
UK General Election 2017 (Part IV) - Results Night

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Worth quietly pointing out for PR fans that the DUP get a massive 10 seats out of less than 300k votes! (BBC) The Greens polled way more than that to get just one. UKIP got nothing for even more.

And the SNP still got 35 seats for receiving 977k votes yet the LibDems only got 12 seats for their 2.36m??

UKIP received almost 4 times as much support as Plaid Cymru yet won 0 seats to Plaid's 4?

FPTP needs to go. Funnily enough, the guy who had the chance to change the British political system (Nick Clegg) has suffered under the system he could have changed.

Buckethead does appear more human.
Very good speech from Tim Farron now. Probably best he's ever given.
I agree. Apart from the OTT praise for Clegg (I did my bit to get rid of him yesterday and shed no tears when he lost his seat). But "No deal is better than a bad deal." was a real zinger. :)
I struggle to see how the DUP would want to oust the Tory Govt - they would effectively be letting Labour in which historically has been far more in favour of the nationalist agenda in Ireland.

I don't think they would want to oust the Tories - I'm suggesting a theoretical scenario where the DUP could keep the Tories in power as a minority government until 2022 against their wishes!
Ironic that many voted for a progressive alliance and instead got a regressive alliance - comprising the Conservatives and the DUP.

Yes indeed Mike, with the Tories climbing into bed with the terrorist and paramilitary supported DUP, in the form of the UVF and Red Hand Commando.
So. Jezza's got Jihadi mates, but it's ok to govern with creationist homophobes. Marvellous.

The Ulster Unionists will have a shopping list the length of your arm- knighthoods, peerages, ministerial portfolios, subsidies to big farming and land interests and Arlene Foster will want to be May's Deputy. They'll all be getting their sectarian parade outfits freshened up for their investitures at Buckingham Palace.
The Ulster Unionists will have a shopping list the length of your arm- knighthoods, peerages, ministerial portfolios, subsidies to big farming and land interests...

...and Cheddar cheese and pineapple on a stick.

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And the SNP still got 35 seats for receiving 977k votes yet the LibDems only got 12 seats for their 2.36m??

UKIP received almost 4 times as much support as Plaid Cymru yet won 0 seats to Plaid's 4?

FPTP needs to go. Funnily enough, the guy who had the chance to change the British political system (Nick Clegg) has suffered under the system he could have changed.

The Lib Dems would probably do better under a PR system but the rest probably wouldn't depending on what minimum threshold was set.
The youth vote:

Turnout in that group will definitely be higher than in recent years.
Will it be high enough? - yes if those who promise to vote actually do.

The task tomorrow will be for activists to harass, chase, and if necessary transport these lazy sods to the polling stations :) (and we will....not kidding)

It worked.

Figures I'm seeing indicate turnout from the <25s group has climbed to a position not seen for 30 years.
I don't think they would want to oust the Tories - I'm suggesting a theoretical scenario where the DUP could keep the Tories in power as a minority government until 2022 against their wishes!

I see - the Tory infighting will be interesting to watch for sure - if Brexit turns really nasty......
Yes indeed Mike, with the Tories climbing into bed with the terrorist and paramilitary supported DUP, in the form of the UVF and Red Hand Commando.

Indeed. And that will all be subject to scrutiny now, along with much else. The alliance won't survive it, no way. This is just not a credible proposition, I give it weeks.
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