
The Premiership of Mary Elizabeth Truss.Sept 2022 - Oct 2022

Where is JRM?
Love to hear his take on this?

It will be the fault of the “woke BBC” or somesuch gaslighting. He’s clearly too busy to comment at present as he’ll be up all night shorting the £, gilts, and UK business ahead of Monday’s crash.
Didn't realise In Deep Shit (or Howard) was pm. Too busy lying about his education and military career while eating the contents of his nose is all I remember of "the quiet man's" career. Dystopian nightmare @twotone ?
There’s already a precedent Michael Howard was an interim PM after mad dog what’s his face, Duncan ****, premiership blew up.

I actually am quite inclined to the view that today's conference was a performance leading to her declaring herself unable to cope with the pressure etc etc. I can't imagine how else the party could have let it happen.
I actually am quite inclined to the view that today's conference was a performance leading to her declaring herself unable to cope with the pressure etc etc. I can't imagine how else the party could have let it happen.

Dont feel sorry for her she let herself be manipulated by the Brexit mob who are running the tories.

She and they can go eff themselves.
The letters are going in to get rid of Mary :rolleyes:

An absolute farce.

Assuming we get an election soon, it will be a Labour landslide. Possibly one of the biggest landslides ever.

An election ain’t gonna happen. It’s only opposition supporters who want that. She’ll be ousted by the men in suits because they know they need someone who can give them a chance of winning in 2 years time.
An election ain’t gonna happen. It’s only opposition supporters who want that. She’ll be ousted by the men in suits because they know they need someone who can give them a chance of winning in 2 years time.

The problem with that is there is literally no one left with any credibility.

Hunt is now de-facto PM anyway.
An election ain’t gonna happen.

C4 had a poll earlier, can’t remember the exact numbers, but the sample demographic was 53% 2019 Tory voters and 47% everyone else. 65% of the total wanted an election now, about 35% of that number being the Tory voters. Only 12% thought Truss should stay as leader.

The logical choice is between a general election and fire. There is no way a government entirely without mandate such as this should be allowed to ruin all our futures. They have zero right to do what they are doing to this country. Just get rid of this vile corrupt hateful and grossly incompetent government now.
C4 had a poll earlier, can’t remember the exact numbers, but the demographic was 53% Tory voters and around 65% of the total wanted an election now, about 35% of that number being Tory voters. Only 12% thought Truss should stay as leader.

Sadly it's not voters, Conservative or otherwise, who get to call an election.

My guess is Conservative backbenchers, a great number of whom would lose their seats, are rather less keen on a GE right now.
Sadly it's not voters, Conservative or otherwise, who get to call an election.

It is on all of us. We need mass industrial action, mass protest. We need to get right in the face of these shits and bring them down. They are now in power without our permission. 65% want a GE now. Remember the ‘undecideds’ are in the 35% remainder. They have no mandate to continue. They work for us. We no longer want them.
It is on all of us. We need mass industrial action, mass protest. We need to get right in the face of these shits and bring them down. They are now in power without our permission. 65% want a GE now. Remember the ‘undecideds’ are in the 35% remainder. They have no mandate to continue. They work for us. We no longer want them.

Agree 100% Tony. But unless we see something dramatic like large numbers of backbenchers crossing the floor I can't see that any government, even one as crazy as this one, is going to call a GE right now.

I suspect the party is hoping it can oust Truss then have a couple of years of relative normalcy before they need to go to the polls.

Wishful thinking on their part I suspect. Reports from the financial pages are that the Conservative Party has destroyed any credibility it had and sterling and gilts will continue to deteriorate until a new administration is in place.

