
The Premiership of Mary Elizabeth Truss.Sept 2022 - Oct 2022

Just turned on Sky News. Mordant is debasing herself defending the indefensible whilst Truss is nowhere to be seen.
Interesting that the Tories, first Mordant, now Bottomly, are calling Starmer out for reversing-out all his pre-election pledges. Just shows how bad both parties are that even a failed and entirely corrupt Tory party can still score some real points over Labour.
Look at the authors- Harry Cole. It’s not out to 8 December- it’ll be straight to bargain books then pulp.


I thought he was loyal to Boris? He certainly was to Carrie…
A more fitting image...the back of Truss's head...
The authors thought they were onto an Xmas best seller too.

Mordaunt doing a great job of taking one for the team. Head and shoulders above the one who should be answering the questions. I reckon the 1922 are testing her.
Sorry, which bit did I get wrong? Happy to correct any inaccuracies.

PS I’m only saying what folk such as George Monbiot, Peter Oborne etc are also saying. It isn’t a controversial viewpoint!
I agree with you...
I was just worried you were about to combust. ;)
Mordaunt doing a great job of taking one for the team. Head and shoulders above the one who should be answering the questions. I reckon the 1922 are testing her.
You can change the cosmetics and the body spray but the foetid stink of corrupt Toryism hangs on the whole gang. Time to face the electorate.
So to sum up, the Tories and their cheerleaders have changed the narrative to a binary choice between hard austerity and fairytale economics. Because of course they have, there's never a better option with this bunch.
Can you see the headlines in the DM and The Scum:
Hunt saves Britain! pound surges! borrowing rates down! What’s not to like about this prudent Conservative government?
I agree with you...
I was just worried you were about to combust. ;)

I suspect my writing style, or distinct lack thereof, is rather more edgy than I am!

Mordaunt doing a great job of taking one for the team. Head and shoulders above the one who should be answering the questions. I reckon the 1922 are testing her.

She managed to hit Starmer very effectively over his endless broken leadership pledges, but she is just debasing herself trying to defend this absolute shitshow.
Penny Dreadful denied three times to reveal why Truss herself had not faced the Commons. She said it was a genuine reason and we’ll be hearing plenty from Truss in next 24 hours- I think that should start with a press conference with the lectern of chaos out in Downing St announcing her intention to go to wherever King Charles is to tender her resignation (hope it’s Balmoral).

