
The Premiership of Mary Elizabeth Truss.Sept 2022 - Oct 2022

Anyway as ever on here I can see I’m wasting my time having an opinion different to ‘just throw money at it’ so I’ll get back to doing something more productive.

On reflection, I am now completely on board with your "Something must be done" plan.
The Tories have been running down the NHS for years. Truss promised no more cuts to the NHS, but now cuts to the NHS are back on the table.

Is the real reason for Truss’s unpopularity amongst Tories that she failed to maintain a central Tory agenda?
Gabriel Pogrund, The Times, with an expose of the dark-funded lobbying groups active at the heart of this rotten Tory sham of a government (Twitter). We really do need a Jan 6th style enquiry into how Westminster has moved so far away from democracy, scrutiny and public accountability. The Conservative Party is now totally corrupt. It makes no action or decision that can’t be explained by corruption and vested interest.
New Health Secretary says if NHS nursing staff don't like their pay and conditions they're free to leave.

Her suggestion that the government will use overseas nurses to fill the current 47,000 (!) NHS nursing vacancies seems like wishful thinking.

If the UK Is relying on the usual source, The Philippines, it'll be s**t out of luck. The Philippines govt is fed up with training medical staff just to lose them immediately to overseas (like the UK), so it's going to be cutting back on then number it trains to a level better matched to meeting domestic needs only.
Leap to their defence yet fool no one with faux 'balanced' postings..
From the NHS; About pharmacists
Pharmacists are experts in medicines who can help you with minor health concerns.

As qualified healthcare professionals, they can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.

If symptoms suggest it's something more serious, pharmacists have the right training to make sure you get the help you need. For example they will tell you if you need to see a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional.

All pharmacists train for 5 years in the use of medicines. They are also trained in managing minor illnesses and providing health and wellbeing advice.

Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment.

Most pharmacies have a private consultation room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff without being overheard.
Times are desperate in Tory world right now. Collapse is inevitable, so any distraction is worth trying. Even doubling down on the NHS ( a specialty of Hunt- slashing hospital doctor pay rates/ seven day working/ doctors are killing patients). There’s a certain shamelessness to it.

Do you notice how a thread about the incompetence of their Prime Minister has been instead steered to the NHS?
Larry The Cat showing up the dregs of our media as ever (Twitter).
Brilliant- a pantheon of all the right wing detritus , lionising Liz Truss: Guido -drunk driving again- Fawkes, Allison Pearson and of course Farage. Pride of place goes to the Telegraph’s Mr. Wrong on Everything, Heath the Teeth:

“This was the best Budget I have ever heard a
British Chancellor deliver, by a massive
margin. The tax cuts were so huge and bold, the
language so extraordinary, that at times, listening
to Kwasi Kwarteng, I had to pinch myself to make
sure I wasn't dreaming, that I hadn't been
transported to a distant land that actually believed
in the economics of Milton Friedman”

-it’s delicious.
“New chancellor @Jeremy_Hunt says ALL gov departments will be asked to make "efficiencies"

Asked if that means the Department of Health, he simply repeats 'all'”

Great to have the grownups back in charge.

“All Tories are lower than vermin.”

Wait, even the-


Is it an "efficiency" when you lack the resources to provide an essential service that your department was created to provide? If we take the wheels off a fire-engine, we save on fuel costs, tyre wear, road tax, insurance etc. Is it an "efficient" way to run a fire fighting service ?

Hospitals without nurses, schools without learning support staff, youth clubs without youth workers, social care services without care staff....all very efficient.
Thing is though and leaving politics aside does anyone really think the NHS couldn’t be run a heck of a lot better? It’s the world’s fifth largest employer and that alone seems a bit crazy. Or to put it another way the NHS employs nearly 6% of the UK’s working population. Yes it needs proper funding but it also needs running better. As an example my job brings me into occasional contact with the facilities management side of hospitals and most are utterly clueless and extremely wasteful as a result.

Rank what is most important to you in your life, and see how far down the list "good health" comes. Is it near 20th position on your list, or closer to the top?

I really don't have a problem with living in a country where my health is the top priority and cost for my government. Being a member of the public, I am all for public spending. When King Charles is driving a moped up the M6 to get to Balmoral for his holidays, I'll believe the UK is short of money.
Thing is though and leaving politics aside does anyone really think the NHS couldn’t be run a heck of a lot better? It’s the world’s fifth largest employer and that alone seems a bit crazy. Or to put it another way the NHS employs nearly 6% of the UK’s working population. Yes it needs proper funding but it also needs running better. As an example my job brings me into occasional contact with the facilities management side of hospitals and most are utterly clueless and extremely wasteful as a result.

