
System pics 2024


EAR834P in the system today, I’d forgotten how much I love it, such a bold sound.
How do you rate the Reiki Superswitch? Did you just take the plunge or get a home demo?
I am fortunate to live only a few minutes round the corner from Mr Reiki, so that definitely helped!!

If you have an interest, it would be well worth a chat with @TheFlash. A top man and a fountain of knowledge on such matters.

Obviously I don't want to be accused of any kind of impropriety, so all I'll say on the matter is see if you can get yourself a listen and then you can make your own mind up 🙂
My ATC Active 20's (excellent speakers by the way) were small for the listening room that I have now,
the room can handle with the ATC Active 50's very well, and YES, I finally got them !!!

The 100's would be too big for the listening room, the 50's are just perfect for the room, and with the Piano Black finish they look gorgeous.
This speakers are something else, very expensive that's true, but that's here where the serious ATC stuff really begins :

Actual, temporary :)

System 20240630-1 by Dragan Pavlović, on Flickr

System 20240630-2 by Dragan Pavlović, on Flickr

Michell Gyrodec Mk2 & Rega RB250 w. Michell Tecnoweight & Roksan Corus Silver on Soulines BBS feet
Soulines Kubrick DCX & Soulines KiVi M1 & Lyra Helicon on Soulines U-base

CD transport Tag McLaren CDT20R T2L
Phono Threshold Fet Ten e
DAC Gustard X16
Integrated Sugden A21 SE
Speakers Spendor D7

Support Quadraspire Qkav
Always wanted to hear one of those Almarro's, Greg. Hope it is doing the business.

I’m enjoying it Matt. I’ve got some JBL 4309 speakers arriving soon but for now the Harbeth Super HL5 are filling in nicely. Would be fun to try the Almarro with your La Scalas!

