
Today I have mainly been v2

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... fuming about my IT problems.

Last week we had fibre broadband connected, with a spanking new Linksys router. It's only got one ethernet port ! Great !
  • The network switch is fully populated, so I'm at least a socket short. Which one do I kick off ?
  • The network streamer board in the preamp refuses to connect to the new WLAN, though LAN is far preferable anyway.
  • The new router won't see my WD Netbook live on the computer, although UPnP works.
  • Lots of faffing following Youtube turtorials, but everything is already set up properly on the laptops (everything worked with the old router anyway).
  • This, according to the WD website, is a known Linksys problem. Disable iPv6 (I can only set it to passthrough) as the solution. Problem solved ... on one laptop only ... for just one day. Since, no NAS on the system computer tab, so I can't add new files etc. I need to raise an issue with Linksys and/or Gigaclear, the internet provider.
  • To cap it all, BubbleApp has decided to mess around, too. Play all. OK, I'll play say 3/12 tracks and then stop.
Grr ! I hate IT.

Now just the VoIP phone to sort out (oh! the Port on the router is already being used !) and to change mobile phone provider so that I can still get one that includes EU roaming. iD and some others include roaming, but they use 3's network which means going to stand in the lane if you want signal, though phone over WiFi should work.

Why's it all so complicated and such a rip-off ? :mad:
Spent two hours shovelling horse manure from a huge pile into sacks on a local smallholding. The owner’s two sheepdogs helped immensely - the ancient, poor-sighted one by hovering the entire time over my right foot and the young, enthusiastic one by nuzzling his ball ever closer to my centre of vision, so I had to take a break from digging and throw it again. Every thirty seconds.

Just repaired a puncture on my wheelbarrow. Lasted all of 30 minutes of to-ing and fro-ing from the compost heap before going flat again. Discovered the culprit was an ancient bramble twig I'd been running over on the way. Grrrr.
The inner tube will be more patch than tyre soon.

I put Slime puncture preventer in my barrow wheel. The cheap 2 ply tyres are so thin that punctures are inevitable.
I have asparagus coming out of my metaphorical ears. Last year after cropping I allowed the fronds to develop, and put a rope fence round them to keep them upright. This seems to have given the roots quite a boost. The previous years I just allowed it to flop. The fronds died off quicker in those years.

All my friends are being offered asparagus. Also have excess rhubarb. Meant to sort it out last autumn but got caught up caring for Heather and nothing happened.

So the plan for this autumn will be to reduce the rhubarb down to a couple of plants instead of the 10-12 I currently have. Also I think I will try to reduce the asparagus plants to a more manageable number. Not sure if I can transplant them to provide a complete row.
Changed rear brake pads on the better half's car.
Sold an old bike.
Adjusted the rear wheel bearings on another old bike (which had a good outing yesterday but got a little wobbly towards the end of the ride!)
Closed a bank account.
Subscribed to Tidal.
Went for a nice long walk with the better half. The bluebells are nearly gone..
Cleaned the dogsh^& off the walking boots....(trip to specsavers needed...)
Went for a 5k run.

Not necessarily in that order...except for the walk and cleaning the boots...:rolleyes:
Spent two hours shovelling horse manure from a huge pile into sacks on a local smallholding. The owner’s two sheepdogs helped immensely - the ancient, poor-sighted one by hovering the entire time over my right foot and the young, enthusiastic one by nuzzling his ball ever closer to my centre of vision, so I had to take a break from digging and throw it again. Every thirty seconds.

Would never have as a pet dog. Too highly strung by some margin - even the oldie is intense in the pic.
De-weeded my many pavers today. My neighbour uses Roundup. I struggle about on my knees with a Stanley knife. Saving the planet is tiresome and attracts derision.
Spent the afternoon touching up paint on our front door trim. To paint the lowest parts, I had to lay down on my side.

My neighbor, a fire fighter by trade, saw me and came rushing over thinking I might have collapsed! We had a good chuckle, but I totally understood his concern. Over the weekend, we lost another neighbor, age 96, to a stroke. She was a wonderful woman, and lived in the house across the street from us since 1946. Will never forget the day we moved here in 2002. She knocked on our door, introduced herself, welcomed us to the neighborhood, and left us with a nice plate of chocolate chip cookies. RIP dear lady.
Yup, I laugh at myself digging weeds out of the patio and lawn...but feel good about it and find it quite theraputic..

