
The Premiership of Mary Elizabeth Truss.Sept 2022 - Oct 2022

I’ve seen suggestions floating around Twitter that they’ll likely replace Truss with either Mordant or Wallace and do so without any membership vote. I don’t see how that will save them though. This damage has been done. Countless £billions wiped off the UK’s books etc. This will mean vast borrowing that they will simply offset to those beneath. They are now stuck with two years of manifesto-breaching austerity and class-warrior cruelty as their economic thinking allows for nothing else.

Looking for the few positives this will do for the ‘red wall’ exactly what Thatcher did for Liverpool in the ‘80s. They will never turn Tory again in my lifetime. They are Tory-free just as surely as Scotland.

PS We just need to watch very carefully for Republican-style voter suppression and gerrymandering as it is clear the Tories want to make voting far harder for younger, minority and disadvantaged groups (Elections Bill etc).
I really hope you’re right, but I can’t help feeling that it will not take much for floating votes to snap back to the Tories given the right Daily Mail headlines. Hopefully the Red Wall will go back to Labour, but that is not a given.

While the Tory narrative of the household model, bought into by Labour and LDs, is so dominant, talk of borrowing and debt will be distorted. Just today, Groper Hancock was on LK telling us that government has borrowed from ‘the markets’. This is not a true picture of reality and while reality continues to be shaped by a Tory narrative, the Tories will have a considerable advantage.
I really hope you’re right, but I can’t help feeling that it will not take much for floating votes to snap back to the Tories given the right Daily Mail headlines. Hopefully the Red Wall will go back to Labour, but that is not a given.

While the Tory narrative of the household model, bought into by Labour and LDs, is so dominant, talk of borrowing and debt will be distorted. Just today, Groper Hancock was on LK telling us that government has borrowed from ‘the markets’. This is not a true picture of reality and while reality continues to be shaped by a Tory narrative, the Tories will have a considerable advantage.

When Labour don't fix the economy within the first week of power then we'll just be back where we are.
She’s obviously toast and has been replaced by another sh!T but that only buys them a week at the most so it appears to get rid of her they need to change the rules which means that 178 of the rats have to submit letters of no confidence in her then they have a vote of no confidence and they need at least half of the ‘rats’ to vote against her then they install a puppet (another one) pm, likely Sunak, who calls a GE.

Interesting times, definitely feels like the end of days for the bastards, here’s hoping.

They don’t need to call a GE. Why would they? When it happens (in 2 years time) Sir K will need some pretty large swings to win. In my constituency at the last GE, conservative 58%, libdem 25%, labour 11%…
They don’t need to call a GE. Why would they? When it happens (in 2 years time) Sir K will need some pretty large swings to win. In my constituency at the last GE, conservative 58%, libdem 25%, labour 11%…

I live in Jeremy Hunt’s constituency :( and before he became chancellor a lot of staunch tories were bad-mouthing the government and turning away from the Tory party but mostly toward the lib-dems. Not heard any
comments ref current situation
They don’t need to call a GE. Why would they? When it happens (in 2 years time) Sir K will need some pretty large swings to win. In my constituency at the last GE, conservative 58%, libdem 25%, labour 11%…
One data point is meaningless. It’s true that the Tories have a larger bedrock of safe seats than Labour but it’s also true that a four point swing away from them at the next election will flip well over 40 seats…majority gone.
One data point is meaningless. It’s true that the Tories have a larger bedrock of safe seats than Labour but it’s also true that a four point swing away from them at the next election will flip well over 40 seats…majority gone.

Yep, however, many tory voters will vote lib dem, not labour (I’d have to in my seat for example). They’re toast but I don’t think it will be the slam dunk for labour many think it will be.
I can’t begin to tell you how much this pi55es me off. Not because she’s ultimately making the NHS (and therefore the population) pay more for her services but because the Tory (we are so financially astute) government are falling for this. Perhaps this is part of the plan to privatise via the back door.

It, along with other similar tricks, have been deployed by stealt for *decades* now. No doubt many tory voters have nae clue it is being done. But the Tories that decide and bring in these changes know full well. It is, indeed privatisation-by-stealth. Combined with then giving 'excuses' to say that "Look: state doesn't work. private would be better"... as the Tories and their backers *make money from it*.

The next factor will be a "wonderful trade deal" with the USA that changes the IPR rules in the UK. At present these p1ss off the US pharma/medical cos because the NHS can buy generics for medications that are still 'in patent' in the USA. The result being that when this change is made the costs of medications and treatments that that the NHS has to pay will skyrocket!

Glossed over with "Look. Cheaper food from the USA!" (Ignoring our farmers, self-sufficiency, standards, etc.)

You have been warned! They and their wealthy backers have their plans regardless of the wheels coming off the Trusswaggon...
Yep, however, many tory voters will vote lib dem, not labour (I’d have to in my seat for example). They’re toast but I don’t think it will be the slam dunk for labour many think it will be.

