
The Premiership of Mary Elizabeth Truss.Sept 2022 - Oct 2022

She may appear in this to get some votes:

Can you not put forward that notion so close to lunch, please?
I think the grown ups @droodzilla was referring to was the markets. Whoever wins the next GE is becoming less and less relevant.

Vote for your favourite Hedge Fund Manager, you know it makes sense.
No, I was referring to Jeremy Hunt. And, in the Labour Party, Keir Starmer, Rachel Reeves, etc.

All are sensible "grown-ups" who will not challenge the neoliberal orthodoxy that has brought this country to its knees, and is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of poor people.

Politics in this country is a bleak and terrible joke.
CHunt is making a statement now. Reversing everything. A total reverse-Kwateng. The biggest u-turn in UK economic history.

PX Truss is toast. I’m seeing suggestions they will shortly impose Sunak as PM, CHunt as Chancellor and Mordant as Foreign Secretary, all with zero democratic mandate from the party membership or electorate at large.
Have they kept the IR35 changes announced 3 weeks ago or are they part of the reverse-ferret? I thought they said that they had passed the legislation n that?
IR35 is a big deal for me. I shouldn't be able to dodge large chunks of NI but pre the changes that came in in 2021 I could, post changes 3 weeks go I could again (from April 2023 at least), and I have a vested interest.
Have they kept the IR35 changes announced 3 weeks ago or are they part of the reverse-ferret? I thought they said that they had passed the legislation n that?
IR35 is a big deal for me. I shouldn't be able to dodge large chunks of NI but pre the changes that came in in 2021 I could, post changes 3 weeks go I could again (from April 2023 at least), and I have a vested interest.

As I understand it the NI and stamp duty changes which have been legislated will stay, absolutely everything else has been reversed. IR35 is likely part of the NI changes so may well have gone through. Most Tory MPs will be running private companies to process their grift and corruption through, so any tax avoidance loopholes will likely be retained. There is never an action from a Tory that can’t be explained by calculated self-interest. This is a party of psychopaths.

Edit: Twitter says I’m wrong and IR35 changes have been scrapped (Paul Johnson, Twitter). Nigel The Fascist is whinging about it too, but I refuse to link to that racist account.
The important thing to remember about DB vs DC is not so much how they work or how much you might get in retirement, but that they are a transfer of risk from the employer to the employee. i.e. from large companies and the government to individuals. This wholesale movement of risk was as a huge part of the collapse of the post-war consensus and the post-70s enshitenment of society and doesn't get talked about nearly enough.

It's also of course been weaponised by the usual suspects so that now people who still have a DB scheme (particularly teachers, civil servants, NHS people) are painted as being undeserving and living off the hard work of others simply for having something most working people used to have. And then that sentiment got used to slowly dismantle the pension rights of those still in such schemes; a sentiment I might add that has raised its ugly head on PFM many times over the years.

Yes. And at basis, the reality is that a *good* state system would probably make sense economically and socially. But is detested by Tories because the rich mates would have to pay more to cover the poor. They prefer private so they can stash their cash, often extracted from the poor who then can't afford a decent pension.
Most Tory MPs will be running private companies to process their grift and corruption through, so any tax avoidance loopholes will likely be retained.
You can't beat a bit of private consultancy. No paper trail, you just did £X worth of work, didn't you? Obviously.
Edit: Twitter says I’m wrong and IR35 changes have been scrapped (Paul Johnson, Twitter). Nigel The Fascist is whinging about it too, but I refuse to link to that racist account.
I bloody bet he is. I'd be whinging about it too because it cost me a bloody fortune last year, the only difference is that I have the honesty to say that I should be paying NI the same as everyone else, and so should my clients/employers.
But the Tory MPs shouldn't, of course. Tax is for poor people to pay.
BTW as a hopefully informative diversion onto another part of the clustertruss. This may cast and interesting light on JRM's obsession with fracking

In essence it explains that its a fantasy for the UK to dream it will contribute much energy soon... or even ever.

Whereas Wind+Solar+Tidal+etc are already a good source with far more potential, sooner. But hated by Tories.

Perhaps we should work on the basis that whatever the Tories want, the UK should do the opposite. Just add a meaning inverter to what they say.
It is beyond ridiculous. Every single thing Truss stood for has been reversed. There needs to be a general election as this government and its budget has clearly failed. They have had to reverse the whole thing and, directly against their manifesto and the sales pitch of all “leadership” candidates, reintroduced full-on ‘austerity’.

The penny needs to drop that any ‘austerity’ and reneging on energy caps etc coming our way are directly to cover for gross Conservative Party incompetence and corruption. This criminal entity is trying to get us all to pay its gambling debts.
Just listened to the dreadful little creep and self awareness void Andrew Bowie Tory MP for Scotlandshire, telling viewers that “the self indulgent politics of SW1 needs to end and that everyone needs to get behind the chancellor”.

His majority is 846, think I’m going to tweet directions to his local job centre plus on his account.
I liked these lines from the FT's Swamp Notes letter:

For the time being, and I very much hope for not too much longer, the UK has become the butt of well-deserved jokes. From David Cameron to Boris Johnson and Kwasi Kwarteng, Britain’s reputation is being squandered on the playing fields of Eton.

