
The Premiership of Mary Elizabeth Truss.Sept 2022 - Oct 2022

I don’t really understand how it works. But Hunt seems to be being positioned for leader. Can that be done with their stupid system?
Stuart Rose being interviewed about Hunt said it was nice to hear an adult voice also talking about Truss: “the prime minister is a busted flush”
He said the thing that needs most attention is inflation and he is right.
I don’t really understand how it works. But Hunt seems to be being positioned for leader. Can that be done with their stupid system?

I think the intention among some is to fudge it through the system regardless, at least until a more official mechanism is found.

The phrasing on R4 yesterday evening IIRC was to think of Truss as like a chairman and Hunt as CEO.

It’s a ghastly situation all round and personally I’d rather that Tories were forced to get what they voted for (because in the longer term the country will be better off if in the shorter term the party totally crashes and burns). But if you’re a Tory I can see it being what you’d want.
I think the intention among some is to fudge it through the system regardless, at least until a more official mechanism is found.

The phrasing on R4 yesterday evening IIRC was to think of Truss as like a chairman and Hunt as CEO.

It’s a ghastly situation all round and personally I’d rather that Tories were forced to get what they voted for (because in the longer term the country will be better off if in the shorter term the party totally crashes and burns). But if you’re a Tory I can see it being what you’d want.

Holding onto power, no matter what mistakes are made, is what Tory's do best. What they exist for. They are past masters at it. "Conserving" power and wealth through the generations.
Pippa Crerar,

Within minutes of the announcement that she had made it to the final two in the Tory leadership contest in July, Liz Truss sent Tory MPs a message on social media.

“Thank you for putting your trust in me,” she tweeted. “I’m ready to hit the ground from day one.” Her post was quickly deleted and the word “running” was added in.
The problem with this whole scenario is a landslide win for Labour will push PR off the agenda opening up a swift return for the Tories. It seems to me impossible to turn this titanic around in one term of government and also impossible unless they go cap in hand to Europe. Do all that and you still have the small problem of turning around a moribund economy and system dragged down for decades.
The problem with this whole scenario is a landslide win for Labour will push PR off the agenda opening up a swift return for the Tories. It seems to me impossible to turn this titanic around in one term of government and also impossible unless they go cap in hand to Europe. Do all that and you still have the small problem of turning around a moribund economy and system dragged down for decades.
Yes, getting rid of Truss and the Tories does not get rid of the problem. The problem is the mainstream obsession with balancing the books rather than balancing the economy. Labour can talk about spending to invest in public services and a Green New Deal, which would be a good thing and absolutely necessary to get the economy going again, but that good thing will be undone if they have to pay down the deficit and the debt at the same time.
Pippa Crerar,

Within minutes of the announcement that she had made it to the final two in the Tory leadership contest in July, Liz Truss sent Tory MPs a message on social media.

“Thank you for putting your trust in me,” she tweeted. “I’m ready to hit the ground from day one.” Her post was quickly deleted and the word “running” was added in.

“I’m running, ready to hit the ground from day one.”

Thing is though and leaving politics aside does anyone really think the NHS couldn’t be run a heck of a lot better? It’s the world’s fifth largest employer and that alone seems a bit crazy. Or to put it another way the NHS employs nearly 6% of the UK’s working population. Yes it needs proper funding but it also needs running better. As an example my job brings me into occasional contact with the facilities management side of hospitals and most are utterly clueless and extremely wasteful as a result.
“New chancellor @Jeremy_Hunt says ALL gov departments will be asked to make "efficiencies"

Asked if that means the Department of Health, he simply repeats 'all'”

Great to have the grownups back in charge.

“All Tories are lower than vermin.”

Wait, even the-

Yes. Lest we forget, ‘calming’ the market, ‘reassuring’ the markets, means giving the markets what they want, which is cuts to public services.

