enough to break cover, there are many others who, given our libel laws and the costs of defending a case, are just bullied right off the map.

As Matthew said the Guardian had zero option but to comply with regards the Snowden data. Thankfully they had the guts to document that fact via the video you link.
But the narrative of the war is sculpted in time by 24 hour news and so forth, so that is not a minor inconvenience.

I certainly do think that cable news has gone from an amazing thing to an often dangerous thing. If you remember the coverage of the first gulf war it was astonishing as it was only a decade earlier we only had that BBC bloke on the aircraft carrier covering the Falklands with a single report a day and here we were watching the war for ourselves in real time.

But these days cable news tends to cover war in much the same way it covers sports.
“So”, we have Nazis, neo-Nazis and Putin accusing Ukraine of being Nazi which makes Putin a Nazi, or a neo Nazi, and there are no Nazis in Ukraine apart from the Nazis that are there but are fighting against Putin who is a Nazi so those Nazis are good Nazis.

What is a Nazi again?

In colloquial use Nazi has long come to mean either fascist authoritarian in general or German fascist authoritarians of the 1930s and 40s. The distinction is usually very obvious from the context.
“So”, we have Nazis, neo-Nazis and Putin accusing Ukraine of being Nazi which makes Putin a Nazi, or a neo Nazi, and there are no Nazis in Ukraine apart from the Nazis that are there but are fighting against Putin who is a Nazi so those Nazis are good Nazis.

What is a Nazi again?

Putin calling Ukraine a Nazi-led country while aggressively invading it is like racist people complaining that BLM is racist while doing whatever they can to silence it.

Or a couple of quote-abuses that might help you know what a Nazi is in 2022:
"Nazi is as Nazi does"
"I know it when I see it"
Putin uses the Nazi scaremongering and state propaganda fake stories to get his people behind his massacres and justify his war. But no need to call him a Nazi and soften the truth, we don’t need to be polite with him anymore, he is worse than Nazi. He is Putin and this will be called Putinism, unfortunately.

As for the trolls, at this time they seem to be taking just a few posts to reveal themselves but make no mistake, they have been among us for years, now is the time to act, we get it, just ban them and clean up, great opportunity.
And I would not even comment on deluded people who have all the information and crap around thinking they have a balanced or clever perpective or viewpoint by regurgitating Putin (read worse than Nazi) propaganda .. but they are beneath the trolls as far as I am concerned, no excuse.
Those Russian people going out on the streets in Russia at the moment are heroes and our only realistic hope at present for a chance for the wider Russian population to realise who Putin is and what he does. Nothing else in my mind has a better chance to help deescalation right now?
In Russian rhetoric 'nazi' or 'fascist' usually means just "other side" . It has been for ages, there is nothing new and there is nothing to complicate about it.
The timeline is a bit off as the second Gulf War didn't start until 2003.
Well spotted! But if you'd have read the article, you'd have seen that was from a later phone call Blair had with Putin. In which Campbell says Putin was becoming angrier and more difficult to deal with. I do get Putin's frustration though, the US can act as world policeman, bomb countries, occupy countries, interfere in other states affairs/elections etc, and pretty much get away with it all.
In Russian rhetoric 'nazi' or 'fascist' usually means just "other side" . It has been for ages, there is nothing new and there is nothing to complicate about it.

It's only used like that in the west ironically and, outside of my parent's generation, pretty much everyone understands the colloquial usage.
So you think this will be covered by Western media (you trust) even if this turns to be true?

Tony L - true, Boris didn't throw barrels on civilians but he had no problem using another state as a proxy to fight a war he had no balls to go into himself. And yes, that is my definition of what we are witnessing now. A sad, imperial war between West and Russia, one side brutal and stupid, another one brutal and intelligent. No one cares about Ukraine and this war is not about Ukraine.

Btw, what if Dimitre's sources turned to be true, that Ukrainians are behind the slaughter of civilians in Doneck? Would anyone apologize, let alone cancel his ban, unless he's cancelled here as a Russian member?

If you make a specific claim of war atrocities, then you should back it up with multiple, credible sources of reporting. The link provided was propaganda, so the criticism received was 100% justified. But given the unique circumstance of the poster’s location, I understand why the ban was lifted. Given the poster’s somewhat erratic history (anti-Putin statement in one post followed by pro-Putin lies in the next), I put the odds of another holiday at 50/50.

There are no doubts that factions within Ukraine are neo-Nazi. Could say the same about most of those sporting “Z” insignias as well. But this whole Nazi thing is just a red herring. Anyone who believes Putin invaded Ukraine to de-Nazify the country is either ignorant, or has a blatantly pro-Putin agenda.
Interesting developments at the Belgrave Square home of Russian Businessan Oleg Deripaska:

A bunch of anarchist-squatters (at least one of whom is Ukrainian) have occupied the property as a protest against Putin's war.

Curious to see how the reflex to protect property at all costs plays out against the justness of the protest.

Hell of a lot of police on the scene.

Pussies, they should squat Buckingham Palace.
In colloquial use Nazi has long come to mean either fascist authoritarian in general or German fascist authoritarians of the 1930s and 40s. The distinction is usually very obvious from the context.
I would say to be a Nazi vs. a regular fascist, there needs to be a racial ideology attached.

Otherwise they are pretty similar; nationalistic, expansionistic, relying on us-and-them rhetoric, implementing state control of production by controlling the business owners, supporting autarky, and of course dismantling democracy.
In two days (16.march) we again will be fascist nation for Russia as we will have remembrance day of our national soldiers who fighted russians in front line alongside with german army in war. But maybe not this year, probably too busy calling other nations fascist. So, yes, there is very little actual real meaning left in this word for Russia and there in no point to take them serious.
Interesting developments at the Belgrave Square home of Russian Businessan Oleg Deripaska:

A bunch of anarchist-squatters (at least one of whom is Ukrainian) have occupied the property as a protest against Putin's war.

Curious to see how the reflex to protect property at all costs plays out against the justness of the protest.

Hell of a lot of police on the scene.

Uhm here we have a war in which the UK is not involved and the UK are seizing assets. There will be a lot of rich "locals" wondering if their time will come.

I guess the Riot Police are there to reassure them that we take their rights seriously. Mistake they made was squatting. A simple burglary would of attracted less police.

10 police vehicles + dozens of police ????

I wonder what happens when the war is over. Does the property revert back to the owners?
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