
UK General Election 2017 (Part IV) - Results Night

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Only downers for me- both mine and the neighbouring constituency are historical Labour strongholds, both are now Tory. Mine was already Tory but he was on thin ice, sadly he has kept his seat. Depressingly even though UKIP is a complete nonentity now, they still came 3rd here which is mind boggling, but then the BNP came 3rd here in the 2010 GE so maybe not that surprising.

Neighbouring Mansfield has been Liberal or Labour for well over 120 years, now it's Tory for the first time, what a bunch of racist numpties. UKIP vote collapse is the cause of that, instead of coming back to Labour they went blue. Shame on them and a disgrace to all their mining forefathers now turning in their graves.
I would imagine, come 5 years from now, the less well off, this includes hard working families with children to feed in this country will be on their knees.

I still feel this result is a disaster, it's fine for those who want to punish the Tory party for Brexit, let them stew in their own juices & all that, if you have the means to sit back & wait 5 years, watch the show unfold, then good for you, in the meantime, back here in the real world, life will be almost impossible for many.

I do share your concerns as I'm sure it is going to be a hard 5 years (or less), but make no mistake this Tory government is now f***ed. They will not be able to get away with anything too extreme. I know you can argue I and many others can weather the next five years easy enough, and being honest you are right, I'm in a pretty good position (no mortgage, I have savings, I'm self-employed etc), but please don't equate that to arrogance. I honestly believethis has a good chance of being the last Tory government for a very long time indeed and a Corbyn government that would be seen to fail on Brexit and would be out of power again pretty much instantly after would be such a waste. The poorest and most in need will gain more over the long term, and that really is what I care most about.

PS I am convinced there is no "good Brexit deal". There is just little reason for there to be one. Whoever is in power is going to get bugger all from the EU, so please let that be the Tories so they can carry the can for it. We can build a better future later. I also don't think this government will last five years, I suspect if it doesn't go in the next few weeks it will crash out with a failed Brexit deal in 2019. In fact I'll be sticking a tenner on that!
Hardline Loyalists up north won't like all the condemnation and ridicule of their political party that's coming due to May using them to bail 'her' and 'her party' out.

Will a revival of violence up there be added to the Conservative Party's CV along with other memorable achievements like dragging the UK out of the EU, destroying the NHS, the police, the economy, the lives of millions, their own commons majority etc etc?

I hope not, but psycho May is on a roll :rolleyes:
For Bill Cash, it's another case of 'nothing has changed' with regard to Brexit. Bring it on, he says. Nothing but out of the single market and out of the customs union will do. The people of Stone are getting impatient.

There'll be a bunch of similar Tory MPs who'll be as hard-line with Brexit as the DUP are with gay marriage.

Over to you, Theresa...
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