
The Julian Assange extradition hearings begin today

‘But in their ruling on Friday, they sided with the US authorities after a near-unprecedented package of assurances were put forward that Assange would not face those strictest measures either pre-trial or post-conviction unless he committed an act in the future that required them.‘

Or acts against him? So easy to arrange other prisoners to attack him then into solitary for his own protection.
Assurances are, in practise, worthless.
He’s no doubt a multi-millionaire with the ability to crowdfund pretty much unlimited amounts along with a pretty concrete public interest defence. I’d put money on him winning any court case in the USA.

PS I’ll be very interested to see if any of his partisan Trump-shilling comes out in the proceedings.
He should have been sent to Sweden long since, to answer the charges of offences against women.
He should not be sent to the US to face a purely political trial.
He’s no doubt a multi-millionaire with the ability to crowdfund pretty much unlimited amounts along with a pretty concrete public interest defence. I’d put money on him winning any court case in the USA.

PS I’ll be very interested to see if any of his partisan Trump-shilling comes out in the proceedings.
Both points are irrelevant to the grave issue at hand, namely the freedom to report on the wrongdoings of government in a liberal democracy.
He’s no doubt a multi-millionaire with the ability to crowdfund pretty much unlimited amounts along with a pretty concrete public interest defence. I’d put money on him winning any court case in the USA.

PS I’ll be very interested to see if any of his partisan Trump-shilling comes out in the proceedings.

I'd be utterly astonished if he got a fair trial in the USA! :eek:
Both points are irrelevant to the grave issue at hand, namely the freedom to report on the wrongdoings of government in a liberal democracy.

Agreed. A freedom that is actually enshrined in the American constitution. He has a very strong case indeed.

PS We should never have got to this point. He should have been handed over to face the rape charges as just any other sex offender. It is sickening that he used this argument to evade due legal process in this way. Sweden is a vastly more liberal place than the UK, he’d have been on safer ground now. As things turned out we’ve probably wasted the cost of several hospitals keeping the cowardly twunt contained. Very poor decisions all round.
An atrocious travesty of "justice"! Assange is a hero for exposing the mass murder of civilians by the despotic rogue regime known as the USA, amongst many other crimes they committed and continue to commit.

The lunatics have truly taken over the asylum when a man who reports a mass murder is arrested for inconveniencing the murderers!

The poor guy has already served many years locked up both in the embassy and a UK prison when he should have been awarded a medal.

Good luck to him.
He should go to Sweden to be trialled with no extradition to USA

Sweden dropped the charges due to the time it had taken to get to a position where they could be progressed, and the now very limited chance of their being a successful prosecution.
Unfortunately when it comes to embarrassing the US gov ‘hell hath no fury like a America scorned’ I’m at my most cynical here and believe the man is doomed, and it is all happening in plain view.
It’s another example of America saying our laws trump yours, so cough him up. But btw we will never do the same, no matter how many teenagers are run down by US housewives on wrong side of road, or psycho blonds there are stabbing English students in Italy.
I rather have USA on my side than Russia or China... Yes it may have nothing to do with the topic here but this bashing of USA is getting over the top considering the alternatives which I believe are markedly worse....
Half my family live in Louisiana , my mums second husband was in usaf, don’t dislike Americans, just America.
Still remember being 15 and visiting Santa Diego and first time I saw a sign saying ‘will work for food’ I cried.
He’s no doubt a multi-millionaire with the ability to crowdfund pretty much unlimited amounts along with a pretty concrete public interest defence. I’d put money on him winning any court case in the USA
He can’t be as confident as you, if you consider the lengths he has gone to to avoid extradition. However I agree it’s a shame such a flawed person became the figurehead for Wikileaks.
The thing I’ll never understand is why he is the problem of the UK tax payer? He should have either been shipped over to Sweden to face his accusers in the rape investigations or just allowed to walk free. I hate to think how many £millions we have wasted on containing him/monitoring him. He is nothing to do with us. I really don’t understand it and would far prefer to have seen that money spent on helping homeless folk, cancer research or whatever. I realise the fact I view him as a partisan arsehole and hypocrite means I’m coming in from a position of no sympathy. It just feels like defending Paul Dacre or something. This guy helped get Trump elected FFS! Wikileaks was a stunning idea, but Assange corrupted it entirely in later years as his ego grew ever larger.

