
Today I have mainly been v2

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While standing in line at the fish counter trying to decide if today should be a caviar, lobster or both day, the woman in front of me turned, looked me up and down and said (in a rather accusatory tone) “You look like George Bernard Shaw!” Wondered if it might be time to go down the McCartney route and have an implausible hair-dye job.

She could have said "you look good for someone who has been dead for 72 years" :)
Quoting some work next to this:


Cheers BB
While standing in line at the fish counter trying to decide if today should be a caviar, lobster or both day, the woman in front of me turned, looked me up and down and said (in a rather accusatory tone) “You look like George Bernard Shaw!” Wondered if it might be time to go down the McCartney route and have an implausible hair-dye job.

Plait the beard.

Add a bit of silk ribbon (purple?).

A T-Shirt with a B.S.A. on it.

you will pass for 64
Listened to a piece on the radio about grief.
With reference to the well known ‘five stages,’ I maintain that adaptation is the final stage, not acceptance. Note: The 5 stages are not linear and may be revisited, and have no prescriptive order - in my opinion.

I think that is a good point of view. I certainly find that I am adapting more than accepting my new situation. So far Denial and Bargaining haven't been part of my journey. Anger and Depression certainly have been.
While standing in line at the fish counter trying to decide if today should be a caviar, lobster or both day, the woman in front of me turned, looked me up and down and said (in a rather accusatory tone) “You look like George Bernard Shaw!” Wondered if it might be time to go down the McCartney route and have an implausible hair-dye job.

You should have replied 'We already know what you are, madam, now we are simply haggling over the price'. (Personally, I would have just looked a bit baffled and shuffled my feet. But then I don't look like GBS).
Bought fourteen black socks from M&S today. Why do the lights in the fitting rooms show you at your worst in shops? Has always seemed odd to me.
I've been avoiding full-length mirrors for several years since catching a glimpse of a fat old bloke in a hotel room mirror after a shower and realising that it was myself.
You should have replied 'We already know what you are, madam, now we are simply haggling over the price'. (Personally, I would have just looked a bit baffled and shuffled my feet. But then I don't look like GBS).
I briefly considered 'and you, madam, are like a stream of bat's p*ss' but I couldn't remember if it was one of Shaw's or not. I couldn't remember which store I was in, if I'm being honest.
Bought fourteen black socks from M&S today. Why do the lights in the fitting rooms show you at your worst in shops? Has always seemed odd to me.

You sound like my mate - only buys black socks - all the same, no problem matching a pair. No problem if one socks does a bunk. Practical if a little conservative.
You sound like my mate - only buys black socks - all the same, no problem matching a pair. No problem if one socks does a bunk. Practical if a little conservative.

I’ve never expressed my personality through my choice of socks. In fact, other than in chilly conditions, their continued presence makes only slightly more sense than a tie. But you are right. They are excellent for funerals too..
tried to set up internet banking for an elderly lady .... oh my my what a palaver !!

Was it TSB? I did similar for a 92yo who doesn’t own a computer so was round at his trying to make a payment. They needed a callback and he refused to speak to them so I did and they froze his logon so I gave them a round of f#cks. The following day all was calm so I called again to ask how to get the ‘freeze’ lifted - just ask him to ‘pop in to a branch with a piece of photo ID’.
Me - he’s 92 and can’t walk so isn’t popping anywhere. Also, he only has a bus pass with a photo so have you got any other ideas?
We wouldn’t accept a bus pass, how about a drinking licence or passport?
He’s never had a passport and gave up driving at 85 so surrendered his licence to DVLA so it’s time you got creative.
It got worse from there so I told them they were supposed to make services to older people more not less accessible and, cue further round of f#cks. That was January. They won’t budge and he’s still unable to log on so it’s all done via me.
I’ve never expressed my personality through my choice of socks. In fact, other than in chilly conditions, their continued presence makes only slightly more sense than a tie. But you are right. They are excellent for funerals too..
Reminds me of many (!) years ago at school. The maths teacher was a bit odd (drove a Reliant Kitten and played the trombone, but not at the same time).
Every morning, he would come in, write 20 questions on the blackboard, gesture and point at it, then sit down and put his feet up on the desk and read The Guardian, without saying a word at any point.
One day, I noticed he had odd socks on. Much amusement and whispering between me and my mates. He looked up, but did not say anything.
Next day, exactly the same thing happened, and has odd socks on again. Then, after sitting down with feet up, he looked at me and said "I've got the other pair on today, Cross" (referring to my surname. Actually it came out as Crossssss, as he normally called me Jamessssss).
Spent most of the second half of the afternoon wrestling with odd network behaviour after installing the new router.

Neither laptop (Windows 10 & 11) will see the NAS, though BubbleApp does. I've followed one Youtube tutorial, trying out all its tricks, but no luck.

I had to do a factory reset on one Chromecast, though the other's ok. Finally, the preamp's network card says it's connected via LAN, it can't be seen. It's all a bit weird. I'm dreading trying to connect the printer (WLAN).
Chainsaw, hedge trimmer, brush cutter, trimmer all in action. 6 Greed bins filled. Think I deserve a beer or two so now watching IPL recording with a Cairgorm Trade Winds in hand.
You sound like my mate - only buys black socks - all the same, no problem matching a pair. No problem if one socks does a bunk. Practical if a little conservative.

Doesn't always work out. The random nature of my sock drawer and the washing machine can mean that some socks get washed more often and fading at different rates. Rather than all the socks being black you end up with a range of dark grey colours. Can look odd if you pick a pair which is at the extremes.
You sound like my mate - only buys black socks - all the same, no problem matching a pair. No problem if one socks does a bunk. Practical if a little conservative.
I’m with your mate on this one - black socks only here. No need to chuck both away when one gets holes. I believe Dr H is of the same persuasion.
I’m with your mate on this one - black socks only here. No need to chuck both away when one gets holes. I believe Dr H is of the same persuasion.


a wasted opportunity to show some style methinks.

Very Manly though. I just ain’t man enough, as per usual.
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