
Star Trek: Original Series • Discovery • Picard • Lower Decks • Prodigy • Strange New Worlds

Every once in a while someone asks me, "Even though Star Trek was set 300 years into the future, does it have signs that it was conceptualized, directed and produced in the 1960s?" Nope, what makes you think that?

Every once in a while someone asks me, "Even though Star Trek was set 300 years into the future, does it have signs that it was conceptualized, directed and produced in the 1960s?" Nope, what makes you think that?

Yay brother. Yay.
I still can't think of anyone less likely than Charles Napier to have played that part, let alone worn that costume and hair. And yet, here we are!
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I kinda like that episode. It’s not City on the Edge of Forever, Space Seed or the Doomsday Machine, but it ain’t no Spock’s Brain or And the Children Shall Lead either.

It also has awesome music.

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I kinda like that episode. It’s not City on the Edge of Forever, Space Seed or the Doomsday Machine, but it ain’t no Spock’s Brain or And the Children Shall Lead either.

It also has awesome music.

I know where you're coming from, having enjoyed it more on my most recent viewing. Then ending of the episode is dark indeed.

It did highlight the importance of proper footwear when exploring an unknown planet. At the least, slip on some Dr. Zoidberg flip-flops.

"We don't belong here. It's not ours. Not ours. Destroying and watching. We don't belong. I don't belong. Six people died down there. Why do I deserve to live?"
^^A terrible episode, but it's important to the Trek canon by introducing Surak and Kahless, foundational characters for Vulcan and Klingon mythology, respectively.^^

