
Today I have mainly been v2

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listened to a superb talk from nurse midwife working in Pakistan ... 50 degrees over there ... thank goodness i dont live there

assisting a family to find a property to live in

and wonderful walk in our local woods with stunning bluebells
A walk around the Bay. Bought some plants for the garden then sat and ate an ice-cream and watched the world go by.

Did a few small jobs in the garden, then dinner.

Now enjoying an Exmoor Gold and listening to Young Marble Giants.*

* Mrs seagull told me not too loud so this classic seemed appropriate.
I’ve just discovered that RetroTech is rebrand of NVCF and is on today. I haven’t been for a decade or so, but remember with affection that it’s a place where a shambling, confused old man muttering to himself can simply melt into the crowd - so if I can drag myself out of bed I’ll make the trip twenty miles across the PRW.

Edit: I did, and great fun it was too. I have posted a load of pics here.
Great pleasure to meet you today!
Great pleasure to meet you today!
And you too, once I’d got over the shock of someone I didn’t recognise calling out ‘Marchbanks?’ Usually when that happens it’s a tax inspector that has tracked me down, wanting to have a chat about the annual work of fantasy known as my self-assessment return.
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Painted the back fence. Ironed a big pile of clothes and made Pork Steak in Mushroom Sauce for dinner. Mrs BB sorted out the garden and then fannied about with Daughter #2, fake tanning and painting nails.

Cheers BB
Now enjoying an Exmoor Gold and listening to Young Marble Giants.*

Way back in the early 1990s we used to stay in Wiveliscombe, which was the home of both the Exmoor and Cotleigh breweries.
Had a few chats with the Exmoor brewer in a local pub.
20km trail bike ride to the Three Horseshoes with my best mate I haven't seen for a couple of years (lives overseas). Cheddar ploughmans and a couple of pints of Hopback's Crop Circle (yum!...Might have been a little more than stated...), sitting in the sun with idyllic views over the South Downs. Then a 20km wobble back. Those South Downs uphills are a whole lot worse with beer inside you...but the downhills are a blast!
One of those 'life is great' days to remember.
Whatever I don’t do on any particular day I should do, it always starts with a walk on the cliffs at 8am that ends an hour or two later. Today was reading until early afternoon whilst multitasking a fine tray of roast tattles/parsnip to go with a nice chicken cooked yesterday. Nothing was achieved apart from snaffling my wife’s wine after she had tottered off to bed a 9.30. What a lightweight! I shall suffer of course, but that’s in the future.
Not so much today, but a busy weekend, starting with Joe B at the RAH, and Raphael at the National. Highlight was down in Greenwich........

Where's Wally?

I get them often. Annoying but seemingly harmless. Usually a quivering/shimmering light, composed of yellow and blue lines in parallel. Short, but forming a rough circle with the yellow and blue alternating. Whole thing gets bigger until it fills, my vision and then seemingly goes beyond my visual field. sometimes followed by feeling a bit drained/washed out and with a headache.. or not...
That pretty much sums up my experience exactly, except as to frequency. A visual disturbance that starts in the centre of one eye, a flickering body, a bit like a larger floater, it expands in a ring until it expands beyond my field of vision. In the early stages, it stops me reading, but as the ring expands, normal vision resumes in the centre of the ring. Once it has passed, I get a feeling of drowsiness, followed often by a niggling headache. If I can take a nap before the lethargy sets in, I can often avoid the headache.

I had my first one about 30-odd years ago and no others for a few years after that. I'd figured out that the experience, while unsettling at the time, was most likely some form of migraine. I'd never had a migraine until that point (I'd have been around 30 by then). They've got slightly more frequent as time has gone by, I used to get one a year, or thereabouts, more recently perhaps a couple a year.
Just repaired a puncture on my wheelbarrow. Lasted all of 30 minutes of to-ing and fro-ing from the compost heap before going flat again. Discovered the culprit was an ancient bramble twig I'd been running over on the way. Grrrr.
The inner tube will be more patch than tyre soon.
Bloody aching today, my old Rotary Cuff problem is back with avengance and my lower back problem is making another one if it's all too regular appearances. Just got in from work (a couple of hours admin to do now) and decided climbing 6 floors of scaffolding this morning wasn't the best idea. On the upside I've got a couple of hours to play my own tunes.

Cheers BB
Thinking I may harvest my first ever artichoke tomorrow. (plant grown from seed)

Also thinking I might plant some artichoke suckers out in the adopted Guerrilla Garden in The Field, they can go bonkers out there - I only have space for one plant in my tiny bit of garden that The Wife lets me experiment with.

We had Grandson over today who has Cerebral Palsy. Had him in stitches by saying ‘dumplings’ over and over again. He is a jolly fellow.

The Daughter found a skull /skeleton in her garden, we think it is a rabbit. I am bleaching the skull so the Granddaughters can examine it, and maybe draw it?

Mushroom & Cheese omelettes for main today.
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