
Ukraine II

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Donesk is Ukrainian region attacked by Russian militia in 2014. And since then economically destroyed. Fighting all the time.
Whatever happens there, again russian are to blame as they invaded the region.
You do not know details, you do not know who is shooting, and for sure you do not know is anyone is nazi there. Fascist yes, and that Russians.

Always look broader context not only what you allowed to see.
Right now Nazi Ukrainians kill 20 people in Donetsk by rocket Tochka-U. It's regular terrorism as there no military points inside Donetsk.
The VSU is obviously not going to storm Donetsk. It's just the revenge of the retreating Nazis on the civilians of the city.

Let see when it appears on your honest and independent media. Then let see which of your leaders blame Zelensky for such act of violence.
To date, Russian Fascists have killed 1300 people in Mariupol with indiscriminate rocket and artillery attacks, shelled evacuation corridors they had promised to keep open, and are starving the civilian population. This is war crimes territory.
The Russian Fascist Forces are obviously not going to be able to occupy and hold Ukraine. This is just what frustrated fascists do to civilians when their "Special Military Operations" fail.

Let's see how RT, Novosti and all your other honest and independent media cover this.
Sorry, your truly media doesn't cover anything goes against your convenient picture of the world.

Our media needs to conform to basic standards of fact-checking and legal accountability. Sure, it is deeply flawed and partisan at times, but it is never as bad as some random internet bloke posting a link to Telegram. FFS, is that the best you have? You brainwashed dickhead.

PS For those who my be unaware what Telegram is and it’s links to white supremacy, the far-right, jihadists etc etc here’s the Wikipedia entry. It is where the real shit goes once it is banned from Twitter, Facebook etc.
To date, Russian Fascists have killed 1300 people in Mariupol with indiscriminate rocket and artillery attacks, shelled evacuation corridors they had promised to keep open, and are starving the civilian population. This is war crimes territory.
The Russian Fascist Forces are obviously not going to be able to occupy and hold Ukraine. This is just what frustrated fascists do to civilians when their "Special Military Operations" fail.

Any proof of statement? If it links to fake UA media don't put it here.
So hour later no updates from your honest media. Let see, let see.

23 people (including children) killed today by Ukranian Nazi Army.

Maybe they're fact checking. You know, making sure it's not a Russian 'false flag' thing. It's not like Russia doesn't have form for that sort of thing.


Towns in the Donetsk region are being removed from the face of the Earth but it's the ones on the Ukrainian side and the perpetrators are Russian artillery.

Sources a bit to "western" for you?
So hour later no updates from your honest media. Let see, let see.

23 people (including children) killed today by Ukranian Nazi Army.

Dmitre do you have any good sources for this (i.e. not social media)?

I'm fully aware that this isn't Star Wars, despite the simplistic narrative we're often presented with, and I suspect there are unpleasant far-right elements on the Ukrainian side that are being airbrushed out of some reports. But I'm also well aware that social media is being used as a propaganda tool by both sides.
Dmitre do you have any good sources for this (i.e. not social media)?

I'm fully aware that this isn't Star Wars, despite the simplistic narrative we're often presented with, and I suspect there are unpleasant far-right elements on the Ukrainian side that are being airbrushed out of some reports. But I'm also well aware that social media is being used as a propaganda tool by both sides.

I hope we will see it later today in all western/eastern media.
Our media needs to conform to basic standards of fact-checking and legal accountability.

You must be joking, Tony. Yes, it may be more subtle and refined than Roskaya Gazeta, there's lovely articles on music and film, but that's all about basic standards. When it comes to international politics, basically working for governments and their policies as the bottom line the same as Putin's.
You must be joking, Tony. Yes, it may be more subtle and refined than Roskaya Gazeta, there's lovely articles on music and film, but that's all about basic standards. When it comes to international politics, basically working for governments and their policies as the bottom line the same as Putin's.

I am hugely critical of our media as any review of my posts will highlight. I will however not host links to far-right conspiracy platforms such as Telegram. Not a chance, and those that attempt to bring it here shouldn’t be surprised in the slightest by my reaction.

I fully understand you have a different perspective in Serbia, and I have largely allowed you to post freely here. There is however a line, and dictatorship appeasement/fake news is roughly where it lies.
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