
The Olympics 2020/1 Japan.

I don't think the Olympics should have happened at this time but that's another point. Have enjoyed the competitions for the most part, the best for me (so far) being both cycling road races where the sprinters were out-foxed by those prepared to take their chances.

Then last night I watched the skateboarding - what a yawn-fest. A few runs across concrete and steel where most didn't seem to have the puff to complete without a bit of a rest. Then the 'tricks', which if you landed them you could wipe out poor scores in the longer runs, seem to consist of scraping along a bit of steel for 2 seconds. I'm sure it's skill-full but hardly entertaining and I hope they bin it as an event forthwith.

Compare that with taekwondo this morning, excellent tactical and physical bouts that continued for 1:30 between well-matched competitors. Well worth watching.

I don't think the Olympics should have happened at this time but that's another point. Have enjoyed the competitions for the most part, the best for me (so far) being both cycling road races where the sprinters were out-foxed by those prepared to take their chances.

Then last night I watched the skateboarding - what a yawn-fest. A few runs across concrete and steel where most didn't seem to have the puff to complete without a bit of a rest. Then the 'tricks', which if you landed them you could wipe out poor scores in the longer runs, seem to consist of scraping along a bit of steel for 2 seconds. I'm sure it's skill-full but hardly entertaining and I hope they bin it as an event forthwith.

Compare that with taekwondo this morning, excellent tactical and physical bouts that continued for 1:30 between well-matched competitors. Well worth watching.


Not understanding what is required to ‘scrape along a bit of steel for 2 seconds,’ is what I would expect from most folk.
Whether it is entertaining to watch is subjective. And not really very constructive.

Maybe @CHE you could start a thread about all the things that you don’t like or understand?
Women’s race was interesting, massive cock op by the favourites & a bit of sour grapes afterwards; very pleased for the winner.

Currently watching Tom Pidcock in the MTB, he’s some rider, saw him win the Sheffield GP (crit race) at 17. A current & future star.

It was amusing that the Dutch team of superstars weren't away of Kiesenhofer's lone break due to the lack of team radios in the event, hence Annemiek van Vleuten's raised arms across the line as she took silver seemed like more of a victory celebration at the time, and it soon transpired that she did indeed believe she'd taken gold.

Well done Tom Pidcock, looked comfortable in victory by about half a minute?
I don't think the Olympics should have happened at this time but that's another point. Have enjoyed the competitions for the most part, the best for me (so far) being both cycling road races where the sprinters were out-foxed by those prepared to take their chances.

Then last night I watched the skateboarding - what a yawn-fest. A few runs across concrete and steel where most didn't seem to have the puff to complete without a bit of a rest. Then the 'tricks', which if you landed them you could wipe out poor scores in the longer runs, seem to consist of scraping along a bit of steel for 2 seconds. I'm sure it's skill-full but hardly entertaining and I hope they bin it as an event forthwith.

Compare that with taekwondo this morning, excellent tactical and physical bouts that continued for 1:30 between well-matched competitors. Well worth watching.

I can appreciate the skills involved in skateboarding far better than I can those of Taekwondo, similarly with Rugby vs Cricket. It’s all very subjective, pick what you like to watch and enjoy it.
Not understanding what is required to ‘scrape along a bit of steel for 2 seconds,’ is what I would expect from most folk.
Whether it is entertaining to watch is subjective. And not really very constructive.

Maybe @CHE you could start a thread about all the things that you don’t like or understand?

By the same token, running and jumping for as high or as long you can or as fast as you can for 100m are not intrinisically any more interesting. You could also add chucking a long piece of metal and fibreglass or well, you get the idea...
Just watched the female street skateboarding on the red button. Just brutal, so much falling on concrete! Surprisingly young contestants too, average age 14 apparently. I don’t quite understand that, I’d have thought peak skateboarding skills came rather older than that (16-20 or so).

PS I think I’ll merge the two threads shortly into one catch-all Olympics thread.
...Then last night I watched the skateboarding - what a yawn-fest. A few runs across concrete and steel where most didn't seem to have the puff to complete without a bit of a rest. Then the 'tricks', which if you landed them you could wipe out poor scores in the longer runs, seem to consist of scraping along a bit of steel for 2 seconds. I'm sure it's skill-full but hardly entertaining and I hope they bin it as an event forthwith....
Watching javelin, discus etc is so much more entertaining
I've enjoyed watching everything thus far, and learned a lot about the martial art competitions. Also, the inner child in me couldn't help but be amused byt the best name so far, in... Wang Shwang.
Taekwondo - i dont really understand but not entirely exciting - looks like you just need to kick your opponent in the head. Maybe it would more exciting without protective equipment.

Skateboarding is cool, fascinating to watch for both the skill and speed - and sympathizing with those that slam into the concrete. My wife and I were wondering about synchronised skateboarding.
I predict dabbing will soon be in the Olympics

which one?


the action or practice of inhaling small quantities of a concentrated and vaporized drug, typically cannabis oil or resin.
"even among marijuana proponents, dabbing is a polarizing topic"

2.the action of performing a dance move or gesture, originating in hip hop and often done as part of a celebration, in which one arm is bent at an angle across the chest while the other is fully extended parallel to the first arm, with the face turned towards the bent elbow."he made an attempt at dabbing after his team won​
I did think too much weight was given to the single tricks in the skateboarding. Shirley there should be more emphasis on putting together a great Run?

^ that could be more about the UK press than Murray. And Federer has a uniquely smooth style of play with less wear and tear.
I'm with Tiggers on this.
If he loses a point, it's all about what he did wrong. Anguished cries to his team, ranting, needing appreciation, rather than accepting the other player playing a better point.
And then the clutching parts of his body and needing sympathy all the time.
That said, I admire his honesty off the court. I'd probably like him if I hadn't seen him play.
I should say one of the two sports I was any good at in my younger days (1500m swim) is tediously boring to watch on tv
Enjoying the coverage when I can get to see it, which is usually the end of day highlights, but gawd, already naffed off with all the lazy 'how do you feel?' questions being rolled out by interviewers and presenters.

This morning on the breakfast programmes after Adam Peaty and Tom Daly (+1) had won golds they were of course asking parents, uncles, aunts or anyone they could find, and at one point asked one of them to ask a 2 or 3 year old kid sitting next to them how he felt.

Seems it's too much to ask for them to talk about the actual sport or details of the achievement. I'm hoping one of these days someone wins gold and when asked replies 'well, how do you think I'm feeling? Isn't it obvious?'.

Edit: and the unnecessary slow motion shots

