
Speed limiters, driver monitors to become mandatory in EU

Marco, you said: '' then the good (responsible) drivers who still enjoy using their cars wouldn't be getting so heavily punished.''

How do you define the 'good responsible driver' who's going to get punished if this restrictor stuff comes to be? If they're good and responsible, they won't be breaking any speed limits and they won't be affected by it. Can't you see the irony in your posts?

The 'sports' exhaust you mention. Is that legal? No de-cat? same noise levels as standard? Unlikely. Highly unlikely that they get an extra 33bhp from the Impreza (as per their ad) without a decat. And what sport are we engaging in on the public road?

Personally I'd rather remap and not increase the noise, but that's me. Yes I fully understand the noise bit and the appealing sound but I wouldn't want to impose it on other people.

Anyway, your posts tend to point towards the issue that some people like to think they can make their own judgements, at the right time, and in the right place, such that they can excuse themselves from the legislation when it suits them. (those good responsible drivers being punished- remember?) . All well and good until their juddgemnet is found wanting and as previous contributors have expressed , some poor innocent becomes victim of that poor judgment. I'm afraid I've said it before on here but when a family suffer a loss through road accident, I've yet to see anyone just shrug their shoulders and accept it as a an accident. The default position is that they want the full weight of the law to come bearing down on any offender. Perhaps ask yourself the question: If a member of your family were killed on the road, what would your expectation be? Still accept that some special gifted people can waive the rules at what they consider to be the right time and place?

I'm afraid I count myself as a so-called 'petrol head'. Quite frankly I'd rather I found the same satisfaction in some other pursuit but sadly the motor car and motorbike are firmly embedded under my skin, but at the same time, I don't think I can advance any reasonable proposition against the proposal to speed limit cars. Any such argument is to argue against the limits. That would be more open and fair - argue that the speed limits are too low and to have them raised. 52/48 against in a referendum I reckon!
Points taken, Stephen. However, this is about rather more than protecting the environment: it's insidious mind control, which we should be fighting against, rather than rolling over and accepting like sheep.


P.S Good post, Ginger. I'll get to it later:)
On my twitter feed this morning:

So it does happen!
At our last house, on warm summer evenings bikers would use the straight fen roads as drag strips. When you hear a big bike being accelerated to the limiter in five or six gears, you know it’s doing 160mph+. So I Tweeted about it, hash tagging the local coppers. For the next few weeks, peace and quiet.
Of course, I’ll probably go to hell now for taking away people’s freedom to ride as fast as they can with open exhausts.
I think many people have missed the fact that it can be overruled I the same way as cruise control.
Yes, that’s what I’ve read. It’s a limited that you can push through I you want or need to. By doing that you’ll have no excuses such as “I hadn’t realised I was doing 85 in a 60” or “I didn’t see the speed limit signs”.

If it’s enforced sensibly, it’ll be good.
On my twitter feed this morning:

So it does happen!
At our last house, on warm summer evenings bikers would use the straight fen roads as drag strips. When you hear a big bike being accelerated to the limiter in five or six gears, you know it’s doing 160mph+. So I Tweeted about it, hash tagging the local coppers. For the next few weeks, peace and quiet.
Of course, I’ll probably go to hell now for taking away people’s freedom to ride as fast as they can with open exhausts.

As ever I think the rich will find a way to circumvent it, most of the car twattery in London seem to have foreign plates

We've had a couple of fatal accidents around here recently, with cars driven by young men. Not a new phenomenon - and all old men were once young - but it seems society is tackling it at last.

I'm against Big Brother style surveillance, but I'm also against innocents being smashed to bits on a daily basis (and that's no exaggeration).

If you want to drive fast, drive on a track (I've done this and it's fun)! You are being a selfish prat and frankly a menace by practising your hobby on public roads and putting others at risk! I can't put it any more plainly.
It strikes me that there are a number of holier-than-thou posters here on this topic; oh but were I so perfect.
I'm all for making the roads safer and speed limiters etc. would seem to be a move in the right direction. Obviously people can think of cases where it might not be ideal but on the whole it may be the best approach. Self proclaimed 'good drivers' are often not as good as they think and the sooner some blokes realise that a car doesn't cure baldness, get rid of a beer belly, make a penis bigger and therefore the owner irresistible to women, the better.
Yes, that’s what I’ve read. It’s a limited that you can push through I you want or need to. By doing that you’ll have no excuses such as “I hadn’t realised I was doing 85 in a 60” or “I didn’t see the speed limit signs”.

That's no doubt how it will work - alas also with a full and complete log of every occasion the car was driven in a way that failed to comply with the blanket speed limits. Which can and will be used against all drivers - good, bad and indifferent in various Courts of Law and Insurance claims everywhere.

In practice, no Govt body or manufacturer will run the risk of preventing / being accused of preventing a driver from using 'appropriate' acceleration or speed to avoid an incident - like a longer than expected overtaking maneouvre for example. What we will get is an always-on tracking and logging system, which will record compliance with the posted limit, and satisfy the followers of the 'speed-kills' mantra. As to whether it will it make us better, safer drivers and reduce accidents - I've been around the block too many times buy into that cobblers.
Just alter the terms and conditions of use of a vehicle on a road, after the critical date, with transfer of ownership. Stipulate whatever conditions are applicable. Non-compliance = no insurance.

