
The Premiership of Mary Elizabeth Truss.Sept 2022 - Oct 2022

They are starting to go public now too, here’s a letter asking Truss to stand down from Jamie Wallace MP (Twitter). No way will Truss see the week out now. In fact I’d not be surprised if she resigns tomorrow.

PS Obviously anyone in a Tory seat needs to write to their MP demanding that they give Truss their full support. The longer she remains the more lasting damage is done to her party. We must not allow these poisonous shits to regroup and rebuild. They need ending.

This Jamie Wallis?

How is that spiv and convicted criminal still an MP?
While Hunt may be looking at cuts to pretty much everything, he is going to see a colossal rise in unemploymet and businesses go bust unless they do something about the cost of energy for said businesses, who are currently looking at bills of between 4 & 6 times what they are currently.
That is a very considerable sum he needs to be covering one way or another.
OK. FWIW I currently maintain three set of pages

My 'biog' is at

That mixes a lot of details of my home life with the work I've done. Towards the end also deals with the illness of my wife and myself and the (mis)treatments by GPs, etc.
Tech side covers my time in HiFi design and other stuff on astronomy and 100GHz instrumentation, tc. Plus some pretty pictures of Concorde 001, tops of volcanoes, etc.

(The "Ups and Downs" is a pun. It seems at first to deal with my going up volcanoes, flying about, etc. But prelables the last period when health issues and mistreatment by medics came to dominate out lives. Wrote about that so others who experience it should now they aren't alone, and that you *can* survive such dreadful mistreatment by medics.)

My general Audio pages are at

The UKHHSoc is at

In addition, ye olde set of pages on various electronics related undergrad courses are at

That last set got frozen a decade ago but it left for anyone interested. The Uni email address no longer reaches me.

Hope some is of interest.

Cheers for that Jim. I haven't looked yet, but you are clearly a man o' pairts!

I worked for a time with parents of children with disabilities. Not the same as your own tribulations, but involving intense dealings with the medical and caring professions. Every single person I met said that they had had to "fight" to get what they were entitled to. A full time job, on top of their normal job.
I really hope you’re right, but I can’t help feeling that it will not take much for floating votes to snap back to the Tories given the right Daily Mail headlines. Hopefully the Red Wall will go back to Labour, but that is not a given.

While the Tory narrative of the household model, bought into by Labour and LDs, is so dominant, talk of borrowing and debt will be distorted. Just today, Groper Hancock was on LK telling us that government has borrowed from ‘the markets’. This is not a true picture of reality and while reality continues to be shaped by a Tory narrative, the Tories will have a considerable advantage.

I shouldn't think anybody with half a brain is listening to Handcock.
They would argue the govt has a 80 seat majority to govern for another 2 years. I hope she’s gone next week but there won’t be a GE IMHO. Politics is a funny game and who would have predicted the 80 seat majority in 2019, so anything is possible.

Erm ... over a years worth of opinion polls preceding the 2019 GE.
While Hunt may be looking at cuts to pretty much everything, he is going to see a colossal rise in unemploymet and businesses go bust unless they do something about the cost of energy for said businesses, who are currently looking at bills of between 4 & 6 times what they are currently.
That is a very considerable sum he needs to be covering one way or another.
Pubs closing round here. Email from one said their energy cost had risen to 1k a week, and obviously not sustainable.
I have a little sympathy for him but not much. I think if I was togged up in leather mini-skirt, tights and high heels, and crashed my car, I'd not wait around for plod to turn up :) but that probably says more about plod than me.

That's sort of how I feel too. Fantastic that an MP feels able to come out as trans - shows real bravery. Just a shame they are a Tory.
A handy 1 to 10 of utter ****s you should never, ever on any account believe.
The winter if discontent is just starting, the perpetrators are still running the country and will do anything to cling onto power rather than face the public. While they do that, they make our position even worse. You know how depraved they are when they’re openly talking about bringing back the corpulent liar and con artist Boris Johnson. The Tory Party thrives on lies and illusion.
The winter if discontent is just starting, the perpetrators are still running the country and will do anything to cling onto power rather than face the public. While they do that, they make our position even worse. You know how depraved they are when they’re openly talking about bringing back the corpulent liar and con artist Boris Johnson. The Tory Party thrives on lies and illusion.
Winter of Discontent headlines will only accompany strikes. Then Trade Unions will be blamed for economic chaos rather than energy price inflation and poor management, just like 78/79.

Hopefully this time not so many people will swallow the headlines whole without chewing them over
Fantastic that an MP feels able to come out as trans - shows real bravery. Just a shame they are a Tory.

Given the truly horrific existential alt-right/fascist culture war against trans folk at present they deserve real credit, respect and support for that. I’d have fully expected the Tories, like their Republican mentors, to be weaponising transphobia right now.