From the Tory perspective a progressive coalition is the thing they fear the most as that would place the existential threat of PR firmly on the table. Labour are just a spineless continuity party. A Labour majority would keep things within safe establishment boundaries until the Tories are ready to grasp full control again. A coalition that introduces PR would end minority elite rule for good and the Tories know it damn well. My prediction is the next election will be incredibly dirty as the Tories and their billionaire class will be fighting for their life. People are waking up…
A nurse friend has done this. Her salary went up by £20k. Nurses are just ridiculously underpaid, I don’t really understand why we just don’t pay more; pension liabilities?

I think there are definite inefficiencies within the NHS, it’s just too big & unwieldy with a multiplicity of skill sets. I’d like to see smaller units of specialist centres but any talk of ‘reform’ becomes very political.

The first part above is because the changes keep the NHS off-balance and help boost the ability of private-sector leeching to extract the money.

The inefficiency is to some extent because the NHS keeps on *being* "re organised". What it needs is decent funding and a change to enable more oversight of what really happens so those in it can decide how it can be improved.
The NHS will eat whatever money is thrown at it. If it had unlimited funds there would be problems, it’s simply unavoidable with such a colossal organisation. What I find extraordinary is that most vocal criticism tends to come from supporters of opposition parties. All my family and friends have received outstanding service from the NHS, without exception. It’s a phenomenal public service. Maybe there’s a sophisticated algorithm which only allows voters of the party in power a positive experience.

We've experienced good service. However we;'ve also experienced murderously and willfully shamefully bad treatment, with no-one brought to account.

BTW as well as being a long-suffering 'patient' of the NHS my wife has sat on bodies like Health Councils, etc, and has seen it from both sides. (More details on some of my 'biog' webpages. But beware, some of it is potentially upsetting.)
It needs a long term plan, the problem is any ‘reforms’ in your lifetime have been way too short term oriented. Leaving it to run as it is regardless of the funding situation will never work well. Anyway as ever on here I can see I’m wasting my time having an opinion different to ‘just throw money at it’ so I’ll get back to doing something more productive.

Not sure why you'd include me in that dismissal. The problem isn't simply 'money'. But that is a vital part, like it or not. And yes, changes need to be well thought out, well understood by us *all*, and allowed to develop slowly, learning as we go. The problem is that UK Govs tend to want a "success" to wave by the next GE.
Our health secretary dishes out her own antibiotics to various people. I wonder why she had so many that she was able to do this? Future generations will wonder how such amateurs were let loose to make such crucial decisions...

That assumes we will *have* future generations that can find out what caused the collapse from antibiotic resistance, climate change, etc. They may be too busy trying to keep alive.
Not sure why you'd include me in that dismissal. The problem isn't simply 'money'. But that is a vital part, like it or not. And yes, changes need to be well thought out, well understood by us *all*, and allowed to develop slowly, learning as we go. The problem is that UK Govs tend to want a "success" to wave by the next GE.
Which is exactly the point I made, but thanks for re-explaining it to me :rolleyes:
They don’t need to call a GE. Why would they? When it happens (in 2 years time) Sir K will need some pretty large swings to win. In my constituency at the last GE, conservative 58%, libdem 25%, labour 11%…
They’re safe where I live but there are 650 seats.
From the Tory perspective a progressive coalition is the thing they fear the most as that would place the existential threat of PR firmly on the table. Labour are just a spineless continuity party. A Labour majority would keep things within safe establishment boundaries until the Tories are ready to grasp full control again. A coalition that introduces PR would end minority elite rule for good and the Tories know it damn well. My prediction is the next election will be incredibly dirty as the Tories and their billionaire class will be fighting for their life. People are waking up…

A coalition will only have a chance of bringing in PR if it involves Labour, it’s a real worry that the LibDems will keenly dive in again with the tories if given the sniff of the trough with them, in that event PR can be shelved again just like the last time. If the LibDems can be honest this time, join up with Labour and insist on PR I’ll be happy with that. No referendum, just do it.
According to Andrew Marr a plan maybe afoot to assemble an entire cabinet and tell her to accept it or be get rid of, she could then be wheeled out of the cellar for ceremonial occasions.
According to Andrew Marr a plan maybe afoot to assemble an entire cabinet and tell her to accept it or be get rid of, she could then be wheeled out of the cellar for ceremonial occasions.

I suspect they’ll just get rid. Truss is so utterly hopeless and the multi-£billion cost of her failed elite libertarian ideology now so clear in the public mind I don’t see how her position is even remotely tenable. I very much hope she does stay as every second she remains the more viscerally hated her whole party becomes. I’d love to see her fight the next election!
I feel like some direct action and protest is needed. I’ve contemplated, in all seriousness, something small but meaningful like egging the local constituency office, and Con club doors. A pathetic gesture really, I know, but if repeated nationally it might send a message about how much Tories are despised.
Come on Sue that is a bit pathetic. A couple of bricks through the windows would be more like it.

