
The Ten Biggest Lies in Audio

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When he bought his "ghetto blaster" (or whatever they call those things sold in Comet) from Comet he wanted to hear some before he parted with his money. No way was he going to buy without hearing some of them first, even in a place like Comet.

Although I wouldn't bother to listen to HiFi equipment before purchase, I would if I were buying a Ghetto blaster. Those things are so far below HiFi, so far below transparency that the only way to judge just how bad (or good)they are is by ear. Their specs, if they have any at all, don't get any further than how many watts, and as for those loudspeakers.....

Just a quick note to remind everyone that no subjectivist here or elsewhere has ever stated they believe certain equipment has magical abilities over other gear. What we have suggested is the best sounding equipment may reproduce portions of the signal that other gear loses or distorts regardless of hobbyist null tests, etc.

DIYers may think they have a handle on the intricacies of circuit R&D and performance when evaluated with a one-off piece but I suspect manufacturing hundreds or thousands of these items uncovers circuit interactions and distortions a DIYer won't ever know about.

I personally believe many of the distortions rejected as nonsense by the hobbyists are probably fully understood by the engineers that design and manufacture products which are immune but they're not giving up their knowledge since it gives them the competitive edge.

The belief in something for which there is no evidence could be construed as belief in 'magic'...

Just sayin' man!
The belief in something for which there is no evidence could be construed as belief in 'magic'...

Just sayin' man!

Correct, but how do we know there really isn't evidence? Just because you or I don't know doesn't mean others do not.

Re: what is pfm about - you left out a few gentleman's playthings, like watches.
Obviously, but just sayin' man!
I was going to include mountain gorillas, Seiko watches and The Shat in my list, but I didn't want to be accused of trying to create some sort of splinter-cell Joe forum, man.

So it's a smug, 'me too' club?

I could ask why you need the expense of a fancy watch to feel superior to 'the ignorant masses', without whom you'd be out of work...

But I won't...


You did. It's whatever you want it to be. The person who will spend most time interacting with a watch is its owner, so he'd better buy something he likes. If you don't like my choices, does that make life tough for me? No, I don't think so.

Any knowledgable person is superior to ignorant people, at least in terms of knowledge, if not in any other way. They don't need the expense of any luxury item for this to be true.

A logical extension of the anti-luxury stance is to wear the cheapest clothes available, use Izal bogroll, drive the cheapest car, and perhaps choose to live in a cardboard box and not a house, etc, etc. We are all consumers, and we make our own choices.

I was going to include mountain gorillas, Seiko watches and The Shat in my list, but I didn't want to be accused of trying to create some sort of splinter-cell Joe forum, man.


Like the 'That mountain gorilla shat on my Seiko watch' forum?

You can have that one for free...

You did. It's whatever you want it to be. The person who will spend most time interacting with a watch is its owner, so he'd better buy something he likes. If you don't like my choices, does that make life tough for me? No, I don't think so.

Any knowledgable person is superior to ignorant people, at least in terms of knowledge, if not in any other way. They don't need the expense of any luxury item for this to be true.

A logical extension of the anti-luxury stance is to wear the cheapest clothes available, use Izal bogroll, drive the cheapest car, and perhaps choose to live in a cardboard box and not a house, etc, etc. We are all consumers, and we make our own choices.

Thought that might get your attention!

You did. It's whatever you want it to be. The person who will spend most time interacting with a watch is its owner, so he'd better buy something he likes. If you don't like my choices, does that make life tough for me? No, I don't think so.

Any knowledgable person is superior to ignorant people, at least in terms of knowledge, if not in any other way. They don't need the expense of any luxury item for this to be true.

A logical extension of the anti-luxury stance is to wear the cheapest clothes available, use Izal bogroll, drive the cheapest car, and perhaps choose to live in a cardboard box and not a house, etc, etc. We are all consumers, and we make our own choices.
Smug, self-satisfied crap!

There are many, many people in this world who have no choice. Its called poverty. Are you superior to them?

I could ask why you need those fancy Harbeths.

But I'm not going to.

But I could if I wanted to.

It's within my abilities.

Just sayin, man.


Think about it.

End of.

Full stop.

You, jive turkey!

(OK, the last sentence was gratuitous, but you might not want to be a jive turkey so close to Thanksgiving.)



I could ask why you need those fancy Harbeths.

But I'm not going to.

But I could if I wanted to.

It's within my abilities.

Just sayin, man.


Think about it.

End of.

Full stop.

You, jive turkey!

(OK, the last sentence was gratuitous, but you might not want to be a jive turkey so close to Thanksgiving.)









Biggish room needs biggish speakers, simple physics man! And I have to be honest; I like wood, the touch of it, the smell of it... I love wood... you see I was involved in an unfortunate carpentry accident and my penis had to be replaced with a wooden one...

Haa! Take that man, call me a jive turkey...
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The article is a complete load of tosh - basically the guy is giving his completely unsubstantiated opinion. Science has come a long way but it clearly has a much longer way to go before it explains how natural phenomenon work: nature on an sub-atomic level is only just begining to be examined - that is as far as tools will measure. Therefore science cannot fully predict and explain the differences between 2 pieces of kit: hence listening to a piece of kit is the only way to find out whether it is a piece of worthless rubbish.

Think I'll just try my £99 CD player attached to my nac 252 with a coat hanger and see if it sounds as good as a TMS connected with supplied cables - then again maybe not.

Ah... the old 'we don't know everything therefore we know nothing' argument...

Never heard that before...
True, but you can claim anything by this method.

True, but knowledge is hidden for proprietary reasons. It's done all the time.

I've seen inter-office memos and build documents which indicate exact spacing between tie wraps and connectors for reasons of sound quality on amp wiring looms. R&D didn't specify this for marketing reasons on internal documents nor was it broadcast to the general public.
Ah... the old 'we don't know everything therefore we know nothing' argument...

Never heard that before...
Doubt you've ever heard it, you just want to hear it because you think it's an easy way to win an argument. Nobody is saying you "know nothing" but it's a fact you don't know everything.
Doubt you've ever heard it, you just want to hear it because you think it's an easy way to win an argument. Nobody is saying you "know nothing" but it's a fact you don't know everything.

Er Brian, it's a very common argument used when trying to prove the existance of god...

You need to
Er Brian, it's a very common argument used when trying to prove the existance of god...

You need to

When you support your words with action your position will have credibility. At the moment there is none.
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