
The Hi-Fi Show - Sunday 4th March 2012

Good news, for me anyway.

My Nait n Kans are going to be there!

I've given the Kans a once over, the stands are going to be re coated next week and the Nait is already mint.

Pop in and have a listen.

Front end is laptop and audigy sound card. Sounds pretty fine.

Lots of prog but I can play CDs, files on USB etc.

Plenty of prog will be played, you have been warned.

Don't know.

They sound great but I can measure the components if need be.

What goes wrong?

Don't know.

They sound great but I can measure the components if need be.

What goes wrong?


I feel my Mk 1 Kans have gone off a bit and wonder if the crossovers could be to blame. Apparently some of the caps go off-spec after 25 years. Discussed in DIY.

I'm keen to come to the show this year. Has a list of rooms and equipment been drafted yet?

The one thing I'm wondering about is the size of the rooms. If its a massive country manor its probably not going to be that helpful in suggesting how a system might sound at home.
Look on the Wam!

Yes, it is essentially a 'massive country manner' and some of the rooms are significantly bigger than you are likely to have at home - however, most of the rooms are 'normally' sized.

Congrats Andrew, I know you wanted to take your office system. Shame you have to use CA as a source though; I realise it is convenient, but it's just so 'blah'.
I could take my dads AR legend, what do you think?

If you have Mk1 Kans with a Nait and using your own deck causes problems, perhaps ask to borrow a decent standard LP12 for the day. Classic system.

or....... just play needledrops taken from your LP12 all day.

I'm hoping to get there for a listen.
I have loads of needledrops, not as good as the real thing but testing this weekend gave a really good sound, so I'll leave my dads deck at home and use CDs and WAVs.

Hope to see you there Robert.
Sadly to far from Scotland for a day -
and the wife has sold the sleeping bag out of the sidecar
so no roughing either.

Needledrops less exciting by a large margin than the real McCoy

But kit side sounds fun - perhaps we can have a Scottish big listening session - sounds fun -
Does one get to bring ones own music as a punter at such events?
Yeah, could do - don't worry about me, you know I'm a bit 'NO COMPROMISE!' about such things.

Actually I'm not going to bother. CDs and WAVs sound great TBH and the deck means too much farting around when we WILL have hideous hangovers :rolleyes:
Does one get to bring ones own music as a punter at such events?

I was happy to play other people's music last year and will do so this year ... As long as its not The Smiths or The Fall or something that I would really hate....

generally though I'd be happy to broaden my musical horizons (beyond my limited tastes! )

I have a stereo gramophone and a Compact Disc player!

I'm keen to come to the show this year. Has a list of rooms and equipment been drafted yet?

The one thing I'm wondering about is the size of the rooms. If its a massive country manor its probably not going to be that helpful in suggesting how a system might sound at home.

Most rooms are a reasonable size and actually quite a few are really pokey! But ok for smaller systems, speakers...
Music acessible/useful to all would only be polite - for instance I heard talk of showadiwadi on the radio last week along with Mud - however I said I wasnt coming! but if i want to discern my views on a vinyl system I'd be using a Jackson Brown piece to avoid persona non grata status

