
Ukraine II

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I just watched a Zelensky interview where he significantly raised the stakes by using 'whom' correctly. Over to you Vladamir.
Paul, absolutely take your point, and of course once 1 bomb then potentially Armageddon! Yep have 2 "kids" both 25 (M&F) My daughter, who is in the army, and I have discussed that our intention if/when all goes turtle is to try to get to an epicentre and not die slowly! Milliseconds much better option than radiation poisoning.
If this is to be the 6th(?) great extinction so be it. Humans really are a blight. Dont get me wrong, both my kids and I LOVE our lives but I just have a feeling, "If not now, then when" - our behaviour should change, but I dont hold out much hope, do you?
I don’t share your nihilistic wish for self destruction.
I`ve had a lot of trouble with MIGs in Ramsgate......Oh, sorry, I mean Midges.

Surely you don't mean midgets? There's been a lot of interbreeding in Thanet

Actually, though, I do remember a regular Ilyushin transport flight into Manston, a decade or two ago.

When I lived there, we had to cover our ears and cease conversations in the garden when these batches of Russian cargo planes came in just above rooftop level to land at Manston, just a mile or so behind our house. It made teaching/entertaining students outside a bit fraught at times.

Quite sure they were going to knock my G23 aerial off its chimney mast at time, they flying in so low.
He’s probably behind the whole visa upselling scam as well. I mean he needs the money, why wouldn’t he?

Maybe some evidence would have been found if the Tories hadn’t quashed plans to look for it. Boris overruled objections of the security service over Lebedevs Lordship, nothing to see, move along!.
There is a saying that the first casualty of war is the truth. Making a big, public announcement that the US isn’t going to facilitate the transfer of the MiG’s could mean exactly the opposite and gets the Russians to watch Ramstein while slipping them across the border on lorries.

I did wonder the same thing, though I reflected that they'd need to be big lorries, and wide roads.
So no ticket sales allowed from today.
Club shop closed.
Sale on hold.

If this runs into the close season Chelsea are in big trouble.

I am curious as to what assets are frozen. Will it include houses etc.. Can we expect to see repossession orders on houses in Mayfair? Or is private property sacrosanct?
Well what dya know, Dorries comes out with:

"Football clubs are cultural assets and the bedrock of our communities'

What next - fan majority ownership in England - and she will be professing her love of the BBC.
People are dying for lines on a map.
We're risking Armageddon for lines on a map.
Climate catastrophe doesn't care about lines on a map.
In 50 years time none of this will matter.
We are fighting the wrong war.

I think you will find it is Mr Puffy-Faced Putin rather than "we".
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