
The 2023 Formula One Season

Did you see Chandok's GTO moment? Scary!
A very, very expensive bang. After all, the last one auctioned went for something like $US70 million. (Never quite understood why they are so expensive, after all , there were 36 of them made, whereas there exists only one original gorgeous 330P4 (owned by Lawrence Stroll) and I don't think that it would command anything like that price. Market forces are strange).
A very, very expensive bang. After all, the last one auctioned went for something like $US70 million. (Never quite understood why they are so expensive, after all , there were 36 of them made, whereas there exists only one original gorgeous 330P4 (owned by Lawrence Stroll) and I don't think that it would command anything like that price. Market forces are strange).
Being owned by Stroll may have devalued it! ;)
Being owned by Stroll may have devalued it! ;)
Hmm, perhaps that would apply if the previous owner had been Adolf Hitler...

Wo haben Sie meinen P4 versteckt?

A very, very expensive bang. After all, the last one auctioned went for something like $US70 million. (Never quite understood why they are so expensive, after all , there were 36 of them made, whereas there exists only one original gorgeous 330P4 (owned by Lawrence Stroll) and I don't think that it would command anything like that price. Market forces are strange).
There was one in Ascot a few years ago and he used it to go shopping!
A very, very expensive bang. After all, the last one auctioned went for something like $US70 million.

In the scheme of things, probably not too bad. When a car is worth that much it is always worth repairing. Sounds like a hole in the block caused the oil to come out but don't know why the hole was created. If it was a con rod making a bid for freedom then yes it will be seriously expensive and probably a remanufactured block, if just a failed seal/expansion plug then just a cleanup and some plastic bits/wiring to replace.
Red Bull Racists up to their/his old tricks again

"“Let’s remember that he is South American, and so he is not as focused as Max Verstappen or Sebastian Vettel was."

I think he means Mexicans are all lazy. I am sure Donald Trump said similar once..

He just needs to be gone really, part of an antiquated fraternity like Piquet that should live only in shadows until they pass.
Markko apologised three or four days ago.

Buy yes, to me another nail in the coffin of my following and enjoying F1.
In the scheme of things, probably not too bad. When a car is worth that much it is always worth repairing. Sounds like a hole in the block caused the oil to come out but don't know why the hole was created. If it was a con rod making a bid for freedom then yes it will be seriously expensive and probably a remanufactured block, if just a failed seal/expansion plug then just a cleanup and some plastic bits/wiring to replace.
In the case of cars like that, I think that body/chassis damage is by far more expensive than engine damage, as those panels were all hand-beaten and would need artisanal replacement.
Mine was 1984, a very disjointed race and lots of car failures as I recall. 1986 must have been epic with Mansell mania at its height.
I’d say the mania reached its height in 1987. Yes, I was one of those who stormed the track! An absolutely epic race, and on a proper Silverstone rather than a run down trading estate.
In the case of cars like that, I think that body/chassis damage is by far more expensive than engine damage, as those panels were all hand-beaten and would need artisanal replacement.
The cost of rebuilding it no matter what the damage is a lot less than the car’s value. It’s a no brainer.

I have a client who rebuilds and runs classic racing cars. He has just acquired a new block for a 250… Ferrari don’t supply them and are pretty clueless so he has to have it designed and made at a specialist. £45K… but compared to the car’s value… not a lot.
Any thoughts on Felipe Massa's forthcoming attempt to change the result of the 2008 title? It appears that, according to Bernie Ecclestone, it was known by officialdom at the time that Piquet deliberately crashed in Singapore to allow Alonso to win. Massa's legal team is hoping that Hamilton, respected for fairness, will assist the Massa case (Ferrari has said that they will not participate).
Fifteen years too late really.
Can you even begin to imagine the number of F1, football, boxing and gawd knows what else titles that would need looking at? As with football going to penalties, if you’re not happy losing by one point, you should’ve won by one point.
Any thoughts on Felipe Massa's forthcoming attempt to change the result of the 2008 title? It appears that, according to Bernie Ecclestone, it was known by officialdom at the time that Piquet deliberately crashed in Singapore to allow Alonso to win. Massa's loegal team is hoping that Hamilton, respected for fairness, will assist the Massa case (Ferrari has said that they will not participate).
Lewis claims to have a bad memory......
Fifteen years too late really.
Can you even begin to imagine the number of F1, football, boxing and gawd knows what else titles that would need looking at? As with football going to penalties, if you’re not happy losing by one point, you should’ve won by one point.
True, although it could be argued that the facts have only recently come to light. Everybody knew at the time that it was deliberate, but, to the best of my knowledge, nobody had foreknowledge of it (or admitted to having such knowledge).

Perhaps we could award the 2008 title to Massa, and correspondingly change the result in the last race in 2021 to eliminate the travesty that took place there and restore Hamilton's 7 titles. I'm sure that Mr.Verstappen, sporting chap that he is, would have no problem with that...
It could also be argued that those last races of the year might have been approached in a different way if justice had been swift.

Anyway, I’m pretty much finished with the whole thing at the moment, so I’m beyond caring much. Some lawyers have got into Massa’s head, and they’re guaranteed to walk away with fatter bank accounts.

