
Today I have mainly been v3

Took the dog out at lunchtime in the pouring rain. I enjoyed it as it was nice to get out and I was dressed for it - and the dog doesn't mind (he's a Labrador so loves any water that isn't a bath). Half way round the rain stopped and the sun came out, which was nice.

Used the time productively thinking about two things mainly:
  1. What a shower of b@stards the Tories are (their election leaflet dropped just before I arrived). At least they were clear they're mainly after the racist pensioner vote.
  2. Strategies to qualify out of a request for proposal that arrived on my desk today and that I don't want to waste my team's time on.
I've not had too many meetings today so have been listening to vinyl most of the day as at least it gets me up out of my chair regularly. Only 2 more meetings to go before the weekend as well!
3 x appraisal follow ups, listening to a student complaint, meeting with my senior team to resolve the complaint, meeting with the boss, writing to an unsuccessful candidate for a senior lectureship, drafting a comm to students.........weekend is here (almost)
  1. What a shower of b@stards the Tories are (their election leaflet dropped just before I arrived). At least they were clear they're mainly after the racist pensioner vote.

So far, we have only had leaflets from Labour. If the polls are anything to go by, there is a decent chance Labour will oust the Tories in Rushcliffe for the first time since Ken Clarke won in 1970.
Last day of a week off so spent a couple of hours walking lanes and bridle ways, finishing with a slice of chocolate cake and a nice cup of tea at a little tea shop in Norton-sub-Hamdon. Managed to avoid the showers too, which is nice.
So far, we have only had leaflets from Labour. If the polls are anything to go by, there is a decent chance Labour will oust the Tories in Rushcliffe for the first time since Ken Clarke won in 1970.
I lived in West Bridgford for a bit in the late 90's. I remember letting Ken Clarke out at a junction and he didn't even acknowledge it let alone any sort of gesture of thanks. To be fair if I'd twigged it was him quickly enough I wouldn't have let him out 😅
we had no leaflets from labour , our Labour Mp knows he is safe and does his usual nothing !!! his offfices are overgrown by weeds !
We never get much from Labour here in Somerset, normally just stuff from the Lib Dems or Tories. At least we haven't had any crap from Reform yet. We've also just been shifted into a different constituency recently, now part of Glastonbury / Somerton.
Just back from a long day in London. Trying to juggle too much work for not enough people. It usually works itself out.

Mrs BB is ill and supposed be going to the ballet at RAH tomorrow with our daughters and MIL. Cancelled swimming tonight as she’s not up to it. I’ve done 20,000 steps today so I’m not going to worry about missing it, shoulders are aching a bit post Pilates too.

Collected daughter #2 from Canterbury on my way home, traffic was terrible, as it always seems to be in Canterbury.

Cheers BB
Loads of paperwork today and popped into a garage to have a hunt for automatics for a family member , was very taken with a tardis called a VW up but it was a manual , got to get this chap to pass his test though before committing

bit of campaigning for alternative MP`s in our area

My 25-points blood donor badge arrived today. I thought it was a good excuse to suggest to anyone thinking of donating for the first time that they go ahead and do it. It doesn’t hurt, you don’t have to watch it coming out if you don’t want to, you don’t have to be a Young Person (I started just before my 64th) and - obviously, if you know me - it doesn’t seem to matter if your bloodstream is mostly a mixture of red wine and Belgian beer.

Plus, you get choccy biccies.

I started donating after reading a pfm post, so I’m trying to pass the message on.
Congrats @Marchbanks !

I admire a colleague of mine; now a hair past 60, because Nick has being doing sim as often as allowed since his later 20s ...that's far more than a bloody armful.

I am boring old O+, so I really should join the cause; and needles I am fine with, totally (such continuous-flight augers however...)
Loads of paperwork today and popped into a garage to have a hunt for automatics for a family member , was very taken with a tardis called a VW up but it was a manual , got to get this chap to pass his test though before committing

bit of campaigning for alternative MP`s in our area
Why would anyone not choose to take a driving test in a manual and be able to drive anything rather than learn on an automatic and be limited to just automatics?
Congratulations @Marchbanks

I got to 10 donations and then I went through a period of chronic fatigue and thought it best to stop donating.

Once I was recovered from that I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. The medication I ended up with makes my blood unsuitable.
got to 10 donations and then I went through a period of chronic fatigue and thought it best to stop donating.

I got to about 40 donations (got all the little stickers somewhere), then started regularly visiting countries where Malaria was endemic, then I got a dose of Malaria in Cote D'Ivoire - so I couldn't give for 3 years so I gave up
Why would anyone not choose to take a driving test in a manual and be able to drive anything rather than learn on an automatic and be limited to just automatics?
ah because he had a TIA at 28 , has dyslexia and adhd and finds the clutch /gearbox thing a bit of a stress apparently . I would much prefer to have him in a manual , far easy to find cheap run abouts
In Edinburgh for the weekend with friends. Drove up yesterday. Excellent dinner in Heron in Leith. Mooching about town this morning, scored a nice bottle of whisky in Cadenheads - my mate got another bottle and we’ve agreed to each open ours in the other’s company.

Concert this afternoon - The Sixteen at Greyfriars Kirk, then dinner at The Timberyard.

My kind of weekend.
I woke up at about 4 with a mild gastro. Not going anywhere today. Been asleep until now, I ought to get up and try to eat and drink something. Christ I feel rough, but I haven't troubled the porcelain for 3 hours of so now.
in the Three Johns Islington - interesting pub apparently famous for a meeting of Bolsheviks in 1905.

20240615_132457 by uh_simon, on Flickr

I used to drink in here back in the 1980s when it was Fallen Angel IIRC.

Just down the road is Chapel Market, where my parents used to bring me in the 1970s, as the fruit and veg was better than Ridley Road