Yer, I know what you mean. I laid all of mine so have an emotional attachment….( to bricks!)
Spent the afternoon touching up paint on our front door trim. To paint the lowest parts, I had to lay down on my side.

My neighbor, a fire fighter by trade, saw me and came rushing over thinking I might have collapsed! We had a good chuckle, but I totally understood his concern. Over the weekend, we lost another neighbor, age 96, to a stroke. She was a wonderful woman, and lived in the house across the street from us since 1946. Will never forget the day we moved here in 2002. She knocked on our door, introduced herself, welcomed us to the neighborhood, and left us with a nice plate of chocolate chip cookies. RIP dear lady.

we had the same sort of experience whilst walking the Lizard peninsula. Turns out the guy was preparing to photograph one of its very small and rare flowers!
Its probly just a ray or alien fish, i read about it being endangered. Whatever it is it smells disgusting and im sure his getting it purely to annoy me.
we had the same sort of experience whilst walking the Lizard peninsula. Turns out the guy was preparing to photograph one of its very small and rare flowers!

Puts me in mind of a story I heard many years ago. Possibly apocryphal.. but...

I seems a Mountain Rescue Team member lived in a lake district cottage at the bottom of a path up into the mountains. One wild snowy, icy winter's night as he was putting rubbish out he saw a guy walking past heading up into the mountains. He stopped the chap and suggested that a lone trip up there at night was not a smart move. The fellow got quite tetchy, insisted he knew what he was doing and headed off up the path...

Later, the Mountain Rescuer, along with his team, were called out, as a light was seen flashing high up in the hills as if someone was in trouble.
Once up in the hills, the team found the same walker who'd been challenged earlier. He was lying on his belly flashing his torch around in a small mountain stream. When asked what he was playing at..he told the team he had dropped his glasses into the stream and was searching for them. When criticised for causing a 'false alarm', the chap stood up angrily, slipped on ice, fell and broke his ankle... whereupon he had to be rescued...

Really really not enjoying the lingering smell of cooked skate, stomach churning aroma.

I don't know why, but I cannot abide the smell of any fish, raw, cooked or cooking.. Literally makes me heave, as does the smell of any shellfish. Fish markets or similar are a nightmare for me.
Fish I'm OK with. What made me heave was the smell of frying cheese when my grandmother came round on a Friday.

I used to work with someone who was put off cooked cheese when a flatmate's cauliflower cheese went wrong and he chucked it down the sink. Unsurprisingly this blocked the sink, and the resulting goop in the U-bend was, in my co-worker's words, 'enough to make you gyp'.
Yesterday we had the delight of accommodating both our 10 month old Granddaughter, and daughter's yappy little fluff ball dog. Mercifully, the yappy little Pikachon has calmed down a bit..but he's still a pain and can't even be let out in the garden without a he just refuses to come back in and is way too fast for me to catch.
Granddaughter is of course a delight, but can now stand, using any available support, which of course includes my speakers, the TV, etc. She also discovered how to pull DVDs out of their place and use them to hammer the TV screen. No damage done but I'd forgotten just how exhausting it is coping with little 'uns and was relieved when Daughter came back 10 hours later to rescue us...

Today. Recovery mode and quiet time as 'Er Indoors' has gone off to help with Grandkids.
Was planning to try to at least get a trench prepped for the Runner Beans and pot on the Tomato plants, but heavy showers are putting me off.
Garden is getting away from me as all tasks involve kneeling, standing etc., and are just torture.
5 weeks on from third 'pre op' and still no date for knee surgery.
I have asparagus coming out of my metaphorical ears. Last year after cropping I allowed the fronds to develop, and put a rope fence round them to keep them upright. This seems to have given the roots quite a boost. The previous years I just allowed it to flop. The fronds died off quicker in those years.

All my friends are being offered asparagus. Also have excess rhubarb. Meant to sort it out last autumn but got caught up caring for Heather and nothing happened.

So the plan for this autumn will be to reduce the rhubarb down to a couple of plants instead of the 10-12 I currently have. Also I think I will try to reduce the asparagus plants to a more manageable number. Not sure if I can transplant them to provide a complete row.

crikey, I wish I lived near you… excess asparagus! As if there could be such a thing.

The Wife has been out to a local farm to get some asparagus. It never looks enough. We tend to only eat it when it is in season - it seems wrong to eat asparagus from Peru or Mexico.

(but we eat bananas, lemons, limes - hypocrisy!)
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