
The Premiership of Mary Elizabeth Truss.Sept 2022 - Oct 2022

Most of the Tory MPs don’t need the money, they will get substantial loss of office payments & a nice fat pension. The red wallers will have had enough of Hartlepool & the like so will sink back to the Home Counties.

There are never proper consequences for this shower of vermin.
An election ain’t gonna happen. It’s only opposition supporters who want that. She’ll be ousted by the men in suits because they know they need someone who can give them a chance of winning in 2 years time.
'The Conservative party is totally ungovernable!'

Lord Jonathan Marland says with 'febrile' back benchers within the Conservative Party there is no point in a leader that members don't support.(Twitter)
I am now officially adopting the position that I do not recognise Mary Truss as the Prime Minister.

The UK has no Prime Minister. Shocking.
After her latest car crash in front of the cameras there is no way that Truss can carry on as PM , even if she had the best plan ever she has an aura of being totally useless and clueless ! The public have zero confidence in her ability so goodness knows what the markets think .
I would imagine Hunt has been put in as a caretaker role until the party can figure out if they actually have a candidate for PM
Great quote from Paul Waugh at iNews:

'And as for who’s responsible for that chaos, many will find Truss and Kwarteng jointly liable. The voters’ lasting image of this partnership of “great disrupters” may well recall The Great Gatsby: “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy – they smashed up things… and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”'
Just watched the press conference all through....truly one of the most, if not THE most, cringingly awful ever. Would you trust this person in a business deal, down the pub, as a leader, as a colleague? Awful...just awful.
Surely has to go within days, if not hours. What are her advisors thinking? Does she have any advisors?

Maybe they are advising a GE so they don't have to weather the storm that is coming?

Absolute pile of venal, unprincipled, backstabbing, self-centered, despicable, contemptible specimens who wouldn’t piss on their own grandmothers* if there wasn’t a profit in it. Tories for short.

* if she was on fire
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It is on all of us. We need mass industrial action, mass protest. We need to get right in the face of these shits and bring them down. They are now in power without our permission. 65% want a GE now. Remember the ‘undecideds’ are in the 35% remainder. They have no mandate to continue. They work for us. We no longer want them.

A general strike sounds like a plan: "General Strike for a General Election".

I was very reassured at the "Enough is Enough" protest a couple of weeks ago in Glasgow. Reassured to see ordinary people rightly very angry at being taken for mugs by a corrupt government with no mandate. One of the best speeches was by a rep from the (normally staid) EIS teacher's union (Educational Institute of Scotland), rallying rail workers, postal workers, nurses, teachers and public together to fight the austerity, misery and chaos being inflicted by an out-of-control gang of thieves.
A good mix of protestors, mostly under 30yrs of age but with maybe 30%+ grey haired old farts like me. There must come a point, no matter what the "correct" process or protocol, where we demand proper leadership and representation. This lot have gleefully torn up the rule book. We can do the same.
There’s already a precedent Michael Howard was an interim PM after mad dog what’s his face, Duncan ****, premiership blew up.

Dracula succeeded IDS when the Tories were in opposition - not so easy to do when in power. The only instance in my lifetime was when Wilson stood aside due to illness and Callaghan got the PM gig but Truss is much younger so not so easy for her to pull a sickie.
After being laughed at for his performance on newsnight last night, Tory MP for Christchurch Christopher Chope (nope, me neither) is back on the program alongside another never previously heard from Tory MP for Gloucester Richard Graham to defend the current bucket of shite squatting in #10, utterly despicable and unforgivable as neither a suitable backdrop of Union Jacks.

Obviously this is a comms issue and I expect a junior Tory is currently getting a beating for such an oversight.
I can’t quite believe her desperation to leave the lectern, my postman is better at delivery than she is.

She’s just lost, and I don’t mean the upcoming election, the publics trust, or the plot… She’s just simply lost and WAY out of her depth - she needs to go before she makes a U turn on the U turn.
It is on all of us. We need mass industrial action, mass protest. We need to get right in the face of these shits and bring them down. They are now in power without our permission. 65% want a GE now. Remember the ‘undecideds’ are in the 35% remainder. They have no mandate to continue. They work for us. We no longer want them.
They won a General Election and are a legitimate Government - like it or not.

The Trades Union won't institute a general strike unless the Government tries to introduce legislation that seeks to ban strikes or similar, for example.

Mass protest? Unlikely.

