
Today I have mainly been v2

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Awake for the last hour.

Mug of tea now and listening to the beautiful dawn chorus.

Spent 30 minutes reading stuff that I barely understand about converting stereo cartridges to mono, fuzzed my head.

Weather is going to be warmer for a while, I still want some regular rain though. Ideally during the night.

Concerned that the artichokes that I have growing are in fact cardoon…
Awake for the last hour.

Mug of tea now and listening to the beautiful dawn chorus.

Spent 30 minutes reading stuff that I barely understand about converting stereo cartridges to mono, fuzzed my head.

Weather is going to be warmer for a while, I still want some regular rain though. Ideally during the night.

Concerned that the artichokes that I have growing are in fact cardoon…
Woke up early too, 03:15 ish, probably work related, really tried to get back to sleep, no chance, Mrs told me to stop fidgeting an hour ago, so have been down stairs since, some ‘interesting’ election results.
Woke up early too, 03:15 ish, probably work related, really tried to get back to sleep, no chance, Mrs told me to stop fidgeting an hour ago, so have been down stairs since, some ‘interesting’ election results.

Yer, I have had the election on the radio all night. Hull was a surprise, so far no other shocks.

I eventually got up and cleaned a load of records, now back in bed. By the time I get out of my pit, the vinyl will be ready to play.
My The Wife hardly stirred, she sleeps heavily whereas I wake at the slightest noise - owls etc.
email yesterday from the car and its app (yes) reminding me it needs its MOT by 6th June. Get on the App to book and no slots until first week in July!!! Phoned them, no slots. I said I'll go elsewhere, they said we can squeeze you in on 28th May......weird
all morning - focus group on "safe to speak up" led by an external organisation......interesting.
odd day.

later on my eyes went funny and I had to lay down with my eyes closed for a while. I could still see the kaleidoscope weirdness even with my eyes closed. Left hand field of vision only… (my brain injury is right-sided) - no headache or dizziness. odd. resolved spontaneously. didn’t sleep well last night, so might be that.
I've had something similar and my doctor told me it was a migraine in the part of the brain that deals with vision. Mine came on in the middle of a meeting and obscured all the vision in one eye, very worrying. It did pass in an hour or so. An emergency appointment with the doctor that day diagnosed a vision migraine. I popped the optician the next day for a check up in case it was something in the eye itself, but nothing, all in the mind it seemed.
Spent most of the morning on the phone to the Pension Service, then National Insurance contributions, then the Pension Service again. They all seem friendly, helpful people and I’m deeply embarrassed that I take in virtually nothing that they tell me. I consider myself to be a reasonably bright human being, but I find everything beyond the broadest brush strokes of the subject incomprehensible. However, I now know that what I did today, or am going to do, or did some time ago only it hasn’t propagated through the system yet - I can’t remember which it was - means I will get an extra £15 per week pension when it starts in a few weeks. My brain took that bit in immediately. Before the agent had finished the sentence an image of a decent bottle of wine was floating in front of my eyes.

I think the BBC needs to do a series on Pensions. They could get a great populariser like Brian Cox to sit, silhouetted against the setting sun, on a mountain top and offer meaningful pronouncements on Voluntary Class 2 Contributions Over the £6000 Earnings Threshold in voiceover while the cameraman whizzes round him in a helicopter. All set over surging Hans Zimmer music, of course.
Spent most of the morning on the phone to the Pension Service, then National Insurance contributions, then the Pension Service again. They all seem friendly, helpful people and I’m deeply embarrassed that I take in virtually nothing that they tell me. I consider myself to be a reasonably bright human being, but I find everything beyond the broadest brush strokes of the subject incomprehensible. However, I now know that what I did today, or am going to do, or did some time ago only it hasn’t propagated through the system yet - I can’t remember which it was - means I will get an extra £15 per week pension when it starts in a few weeks. My brain took that bit in immediately. Before the agent had finished the sentence an image of a decent bottle of wine was floating in front of my eyes.

I think the BBC needs to do a series on Pensions. They could get a great populariser like Brian Cox to sit, silhouetted against the setting sun, on a mountain top and offer meaningful pronouncements on Voluntary Class 2 Contributions Over the £6000 Earnings Threshold in voiceover while the cameraman whizzes round him in a helicopter. All set over surging Hans Zimmer music, of course.
I think it’s voluntary class 3 NI payments for bumping up the state pension.
Class 2 are what the self employed pay
I think it’s voluntary class 3 NI payments for bumping up the state pension.
Class 2 are what the self employed pay
I’m working on my Pension series pitch right now. In the face of such knowledge of the subject I have added you to my shortlist of possible presenters (the others being Frankie Boyle and Davina McCall.) Could you pass on your agent’s details so the execs can get in touch?
Only if you can give me your volumes on how to understand how the govt work out your state pension!
I’m working on my Pension series pitch right now. In the face of such knowledge of the subject I have added you to my shortlist of possible presenters (the others being Frankie Boyle and Davina McCall.) Could you pass on your agent’s details so the execs can get in touch?
The charts on here may help

it’s from 2018 so the figures are all wrong but the principles remain.
I've had something similar and my doctor told me it was a migraine in the part of the brain that deals with vision. Mine came on in the middle of a meeting and obscured all the vision in one eye, very worrying. It did pass in an hour or so. An emergency appointment with the doctor that day diagnosed a vision migraine. I popped the optician the next day for a check up in case it was something in the eye itself, but nothing, all in the mind it seemed.

yes i had similar in lockdown and paid a small fortune to get checked by eye specialist [ no one else was open ] and he said it was that .
off to London, lunch at a Spanish place in KingsX. Will have a wander, planned to walk around the serpentine, a few beers and dinner at Theo Randall, sleeping in the Hilton (points room)
Painting. Ceiling this morning, garden seat this afternoon. I don't mind painting; I find it quite relaxing unless I run out of paint and/or brush cleaning stuff.

Then a few drinks this evening.
Dis assembling the bathroom furniture ready for the fitters to start the heavy jobs on Monday.
I've had something similar and my doctor told me it was a migraine in the part of the brain that deals with vision. Mine came on in the middle of a meeting and obscured all the vision in one eye, very worrying. It did pass in an hour or so. An emergency appointment with the doctor that day diagnosed a vision migraine. I popped the optician the next day for a check up in case it was something in the eye itself, but nothing, all in the mind it seemed.

I get them often. Annoying but seemingly harmless. Usually a quivering/shimmering light, composed of yellow and blue lines in parallel. Short, but forming a rough circle with the yellow and blue alternating. Whole thing gets bigger until it fills, my vision and then seemingly goes beyond my visual field. sometimes followed by feeling a bit drained/washed out and with a headache.. or not...
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