
Squeezebox Touch £134.99 at Amazon UK

Brian, is that when indexing or also in general use?
I'd like to think it's slow when indexing and that's all, though I can't say for sure as I don't have one yet.

I've been looking to buy a SQ Touch (my son will then use the SQ Classic) so I've been reading a lot of stuff about it lately. One thought was to use it directly from a USB passport drive but I'm not convinced that's going to work at all, let alone slowly. While digging around I came across a fair few negative comments about the Touch when using the built in server, however, even though I have this idea of using USB it's more likely I'll carry on with the laptop anyway so it's not a major problem for me.

Here is an exchange I found, there are others such as this one. These articles aren't that recent of course, so I'm expecting things have improved.

I'm going to buy one anyway so I'll post my own findings once I have a handle on it, I can compare it directly with the Classic in terms of speed of performance etc.

I find it interesting how a secondary use of the Touch is as a digital photo frame.
I'd like to think it's slow when indexing and that's all, though I can't say for sure as I don't have one yet.

I've been looking to buy a SQ Touch (my son will then use the SQ Classic) so I've been reading a lot of stuff about it lately. One thought was to use it directly from a USB passport drive but I'm not convinced that's going to work at all, let alone slowly. While digging around I came across a fair few negative comments about the Touch when using the built in server, however, even though I have this idea of using USB it's more likely I'll carry on with the laptop anyway so it's not a major problem for me.

Here is an exchange I found, there are others such as this one. These articles aren't that recent of course, so I'm expecting things have improved.

I'm going to buy one anyway so I'll post my own findings once I have a handle on it, I can compare it directly with the Classic in terms of speed of performance etc.

I find it interesting how a secondary use of the Touch is as a digital photo frame.

Thanks Brian, I look forward to reading your findings.
If it runs ok with a big USB drive attached I might well try one.
I'm not sure the Sonos would eliminate the need for a server or NAS.

In my experience, a low cost NAS such as Netgear's ReadyNAS works OK, but performance with a server is way better, and it is not necessarily more expensive: In the UK, HP has a good solution for about £130-140 (Proliant D36L or D40L after a cash rebate of £100). This comes with a 250G hard drive, but can easily be upgraded up to over 10TB of storage if needed. To save on cost, I suggest running Vortexbox as operating system (this is a free solution made for squeezebox users...)
FWIW, I spoke to a tech person over at Logitech in the US when I was looking into one of these in December as I thought it would be perfect fit with the MDAC. The tech told me that while it would work, it would be very sluggish and probably not provide the user experience I was looking for - he had also received many bad reports on this via the support channel. So I went with a slimline HP desktop which will be beefy enough and will connect directly via USB once I get my replacement MDAC...
Ok, a question...

I tried plugging in a USB stick with some music on it, as well other stuff and all the touch recognised was the pictures...

Ok, a question...

I tried plugging in a USB stick with some music on it, as well other stuff and all the touch recognised was the pictures...

You haven't done your research before buying, have you? And you're the one who think the general public should buy equipment based on written specification, which by definition means people need to research what they're buying. :rolleyes: You couldn't make it up...

First thing you might try is getting everything off the memory stick other than the music. It might or might not work.

I posted a couple of links yesterday for general reading in reply to a question from Rob, here's another.

Anyway, I'm still thinking about buying one because I know I can use it in exactly the same way I use the SQ Classic, however it's fair to say I'm having second thoughts because I'd really like something that works properly from a directly connected USB (passport) drive.
You haven't done your research before buying, have you? And you're the one who think the general public should buy equipment based on written specification, which by definition means people need to research what they're buying. :rolleyes: You couldn't make it up...

First thing you might try is getting everything off the memory stick other than the music. It might or might not work.

I posted a couple of links yesterday for general reading in reply to a question from Rob, here's another.

Anyway, I'm still thinking about buying one because I know I can use it in exactly the same way I use the SQ Classic, however it's fair to say I'm having second thoughts because I'd really like something that works properly from a directly connected USB (passport) drive.

It was a Homer Simpson 'tramapoline' moment...


Wheeeeeeeeee cheap squeezebox!

And yes, I knew the onboard server was flaky at best, I just thought someone here might know more, I know, I know, how daft was that!

And finaly, just for Brian...

That's a high capacity USB stick you have there!

That's the USB HDD, the USB memory stick is 16Gb.

It's not really a huge problem as the touch works perfectly with the Duet controller, just wish it actually sounded better as everyone on the internet claims...
Basil, you need a Dac to fully appreciate the attributes of streaming, so that more can be revealed through your Harbeths. Whats the phrase, ruin a barrel for the want of a happorth of tar.
A Dac like the spare Dacmagic and maplins power supply that I have even!
That's the USB HDD, the USB memory stick is 16Gb.

It's not really a huge problem as the touch works perfectly with the Duet controller, just wish it actually sounded better as everyone on the internet claims...
You should have got one on loan then had a listen.

How do the specs indicate it should sound compared to the duet?

Ps i don't get the cartoon but then i've never watched the show