Sorry I meant to address your point. At some point ( mid 90's?) the NHS's management began to expand and blossom. Managers for everything; generating targets, priorities, key performance indicators. The NHS has been in a state of perpetual change and churn for decades. Managers gotta manage something. Local authorities were the same; perpetual change and reorganisation. Oh how we used to wish they would all just eff-off and let us get on with the job of serving the public.
I don't know where this way of running things came from, but it is highly inefficient and any budget cut always seemed to produce more of it.
They say ‘efficiency’ but what they mean is ‘cost savings’. They dress it up but it’s just victim blaming on a vast scale.

It is mass fraudulence and gaslighting. The Tories have with 12 years of their Brexit project, discredited far-right economic ideology, and outright corruption and theft driven the UK into the ground. Gobshites like Truss blather on about growth, but over their term in government our GDP has dropped from 6th globally to 20th, they have destroyed our place on the world stage, our credit rating has been downgraded multiple times, and now they’ve crashed the currency and bond market ruining even more lives.

The 21st century decline of the UK is 100% on the Conservative Party. We need to ensure they own their mess and refuse to allow any victim blaming. We know exactly who did this!
That's what many have already done as a result of Tory treatment. Their Governments force the NHS to hold down pay and conditions. The Nurses then leave, take work with a 'private' outsourcing supplier of nurses, and come back as contract staff.

The Nurses who do that then get better pay and conditions *and* the outsourcing company add their profit to the costs.

Result: We pay far more than if the NHS Nurses had those same better terms and pay whilst still being NHS staff. The (often American, but if not, some other non-UK owner in many cases) take their leeched 'profit' abroad, probably dodging UK tax as it goes.

Some of which then ends up in the wallets of Tories.

We put up with it because the Daily Flail, etc, are happy to cover it up. Then we moan about the 'inefficiency and costs' of the NHS. Must be because it is State run...

This is genuine news to me; that switching from NHS to working for a private provider gives better pay, terms and conditions! I assumed the opposite, since it's what I saw when working for a local authority many moons ago. E.g. Cleaners working for the new, outsourced "Cleaning Direct" company had longer hours, fewer holidays, less security, worse terms, lower hourly rates etc.

Is this a new tactic then? It would be bad from to simply sack all the nurses and offer a shitty contract with a private co. in it's place. Better to have them migrate "willingly" thus proving that the NHS "doesn't work".
This is genuine news to me; that switching from NHS to working for a private provider gives better pay, terms and conditions! I assumed the opposite, since it's what I saw when working for a local authority many moons ago. E.g. Cleaners working for the new, outsourced "Cleaning Direct" company had longer hours, fewer holidays, less security, worse terms, lower hourly rates etc.

I’d assume that too. My guess is they’ll have moved to a contracting model, albeit through an agency. Yes, the pay will be better, likely much better, plus more say in hours, but no pension, no paid holiday, no sick pay, no maternity leave etc etc. The standard contracting/consulting model. Fine if you are happy working without any safety net. It was my preferred way of working in IT and I knew people who did similar in social work etc.
It is mass fraudulence and gaslighting. The Tories have with 12 years of their Brexit project, discredited far-right economic ideology, and outright corruption and theft driven the UK into the ground. Gobshites like Truss blather on about growth, but over their term in government our GDP has dropped from 6th globally to 20th, they have destroyed our place on the world stage, our credit rating has been downgraded multiple times, and now they’ve crashed the currency and bond market ruining even more lives.

The 21st century decline of the UK is 100% on the Conservative Party. We need to ensure they own their mess and refuse to allow any victim blaming. We know exactly who did this!
Tomorrow morning’s headlines will be celebrating a return to normal; cuts to public services and austerity. The Tories are quite safe
Back in the day, it made sense to offer a premium to nursing staff to fill a few short-term gaps.

The Tories have successfully managed to drive down pay (in real terms) and to stop paying the university fees for student nurses. Consequently, nurses have an increasing workload and it’s becoming less attractive as a career.

Perhaps Jeremy Hunt or Liz Truss could explain why.
Back in the day, it made sense to offer a premium to nursing staff to fill a few short-term gaps.

The Tories have successfully managed to drive down pay (in real terms) and to stop paying the university fees for student nurses. Consequently, nurses have an increasing workload and it’s becoming less attractive as a career.

Perhaps Jeremy Hunt or Liz Truss could explain why.
They never will, instead they double down. Here’s Johnson’s favourite right wing pantomime dame, letting it hang out in the Telegraph:


“Shortly after reading Matt Hancock’s article about combatting obesity in yesterday’s paper, I emerged from a café to find my way virtually blocked by an enormously wide, youngish woman in a nurse’s uniform”.

…now ensconced in ermine in the HoL, gifted by the corpulent Johnson.

