
Today I have mainly been v2

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brilliant , a good friend of mine is now a bus driver after not being able to cope with stress of teaching . he seems happy .

Whilst I had no idea what job I wanted, teaching was definitely not one of them. Though being a bus driver can also be quite a stressful occupation, particularly in large cities.
yes very stressful ... i dont know how he does it . I would blow a fuse ... especially with crazy drivers on roads and non paying passengers
... finally resolving, in Heath Robinson fashion, the network NAS discovery problems that have been plaguing me since we changed Internet provider and router last week.

The solution:
  • Fire up the old router, not connected to anything at all.
  • Plug a network cable into one of the yellow ethernet output sockets.
  • Connect the laptop via WLAN to the old router.
  • Bingo, everything is seeable on the network, and the laptop has internet connection via the old router, which itself must be connected to the internet via the network, the new router and the modem.
Weird. How that works, I've no idea, but I'm not asking.:)
No tractors on the network today, but there was a mobile health device: a TC56 from Zebra Technologies.
Keeping abreast of developments in the bird box. That looks distinctly like a new-born tiny pink thing to me...


...and Dad has decided it’s time to help out with food.


6pm update... aha, as I thought! Five out of nine now... I’d raise a glass in celebration, but I’m off the booze until tomorrow night. I can wait, they should all be out by then.

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small group meetings with staff to collect feedback. Writing some guidance notes and developing some training materials for a particular staff role.

staff disciplinary
Drove to Hampshire (Fareham) to do a quote and then back home to write it up and listen to some tunes. Will be a rare occassion tonight, I'll be supporting Chelsea.

Cheers BB
Replacing a few wobbly flagstones on the patio, unfortunately some of them about a metre long so pretty heavy and unwieldy for someone of my modest proportions (and talents). The worst thing is when you get one that just won’t sit down, first the top corner is high so you scrape some mortar out then the opposite corner pops up, then all four do a little jig etc., etc. Then just when it’s all settled the wife sneaks out to get the washing in and ….Grrrrrr……
Just watched a bonkers Park Chan-Wook film, that I have seen before but didn’t remember it all till I had seen it again.

‘Oldboy’ from 2003

South Korean film, English subtitles. (on DvD) - crikey, what a trip.

Yesterday, I watched ‘Kung Fu Hustle’ (Chinese - English subtitles, DvD) for the umpteenth time to educate eldest Granddaughter in the joy of Stephen Chow films
- the girls have already had ‘God of Cookery’ 1996 Stephen Chow foisted upon them from an early age, my favourite Chow film.

Big bowl of noodle soup, Ramen stylee, complete with boiled eggs, chicken and beef grilled with hoisin marinade. Fit to burst. Much slurping.
Replaces faulty stop/start box on our battery driven lawnmower (Stiga), walked the dogs, spent an enjoyable afternoon with a very good friend, made dinner, helped my wife plan another short family trip to Germany - Bremen this time. Now, I'm drinking a beer while reading PFM and dreaming of soon to be arriving turntables and phono stages.

I still need to declutter and clean my study so I can fit in the 3 Thorens turntables and service them here.

Love the photos of artichokes and newly-hatched birds.
Been visiting the same site in the City (Square Mile London) for the last 10 days. The difference between footfall on Mon-Thurs and Friday is immense. I reckon there’s 50% less people on Friday.

Cheers BB
Been visiting the same site in the City (Square Mile London) for the last 10 days. The difference between footfall on Mon-Thurs and Friday is immense. I reckon there’s 50% less people on Friday.

Cheers BB

I'm going to have to start returning to my office in That London. It's dead easy to get a desk in the office on a Friday.
meeting with finance - for the Q3 forecast - looking good for the dept

attending a seminar on the results from the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF21)
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