
The Premiership of Mary Elizabeth Truss.Sept 2022 - Oct 2022

This sort of gaslighting is flat out wicked

I mean, we know they are just pretending because they feel they have to given the scale of the calamity she caused, but it shows how easily they lie in official communications. Even about the most massive things when everyone knows it is a lie. If she had a shred of integrity, Truss would hold her hands up and resign.
This is the government of “taking the difficult decisions ahead” led by Jeremy Hunt. What a prospectus. You’ll be screwed, the country is screwed but rest assured Liz co are taking the difficult decisions. The arsonist is still in the school.

BBC political hack Nic Watt saying Tory MPs moving en masse against Truss despite Hunt’s performance. He’s talking this week.
I mean, we know they are just pretending because they feel they have to given the scale of the calamity she caused, but it shows how easily they lie in official communications. Even about the most massive things when everyone knows it is a lie. If she had a shred of integrity, Truss would hold her hands up and resign.

The bottom line is Truss/Kwateng said the quiet bit out loud and did so in front of the whole world. They made it absolutely clear that the Conservative Party is a ultra-wealthy donor and dark-money ‘think group’-funded siphon of state resources into elite hands. An anti-democratic criminal entity. They were perfectly happy to offset cost of bankers bonuses and tax-cuts for millionaire elites onto the working poor and middle income majority. They have no issue with high interest rates, negative equity, business failures etc. Even the neoliberal markets viewed their actions as batshit crazy, but we all saw it and no amount of gaslighting will make us unsee it. Truss and Kwateng should go down in history as the most honest Tories we have ever seen. They left us in absolutely zero doubt as to what the modern Conservative Party exists to do.

BBC political hack Nic Watt saying Tory MPs moving en masse against Truss despite Hunt’s performance. He’s talking this week.

I suspect she’ll be gone before PMQs.

PS We must not allow these crooks to rewrite history. They did this. We saw not only what they did, but why, and exactly who it was designed to benefit. We know who pays for the Tory Party and we know the privilege and different rules for elites that money buys. The face of absolutely every Tory MP, councillor, activist or apologist needs rubbing in this shit forever. We should have zero tolerance for corruption of any kind, let alone anything this blatant.
Sorry, which bit did I get wrong? Happy to correct any inaccuracies.

PS I’m only saying what folk such as George Monbiot, Peter Oborne etc are also saying. It isn’t a controversial viewpoint!
I think the grown ups @droodzilla was referring to was the markets. Whoever wins the next GE is becoming less and less relevant.

Vote for your favourite Hedge Fund Manager, you know it makes sense.
He should write what he means, in that case. My interpretation of what he meant by grown-ups was the tory faction led by whomever is controlling Hunt. You know, possibly the bunch some don’t really want to vote out of govt.

I know nothing about hedge funds. I’ll vote in what looks to be the best way of removing the tory govt. I suggest everyone who claims they dislike the tories and wants to see them out of govt does the same, even though it will mean temporarily shelving their agenda. If they don’t do so, perhaps less blaming of other people for tory govt policies and a look in the mirror is in order.
Have they kept the IR35 changes announced 3 weeks ago or are they part of the reverse-ferret? I thought they said that they had passed the legislation n that?
IR35 is a big deal for me. I shouldn't be able to dodge large chunks of NI but pre the changes that came in in 2021 I could, post changes 3 weeks go I could again (from April 2023 at least), and I have a vested interest.
Thankfully not. The dodges remain closed.
Have they kept the IR35 changes announced 3 weeks ago or are they part of the reverse-ferret? I thought they said that they had passed the legislation n that?
IR35 is a big deal for me. I shouldn't be able to dodge large chunks of NI but pre the changes that came in in 2021 I could, post changes 3 weeks go I could again (from April 2023 at least), and I have a vested interest.

It’s been reversed. Plenty of people who were going to retire at the end of March, then weren’t, now are again. It’s a a good way of taking out skilled and experienced resources I suppose.
It’s been reversed. Plenty of people who were going to retire at the end of March, then weren’t, now are again. It’s a a good way of taking out skilled and experienced resources I suppose.

Shutting down a scam/dodge is never really a bad thing.
Hope everyone's happy that austerity is back with a vengeance.

We'll be able to count the dead poor people in hundreds of thousands again.

Thank god the grown-ups are back in charge.

No, I was referring to Jeremy Hunt. And, in the Labour Party, Keir Starmer, Rachel Reeves, etc.

All are sensible "grown-ups" who will not challenge the neoliberal orthodoxy that has brought this country to its knees, and is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of poor people.

Politics in this country is a bleak and terrible joke.
Neither Starmer nor Reeves are in charge, the tories are in charge.

Corbyn not being PM does not mean Starmer and Reeves would follow policies of austerity, nor do I believe they would support policies that would kill hundreds of thousands of people.

The hard left undermining a centre right Labour party is every bit as despicable as the Labour right previously undermining the Labour centre left.
Neither Starmer nor Reeves are in charge, the tories are in charge.

Corbyn not being PM does not mean Starmer and Reeves would follow policies of austerity, nor do I believe they would support policies that would kill hundreds of thousands of people.

The hard left undermining a centre right Labour party is every bit as despicable as the Labour right previously undermining the Labour centre left.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to my appearance on the Laura Kuenssberg Show this Sunday. Gonna give Starmer both barrels.
Neither Starmer nor Reeves are in charge, the tories are in charge.

Corbyn not being PM does not mean Starmer and Reeves would follow policies of austerity, nor do I believe they would support policies that would kill hundreds of thousands of people.

The hard left undermining a centre right Labour party is every bit as despicable as the Labour right previously undermining the Labour centre left.
Vote for the despicable.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to my appearance on the Laura Kuenssberg Show this Sunday. Gonna give Starmer both barrels.
Nasty habit you’ve developed there. Pretending to fail to understand the point. At least, I hope you’re pretending. Who knows?

