
UK Election 2015 (part II)

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Well you are, at least, true to your principles and for that you have to be admired.

Mind you, I still think you are as mad as a fish.



I deleted the original post, Mick, but I am voting Green and if I lived in Scotland would put my x next to the SNP.

All the other parties are completely untrustworthy.

Nick Clegg's battle bus is one street away from my house just now. I don't know if he can save Jo Swinson though.
Just in case you still think it's clever to vote Tory, here are a few things that might make you think again.


Etc etc....

I mean.. Really?
I'm not voting Tory but equally I can't think of anything worse than having Milliband and Balls running this country.
Thank you for that link to the DM. They will release a true bombshell tomorrow when Suki Derwent-Tyggles ( graduate cum laude in Inheritence Studies, passionate about event management) blogs that Miliband has a secret third, halal kitchen.

You may scoff, did you see the piece yesterday of a labour meeting with the Asian community in Birmingham, males on one side and females to the other side?
Is this what we want for our liberal country?
Don't make me laugh, labour the biggest hypocrites on planet earth.

You have been brain washed by the never ending tirade of postings and graphs from dear old Matthew.

If you put 10 respected economists in the same room and ask them how they would rescue the world, you can expect 10 different answers. Krugman is just one of many.

Also you keep forgetting that Ed Balls will continue with the cuts, it's not just the Tories who will do it.

If you don't believe in austerity, you either have to vote for the Greens or the SNP and only a kid of 9 would trust them. All the other parties have indicated that they will continue with cutting expenditure and the reason for that is that it works.

Sorry Jack but you have to face reality.



I know this was intended for Jack but, if I may

Put 10 economists in the same room and ask them how they would rescue the UK and you may get an answer you don't like.

Labour have said they will continue with the cuts, they have also said they will not deal with the SNP, both are wait and see jobs.

If you continue to "believe" in austerity despite proof of the damage it has done I think it's you who's brainwashed.
I know this was intended for Jack but, if I may

Put 10 economists in the same room and ask them how they would rescue the UK and you may get an answer you don't like.

Labour have said they will continue with the cuts, they have also said they will not deal with the SNP, both are wait and see jobs.

If you continue to "believe" in austerity despite proof of the damage it has done I think it's you who's brainwashed.


It is pointless arguing economics because everything that will be said has already be said a hundred times before and no one ever convinces anyone to change their mind, so really we are all wasting a small part of our life by rattling on over and over again.

All you can do, is say your bit and vote according to your beliefs and then live with the results of how the electorate vote.

Some of us will like the result and some of us won't, that's it summed up in a nutshell.

Fooling the electorate into thinking that welfare spending only goes to feckless scroungers is the only thing the Tories have done well.

That so many dumb ****ers have bought into that narrative could spell social disaster for this country. I genuinely fear what will come if these evil bastarxs hang on to power.
Cutting benefits is popular politics – but marks the death of solidarity

It makes me ashamed to be British when I read that article... and my opinion of those who want to see benefits cut is similar to what I feel if I accidentally step in dog muck...

Any and all money that needs to be found should come from those who have more than enough already, both corporations and individuals. If you have £500,000,000 and have half of it taken in tax you are still fabulously wealthy but if you have to live on £70 a week and have that reduced to £50 then you're in it up to the neck! For those who understand that but would like to see the benefit reduced any way I hope there is a special place in hell.
It makes me ashamed to be British when I read that article... and my opinion of those who want to see benefits cut is similar to what I feel if I accidentally step in dog muck...

Any and all money that needs to be found should come from those who have more than enough already, both corporations and individuals. If you have £500,000,000 and have half of it taken in tax you are still fabulously wealthy but if you have to live on £70 a week and have that reduced to £50 then you're in it up to the neck! For those who understand that but would like to see the benefit reduced any way I hope there is a special place in hell.

No trouble with £500,000,000 of assets (Times Rich List?) providing taxes have been paid but do have trouble with what appear to be lax tax laws, HMRC not having the best tax accountants and lawyers and budgets to probe loop holes.

The old absolute amount vs percentages headlines...
There is one trend that I don't believe any party is really dealing with and that is the increasing differential between rich and poor. First off, I'm not sure that the statistics are being examined carefully enough, and secondly I'm not sure any of the parties have a coherent explanation for how this is to be tackled. It is not simply a matter of taxation, or raising minimum wages.

But this is a bad trend and I don't believe from those I have discussed this with that it is something that the rich want any more than the poor, as strange as that may seem. So clearly there are a number of diverse reasons for this but it's not really being explored in any meaningful way.

Sadly, this does go to the core of our society and culture. I don't believe that Labour would be any more effective at sensibly dealing with it than the Tories.
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