
Today I have mainly been v2

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crikey, I wish I lived near you… excess asparagus! As if there could be such a thing.

The Wife has been out to a local farm to get some asparagus. It never looks enough. We tend to only eat it when it is in season - it seems wrong to eat asparagus from Peru or Mexico.

(but we eat bananas, lemons, limes - hypocrisy!)
I agree with you on the seasonality thing. Fresh, local, seasonal asparagus is a treat. Asparagus from halfway round the world merely dilutes the effectiveness of the treat and, like you, we try not to encourage excessive food miles. Limes, bananas, etc, are not grown locally so it's either buy imported or do without. Not so with asparagus.
crikey, I wish I lived near you… excess asparagus! As if there could be such a thing.

I inherited an asparagus bed when we bought the house, same with the rhubarb. My uncle was a very keen gardener, he was out there every day. In fact he was in the garden in morning, had a stroke which ultimately proved fatal in the afternoon. He was in his 90s, probably a lot better for him than a slow decline.

We were lucky enough to be able to buy the house from my aunt.
I’ve been to the caravan and back today to destroy a single bed I was unable to donate. It’s now ready for a tip run having chopped it down to fit in the chariot and bring it home.

I’ve been to the local hermes drop-off to return a couple of items to amazon and now it’s just me and the dog at home. The SO is at the flat for a few days helping one of our adult kids following an op’ yesterday. I might finally sort out the dining room ceiling but I don’t want to set a bad precedent by doing too much.
... the second half of the morning still fighting with the network/NAS problems. Gigaclear, the fibre broadband provider, doesn't seem to have any solutions. I'm not surprised, really. Last night, I sent them a detailed run down of the situation via their contact support page on their website, only for it to bounce back to my e-mail as undeliverable. They obviously have problems !

As I fight with the system, the connected devices page keeps shewing oddities I don't recognise. Trimble XCN-1050 anyone ? It's a tractor ! (I keep good company !) So it would seem that there must be somewith wrong with the WLAN security on the new router as well if every passing tractor can shew up on my network.

I think I may be terminating my contract with Gigaclear as mis-sold. What are my legal options ?
Just had my 5th Covid vaccination. Rheumatoid arthritis meds put me on the vulnerable list. Vaccination centre very quiet compared to previous times.

Had to give in to the ageing of my eyes. Bought new alarm clock with bigger digits so I can hopefully read time without having to put on my glasses :):)
Just had my 5th Covid vaccination. Rheumatoid arthritis meds put me on the vulnerable list. Vaccination centre very quiet compared to previous times.

Had to give in to the ageing of my eyes. Bought new alarm clock with bigger digits so I can hopefully read time without having to put on my glasses :):)
Get mine next week in Banchory.
appraisal follow ups today - shortlisting for an L - 1-2-1 with the boss

Making a tomato salsa and a guacamole ready for tonights chilli from the freezer with tortilla chips
Waiting inside for someone to fix the light in the downstairs loo, whilst trying to resolve a mix-up with

Now the light has been fixed I'd better get off my arse and sort the rubbish/recycling out. It's all go round here.
Mundane chores but, more importantly, now sitting out on the lawn with an apple and a book while the blackies scoff the mealworms I put out for them.
Repaired a fence , worked on 2 fireplaces

Liased with bank over bounced cheques

Had a run in with some schoolboys causing trouble at community centre

And trying to sort some sheltered housing
Bought a few hifi-related things - which always makes me happy - yes, I know!
My 80-year-old mother had ulcer surgery last night and it went well. She will be recovering in hospital for the next three days.
I feel like a human being again after more than two months away from work. I think work is a hugely over-rated thing.
There are many minimum wage jobs here for when I am ready.
I will never want to teach again. I would love to work where I could use English on a daily basis, but really don't know where to start or where to look.
Posting on PFM has contributed to my well-being. Makes me feel part of the real world.
Posting on PFM has contributed to my well-being. Makes me feel part of the real world

I have to agree with this sentiment. PFM has given me a place to organise my thoughts and experiences following my recent loss.A few kind words in response helped me cope.

Many years ago I had to walk away from a job which had become quite a toxic place for me. Making the decision to leave was best thing I ever did. It took a couple of years to sort out the work situation but Heather was in a secure job and was able to support us both for a while. Not sure if I ever thanked her properly for that, too late now.
... the second half of the morning still fighting with the network/NAS problems. Gigaclear, the fibre broadband provider, doesn't seem to have any solutions. I'm not surprised, really. Last night, I sent them a detailed run down of the situation via their contact support page on their website, only for it to bounce back to my e-mail as undeliverable. They obviously have problems !

As I fight with the system, the connected devices page keeps shewing oddities I don't recognise. Trimble XCN-1050 anyone ? It's a tractor ! (I keep good company !) So it would seem that there must be somewith wrong with the WLAN security on the new router as well if every passing tractor can shew up on my network.

I think I may be terminating my contract with Gigaclear as mis-sold. What are my legal options ?

I would reset the router immediately (you probably have done that).
Waiting inside for someone to fix the light in the downstairs loo, whilst trying to resolve a mix-up with

Now the light has been fixed I'd better get off my arse and sort the rubbish/recycling out. It's all go round here.
You sat in darkness all that time with your drawers down?
Bought a few hifi-related things - which always makes me happy - yes, I know!
My 80-year-old mother had ulcer surgery last night and it went well. She will be recovering in hospital for the next three days.
I feel like a human being again after more than two months away from work. I think work is a hugely over-rated thing.
There are many minimum wage jobs here for when I am ready.
I will never want to teach again. I would love to work where I could use English on a daily basis, but really don't know where to start or where to look.
Posting on PFM has contributed to my well-being. Makes me feel part of the real world.

brilliant , a good friend of mine is now a bus driver after not being able to cope with stress of teaching . he seems happy .
trying to sort out complex architect plans for reoder project

phone call from family member " the bailliffs are at the door trying to get in , not paid my energy bill " ha ha ha .... dont you just love it !!!! so no doubt that will be a ccj , no chance of a mortgage and what a pain. happy days eh
I feel like a human being again after more than two months away from work.

I took a career break several years ago from a job that was stressful, involved long hours etc (I discovered afterwards that 'burn out' is a recognised thing and I ticked all the boxes). I had the same experience as you - after a couple of months I realised quite how badly the job had affected me as I started to feel so much better. At the time I had no idea - I guess we rationalise things and feeling pretty miserable just becomes the norm. Glad you're feeling more human.
I took a career break several years ago from a job that was stressful, involved long hours etc (I discovered afterwards that 'burn out' is a recognised thing and I ticked all the boxes). I had the same experience as you - after a couple of months I realised quite how badly the job had affected me as I started to feel so much better. At the time I had no idea - I guess we rationalise things and feeling pretty miserable just becomes the norm. Glad you're feeling more human.
I left it too long and it nearly saw me off, stress/lifestyle/workaholic attitude was a large contributor to my serious health problems a few years ago, 5 years ago today I was in recovery after a 12 hour life saving operation, had a bit of a moment with the Mrs last night when she mentioned at 10pm it was exactly 5 years ago I went into theatre. Until it happens to you it’s all too easy to ignore advice from others who know better or have battle scars, certainly makes you view things in a different light, you only get one innings!
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