
The end of Mana Audio


I think your posts were deleted because you were being deliberately offensive towards Bub

If you want to start doing the same to me, thats fine, because I can always reply in kind, if you want. Its pretty clear to me since you're pretty vocal on the Mana forum (AFAICT) you are biased in favour of Mana, and that is fine with me. However you weren't at the Bristol show, you weren't there when JW made his condescending criticisms of me on the Mana forum, and therefore I conclude that you know F'All about me or my views, opinions, or validity thereof.

Fox you rate it too high. Crude Elizabethan farce would be closer to the mark:
Twelth Phase Act2 sc.3

Sir Toby Belch [Sings]
"Shall I bid him go?"

Clown [Sings]
"What an if you do?"

Sir Toby Belch [Sings] s]
"Shall I bid him go, and spare not?"

Clown [Sings]
"O no, no, no, no, you dare not."

Sir Toby Belch
[To Clown.] Out o' tune, sir! ye lie.
[To Malvolio.] Art any more than a Steward?
Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous
there shall be no more hash cakes and ale?

Yes, by Saint Anne, and ginger shall be
hot i' the mouth too.

Sir Toby Belch
Thou'rt i' the right. Go, sir, pull your chain.
A stoup of wine, Maria!
(From a newly discovered mss.; all characters are non-fictional and all similarities fully intended &c.)

I remember and still have in my inbox, posts with comment like YOU DUMMY and DO YOU NEED SPOONFED from BLZE, replys to simple questions regarding set up and equipment.
These were before I had paid any interest to who anyone was in any forum, and I have not chosen any "side" as such, I just disagree with all the pisstaking which this forum has been taken further than the Mana forum has, and by just as many who have not used Mana supports as have it seems.
Other comment with regards to Mana and legal documents are there also, which are not on this thread.

I had made no such offensive comments of any sort toward him, and of course I am biased toward Mana , I use it.
I do not think I am all that vocal on the Mana forum or that offensive on any others, it is pretty obvious you know as little about me as I do you.

You came across in your post as having heard Mana at a show and deciding it was rubbish, In forums you cannot be expected to tell the whole experience so of course others are going to comment with no degree of acuracy unless the whole story is told, some leeway should be given as not all know or access post history, it is usualy courteous to explain someone is wrong and why.

As for replying in kind , what was so serious about my post ? I poke a little fun, then mention its difficult to tell what does what in most demo's then go on to describe my own views.

You conclude that someone knows F,all , and seem to have taken an arrogant and aggressive attitude to a small post which was posted in reply to your post regarding in no detail your experience at a demo, no reference is given to your whole experience listed elsewhere so how could I get the full picture, I still do not know if you have had extensive use of Mana or if your view is judged by the demo or your relationship with someone.

That does not seem to be replying in kind.

I can do something that no one else seems to do in these forums,
I apologise for any offence given.

cliffpatte said:

I think your posts were deleted because you were being deliberately offensive towards Bub
Oh, sorry, I missed it/them. You're probably better off sending me a PM if you would like to be rude to me, Mr Sastusbulbas.

Based on my knowledge of JW's psyche, Cliff, he is an individual who absolutely cannot bear to be disagreed with or contradicted in any way, hence he'd be very upset if you didn't like his amplifier/stand/whatever it was. The picture you see on the forum of a rather laid-back guy who can take it or leave it, doesn't care whether people like his system or not, and who never ever reads hi-fi forums (but who gets mystery emails from friends with links to hi-fi forums in them) could not be further from the truth. You'd think these friends of his with their unwanted links would learn that he doesn't like hi-fi forums, despite having set one up himself....
don't think he's set up a hifi forum as such. more a place for the sycophants to worship the phase 20 alter ;)
Hey guys. It's still the afternoon. Don't any of you have jobs or work to do?

In my defense Carnival started here in NRW, Germany which I can't stand and I have housework to do which I really don't want to and my 2 year old is driving me up the bloody wall. If I have to help with another Bob the Builder puzzle I'll scream.

OK Thanks for that. Carry on

sastusbulbas said:

Why not give HI-Fi news a call, I am sure they would bend over backwards and pay a fortune for someone who can judge a product in any system in any enviroment and locate what is doing what part of the performance, you sound like you could be the first HI-Fi reviewer surgeon, able to disect and locate every detail of system performance and cut out the offensive offal just by sitting in the same room.

Sorry, Roy Gregory's already got that gig.

Anyway, wildly veering from the subject, whenever I see your posts I think of satsumas.

I didnt know, nor do I want to , and am unsure if I actualy have in any way offended or insulted you.

I took offense to a couple of comments you made to me, which I am unsure if were even meant to be offensive or just cheeky.

I only took part in the thread because I was interested in Mana and peoples views, I am also interested in the SME 20 and ATC.
I seem to have got caught up in the middle of some slander match, and as I use Mana and get on with everyone in the Mana forum, feel nothing is wrong with making comment or asking questions, it doesnt mean I am looking for argument or being or deliberately offensive when asking questions.

Your current dislike of JW is fairly well documented. Why not give it a rest eh.

Your post reminds me of comments I think were made by Sting in a radio interview. The interviewer asked what it felt like when an artist released a new song and it got panned by the critics. The response was that it was rather like someone coming up to you at a party when you are with your wife and saying "God she's ugly". People who have invested time and effort into something can be a little blinkered when it comes to criticism. You have to make allowances for that.
Ah yes, an innocent victim caught up in some sort of imaginary crossfire. This thread is not about the merits (or otherwise) of Mana stands.

I think you'll find that the SME 20 is no match for an LP12 in musical terms - see Mana Forum for full details. You haven't offended me in the least, and even if you had, I wouldn't let you know about it.
sastusbulbas said:
Does it say whether I want to take part or not ?

Why should I don't, should the others who do not know anything about mana DON'T ?

Well, this is a forum, so anyone can and will chip in with their views, however unwelcome, ill-informed or just plain wrong. My own views are so bland as to never give offence, but if you have offended someone and they complain about it, just tell 'em to sod off.
sastusbulbas said:
Does it say whether I want to take part or not ?

Why should I don't, should the others who do not know anything about mana DON'T ?

Heh Satsuma,

is there an English version of what you'e trying to say here ?


