
Trump Part 18

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Man, how the mighty mascara-wearing rock gods have fallen.

Honestly we don’t need allies in the form of a bunch of old pinheads like that

...but it was all part of a "charity gala", so these must be decent people.

those in need of charity should be honoured that cardinals and generals care for them so much.
Maybe the tipping point is approaching, when the generals start criticising, mocking and laughing at the Commander in Chief in public

The tipping point isn’t when people frame it using oppressors as agents of change. It’s just a reset to a type of barbarism that centrists and liberals found acceptable.

@Eric_A_Stanley tweeted yesterday “Broken capitalism”, “broken prisons”, “broken democracy” are all non-critiques that ensure the terror of these systems expands under their assumed recalibration.

...In adopting this see-no-evil posture, Republicans like Haley are confirming Trump’s belief that the normal rules don’t apply to him. Trump said during the 2016 election that he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue without losing any supporters. What he has learned in the intervening period is that, as long as his supporters stay loyal, he won’t lose any elected Republicans either—or not very many of them, anyway. Some Republicans are too gutless to follow their consciences. Others still sense that there is personal gain to be had from associating themselves with Trump. ...
The GOP defense against Trump’s impeachment has been formalized, and distilled down to four points:
  • The July 25 call summary "shows no conditionality or evidence of pressure."
  • Ukrainian "President (Volodymyr) Zelensky and President Trump have both said there was no pressure on the call."
  • "The Ukrainian government was not aware of the hold on U.S. assistance" during the July 25 call.
  • The security assistance hold was lifted on September 11.

Here is an excellent debunking of this pathetic attempt at a defense, point by point.
Not that I would advocate violence, but given a choice between punching Stephen Miller or Donald Trump Jr., I would have a really hard time deciding.

given what a sorry specimen he is (of the race he favours), i actually feel somewhat sorry for miller. i used to feel that way about nigel farage, too, until i got to know him better.
This Ukraine fiasco meets all the requirements for an impeachment. If it doesn't happen the 'checks and balances' stopping a POTUS becoming a dictator are not working.
USA becomes more like Putin's Russia every day.
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