
Ukraine II

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Maybe they're fact checking. You know, making sure it's not a Russian 'false flag' thing. It's not like Russia doesn't have form for that sort of thing.


Towns in the Donetsk region are being removed from the face of the Earth but it's the ones on the Ukrainian side and the perpetrators are Russian artillery.

Sources a bit to "western" for you?
unmid is echoing the Daily Mail, so still a Western source I fear.... But I do not doubt the story.
Even our @Seanm calls her a conspiracy theorist, and I noticed he never did answer my question: does Putin benefit from an isolated and divided UK?

I am pretty sure Sean doesn't shill for Right Wing media or the Kremlin and I assume the latter question is rhetorical.
To add to my earlier post, Newsnight has reported on the far-right in Ukraine several times. I share the videos here without comment as to their accuracy and impartiality, but merely to highlight that discussion of these political currents in Ukraine is not the sole preserve of Putin apologists.

I think the key metric is whether right-wing elements in a society has enough electoral support to be a prominent part of the national or regional government.

By that metric, Ukraine is certainly not different and maybe better than many European countries such as Italy and France, where right wing is an empowered part of national politics.
I am pretty sure Sean doesn't shill for Right Wing media or the Kremlin and I assume the latter question is rhetorical.

Well, it's not really rhetorical. There is a distinct possibility IMO that Putin's interference influenced the result of the EU referendum vote, but Sean thinks we did it all by ourselves. Brexit is a win for Putin: it disrupts the EU, isolates the UK, and inflames political divisions between us. Why wouldn't Putin try to rig the game in his favour? We all know what he's capable of.
If there is any even slight glimmer of hope in this grotesque situation it may just be that the Overton Window is being reset slightly. It is encouraging to see RT, Guido Fawkes, Andrew Neil, Arron Banks, George Galloway, The Telegraph and countless others flushed out into the spotlight.
I think the key metric is whether right-wing elements in a society has enough electoral support to be a prominent part of the national or regional government.

By that metric, Ukraine is certainly not different and maybe better than many European countries such as Italy and France, where right wing is an empowered part of national politics.

My understanding is that nationalism in Ukrainian politics has always been more complicated than just the Nazi thug minority that every country has because of the complexity of the recent history, a popular sentiment to reinforce a national identity (with good reason!) and debates about Ukranian vs Russian, EU vs Russia, etc. etc. It's obviously imperfect, but a better analog from a UK perspective would be something like the Brexit movement rather than the National Front.
Well, it's not really rhetorical. There is a distinct possibility IMO that Putin's interference influenced the result of the EU referendum vote, but Sean thinks we did it all by ourselves. Brexit is a win for Putin: it disrupts the EU, isolates the UK, and inflames political divisions between us. Why wouldn't he try to rig the game? We all know what he's capable of.

Well I don't want to speak for Sean but I think the argument is that Putin's attempts to influence Brexit (and the Trump election victory) were not very effective but I don't think many argue that he didn't try or that it was politically advantageous for him.
Well I don't want to speak for Sean but I think the argument is that Putin's attempts to influence Brexit (and the Trump election victory) were not very effective but I don't think many argue that he didn't try or that it was politically advantageous for him.

Maybe, but both results were very close (particularly Trump). It wouldn't have taken much to push things in Putin's favour in both examples.
Well I don't want to speak for Sean but I think the argument is that Putin's attempts to influence Brexit (and the Trump election victory) were not very effective but I don't think many argue that he didn't try or that it was politically advantageous for him.

I’m more with Adam Curtis on this that the result didn’t matter, the win was the destabilising aspect. The splintering, the factionalising and ramping-up of mistrust in western democracy. One could argue the disputed US election and Jan 6th coup attempt was the real take home. The whole concept of democracy in the US is now hanging by a thread, as it is in the UK. I’m in no doubt we’ve all been pwnd, but I don’t think the goal was ever partisan e.g. simply supporting Trump or Farage/Johnson vs Obama or Corbyn. That wasn’t the game. Brexit was useful as it was so obviously divisive and economically damaging, plus it had real reach to harm the EU too. An easy win for a disruptor, as was say hacking the DNC.
Maybe, but both results were very close (particularly Trump). It wouldn't have taken much to push things in Putin's favour in both examples.

Yes, except that very close in a national vote is a *massive* effect. So if it did have an impact you should be able to see this in the data. Also remember that an awful lot of this is dogged by post hoc effects -- it looks like it was a lot more impactful because Trump and Brexit actually won when neither were expected and by how it has influenced the political and media conversations afterwards.

And from a "Psy Ops" perspective you can argue this is just as good. I.e. it doesn't matter if it worked just that lots of people think it did and so start to distrust their countrymen as much as their crazy uncle at Christmas.

EDIT: Which is the point Tony is making as well.
I remain bemused at the recent spiteful ad-hom attacks on Cadwalladr by two PFM posters who appear to identify as left wing and presumably aren't mates of Arron Banks. Most odd.

Corbyn supporters have been known to tie themselves in logical knots defending his ambivalence towards the alt-right Brexit project! CC saw it for what it was.
exactly. somehow they keep forgetting that for us they were occupants as well, and they manage do so much damage for nation just in that one year before war, the most serious just a week before war..

how do you mean "as well" when you fought with the nazis (you call them germans) against russians. this implies the nazis were not your occupants but partners.

meanwhile in the russian news:

My understanding is that nationalism in Ukrainian politics has always been more complicated than just the Nazi thug minority that every country has because of the complexity of the recent history, a popular sentiment to reinforce a national identity (with good reason!) and debates about Ukranian vs Russian, EU vs Russia, etc. etc. It's obviously imperfect, but a better analog from a UK perspective would be something like the Brexit movement rather than the National Front.
Direct comparison could be made to Finland and Hungary, which both fielded troops in WW2 that fought with or along the Germans and against Soviets.

But we don't seem to remember them in that context today.
The scenes of apartment blocks on fire and the maternity hospital the survivors from the first one shelled by the Russians fled to being itself shelled, are utterly nightmarish. Interviews with the obstetrician in the second hospital confirm the woman seen stretchered out from the first hospital with the fractured pelvis and dislocated hip died after 30min of attempted resuscitation and lost the baby. That’s a woman Russian media reported as being an actor.
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